pooeeep! poooeep! Thas da sound of da police..

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Freo, Western Australia
After three weeks of waiting for parts for my carbs and head and front wheel bearings, I finally got Maxine back together and took it to work on my 90-miles I4 commute.

Since I replaced all my front bearings I just had to check if my high-speed wobble was still there, so I got to 135mph and all was fine.

I tried it a couple more times just to make sure, and next thing I had blue lights right up my arse :bang head::damn angry::bang head:

The guy stops me, and says 'I had you over 100mph on my speedo, and the slowest I got you was 92mph, were you aware you were going that fast?'

wooops! ... over 100 means automatic court appearance...

So I'm like, well you see, I just did some work on the bike and it needed testing!

Anyway, that cop was nice enough - said 'look I'll say I got you at 89mph this way all you get is a fine and I can get ya out of here. If you take the driving course it won't go on your driving record, have points on your license or increase your insurance. Slow down you're gonna hurt yourself.'

So $203 plus some BS course later, I'm back on I4, pretty pissed but hey - I couldn't have run in the middle of the afternoon and with the sun behind me I never saw him coming...

:damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:
that blows , i have felt your pain ! " that blows " i have been on that road , it's perfectly staight , why cant cops listen & comprehend what is being said , one time when i was in court there was a guy who just picked up his bike from the dealer & was ripping down the highway & got a very big speeding ticket , came to court with a lawyer who said " your honor , my client admit's he was speeding , but had just picked up his bike & was testing it out to make sure it was fixed & was slowing down when he saw that it was " , the judge said since your pleeding guilty & you have no prior infractions the fine is bla bla ( the full price ) but no points were assest ! I almost feel the fuck over ! But we all know that lawyer probly golfs with the judge ! If that guy did'nt bring a lawyer , he would have gotten it stuck up his ass like everyone else in new jersey !
damage! Sorry to hear that. I keep wondering when that is going to happen to me. I've hit 120 a few times around here and have just waited for one to be hiding in the brush...

What about the speed wobble?
BUMMER!! Prolly a good decision to stop G, there ain't no hiding spots on I4 are there?
You just got to keep going till you hit the first roadblock! :bang head::bang head::bang head:

yea danny i hear ya... up near canton/potsdam area i have gotten three tickets, in a car:

72/73 and 68 all in 55's. NY cops have nothing better to do.. you could always hop over to 90 and hope they won't chase you down...

i've heard cops are less likely to pull over bikes, anyone ever heard that as well?
yea danny i hear ya... up near canton/potsdam area i have gotten three tickets, in a car:

72/73 and 68 all in 55's. NY cops have nothing better to do.. you could always hop over to 90 and hope they won't chase you down...

i've heard cops are less likely to pull over bikes, anyone ever heard that as well?

Rt 11 between Canton & Potsdam is friggin' crawling with NY's finest. All those college kids tearing around provide them with lots of revenue. :biglaugh:

Not sure about pulling over bikes, last year on Americade weekend they had roadblocks set up specifically to detain, delay and generally screw with bikers. There were stories of long delays, bunches of tickets for penny anty shit like 'after market pipes!'
Don't know if they will be doing that again this year or not.
Rt 11 between Canton & Potsdam is friggin' crawling with NY's finest. All those college kids tearing around provide them with lots of revenue. :biglaugh:

Not sure about pulling over bikes, last year on Americade weekend they had roadblocks set up specifically to detain, delay and generally screw with bikers. There were stories of long delays, bunches of tickets for penny anty shit like 'after market pipes!'
Don't know if they will be doing that again this year or not.

haha you can blame me as one of those 'college kids' I graduated from St. Lawrence in '06. traveled from utica to canton too many times to count (11 was a second home) and furthermore i actually mispoke, my tickets were actually 62/68/73. how someone gets a 62 in a 55 is beyond me but it happened.

anyways i heard the same, my pops and i and some friends are trying to do americade this year and i'll keep my head up. i heard the same about last year and was 2 minutes from going but i had some work related shit that held me up....
yea danny i hear ya... up near canton/potsdam area i have gotten three tickets, in a car:

72/73 and 68 all in 55's. NY cops have nothing better to do.. you could always hop over to 90 and hope they won't chase you down...

i've heard cops are less likely to pull over bikes, anyone ever heard that as well?

I have never heard that before but i do know that if you get pulled over on your bike, best thing to do is take off your helmet so they can see who you are. Next thing is start kissing some ass :th_kissass:
I have never heard that before but i do know that if you get pulled over on your bike, best thing to do is take off your helmet so they can see who you are. Next thing is start kissing some ass :th_kissass:

The only time i've gotten pulled over on my bike i had a half helmet on and the guy got really pissy with me until i took my tinted goggles off. then he just let me go with awarning, but there wasnt' much he could do anyways, it as 47 in a 35
After three weeks of waiting for parts for my carbs and head and front wheel bearings, I finally got Maxine back together and took it to work on my 90-miles I4 commute.

Since I replaced all my front bearings I just had to check if my high-speed wobble was still there, so I got to 135mph and all was fine.

I tried it a couple more times just to make sure, and next thing I had blue lights right up my arse :bang head::damn angry::bang head:

The guy stops me, and says 'I had you over 100mph on my speedo, and the slowest I got you was 92mph, were you aware you were going that fast?'

wooops! ... over 100 means automatic court appearance...

So I'm like, well you see, I just did some work on the bike and it needed testing!

Anyway, that cop was nice enough - said 'look I'll say I got you at 89mph this way all you get is a fine and I can get ya out of here. If you take the driving course it won't go on your driving record, have points on your license or increase your insurance. Slow down you're gonna hurt yourself.'

So $203 plus some BS course later, I'm back on I4, pretty pissed but hey - I couldn't have run in the middle of the afternoon and with the sun behind me I never saw him coming...

:damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:

I should be so lucky.

The last time I got stopped 70 in a 55, he added a couple on to that looked me in the eye and said "you got a problem with that", wrote a ticket for no insurance (the new card was home so I bet that one, his parting comment "come back in :30 and I'll be able to get you for that inspection sticker.
His partner did apologize said "I don't know what's wrong with him tonight, you're not the first tonight".

I should be so lucky

i have gone by a cop going the other way well over 100mph a couple of times and all they did was flash their siren, cops here in ohio must be lazy.
MEAN COPS SUCK! I have too many to list but I do know that I quit screwing around on the main roads and leave it to the back roads and they are following us out there too. The pigs love to hang out at all the bike gatherings now and they set up license checks etc etc. The traffic guys aren't real cops (well maybe a select few) they are revenue collectors. F**k you revenue collector.:rofl_200:

oh, and no...i didn't take my helmet off either. preying revenue collectors with no common sense are scum.


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Late one night out in the country Sweetums, me and another couple passed a moving DPS at 110.

He didn't even turn his lights on BUT that was back in the late 70's the cop cars wouldn't even do a hundred and the national speed limit was 55.

I bet he's still beating on that steering wheel :biglaugh:.

Note: I ride much slower and smarter now!!

I'm still trying to get my ticket cleared from a few weeks ago. It was a 70 in 55. I thought if I pulled over he'd be cool; wrong.

Next time I'll be more inclined to take my chances.
bwaaahahaha! Funny one - thas askin' 4 it innit!?

Reminds me about that story of some ol' friends of mine getting pulled after they all had too much to drink (especially the driver). Cop asks for license, then hands it back to the driver with a pen because it wasn't signed (you had to sign your license yourself in the UK in those days), and the driver BLOWS in the PEN!! :rofl_200::biglaugh::rofl_200:

I thought if I pulled over he'd be cool; wrong.

i did that not too long ago, gave me a warning for a 47 in a 35, it was one of those cops that are standing by the road ( on a backroad) with their radar gun and then hops out hoping you'll pull over.

i actually initially pulled over b/c i thought some random guy just treid to jump out in front of me....

cops doign that are just asking to get hit (either by a fist or someones car/bike)
Some States/Departments have a policy against high speed pursuits involving Motorcycles. If you run though you better hope they didn't get your plates or a decent description first. Nothing pisses of a cop more than someone who runs. I speak from experience!

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