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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Elma NY
I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to buy with the 500 million I'm gonna win.:hmmm:
When I win :), I plan to get my own house with a large enough garage for 2 2nd Gen Vmax's
When I win (I don't play) I'm going to build a 6 car garage with living space above and give the wife the address to where I'll be. Oh and gen II's for everybody that wants one !
I guess 2 winners would be OK. I could work with 250 mil:eusa_dance: You have to buy enough Gen 2's for you buddies to. I'm leaning toward a Gen 1, 1500 tourmaster with a blower for the cool factor.
You have to buy enough Gen 2's for you buddies to.
Oh yeah.. Can you image all of us getting together on all new 2015's What a racket that would make LOL.. That would be SWEEEEEET..
Ill be handing Sean a blank check and a one off Spondon frame made of titanium and a parts list!

Probably have Roland Sands build me a Gen 2 as well, lol.
I tried to buy a ticket online, no such luck because I'm in Alaska.
But if I won I would start a charity for fallen riders or those of good standing facing economic hardship.
I say this because on a Goldwing forum members chipped in and made a donation for me, and I definitely put it to good use, and I swore that in due time I shall pay it forward. This was after a near death experience upon myself last year.
I also believe that wealth is earned, so something like a lottery doesn't feel earned, many lottery winners are broke within a year. Smart thing to do is take about 6 months cost of living, normal living, no caviar or silk toilet paper, take that off the top, put the rest after taxes in a fund, then live off the interest.
Buying property outside the country is a good idea too.
I would buy as much as I could afford in Australia.
Well, winners in Texas, north Carolina, and Puerto Rico. We have members in each area, anyone going to have their ultimate Vmax fantasy come true?

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