Release of the strategic oil reserves!

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
Last Wednesday the price of #2 fuel oil (home heating oil) jumped $.14/gal......on Friday it jumped another $.26/gal.....$.040/gal. hike in 3 days!!

Thanks a lot Obama yer fuckin' plan is working like a charm!! :damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:
The Chinese, and other countries, capitalized on this move and probably hoping he will release another whopping dose into the oil market. We are totally screwed if he gets reelected.........Belize here I come if that happens.

Last Wednesday the price of #2 fuel oil (home heating oil) jumped $.14/gal......on Friday it jumped another $.26/gal.....$.040/gal. hike in 3 days!!

Thanks a lot Obama yer fuckin' plan is working like a charm!! :damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:
The Chinese, and other countries, capitalized on this move and probably hoping he will release another whopping dose into the oil market. We are totally screwed if he gets reelected.........Belize here I come if that happens.

Yeah, how incredibly stupid & naive of me to think that oil from the United States of America's strategic oil reserves would actually go to fuckin' dumb can one person be??!!! :bang head:
It will never get better, and if it does it will only be temporary. It's very simply a problem of diminishing resources vs. Exponentially increasing demand. It can only eventually come to one possible conclusion.... And it ain't pretty...ride hard while you can boys
I have a solution FUCKING DRILL MAN like it's your prom night..
Jobs, Oil, Taxes on the new Rigs.. Oh did I mention Jobs..

Not noting National Security being sold out with Huge Loans from the Chinese and oil from the Middle east.

Fuck me, are we this stupid?????? Its down right scary the condition our country is in and what we are leaving for our kids.
I have a solution FUCKING DRILL MAN like it's your prom night..
Jobs, Oil, Taxes on the new Rigs.. Oh did I mention Jobs..

Not noting National Security being sold out with Huge Loans from the Chinese and oil from the Middle east.

Fuck me, are we this stupid?????? Its down right scary the condition our country is in and what we are leaving for our kids.

That's it man!! There's the answer right there....get that fuckin' shale oil out from under the Rocky Mtns., I know it's difficult....isn't that what we tough Americans are constantly bragging about? How fuckin' tough we are? Well, get that shit figured out, demand a free ride tax wise, develop the technology, manufacture the shit needed to do it and get to work!!!

BTW, GW tried to get this going 'back in the day' but it fell flat when the oil producers got wind of it and dropped the price per barrel......

Aw, fuck it!! Nothing's gonna get done....we're just plain screwed!! I get all worked up for what, :confused2:...... weak sister's at the wheel and we're headed into the tunnel! :wave bye:
I bet in a couple decades gasoline will be a rarity for "special occasions", kind of how leaded gas is for old collector cars that haven't been updated. You can still get it, but it's pricey and just not widely used.

Hybrids are a joke and battery technology has a LONG way to go before the electric car will ever be practical. Hydrogen will be the future of power, it's inevitable. The technology is there, practical cars have already been built that use it(Honda did it a few years ago). Even Honda's first publicly released car had a range of over 200 miles and could refuel in the same amount of time as a gas car. Had power similar to a Civic. That's the car of the future. Not a Prius, not a dinky all-electric that gives 30 minutes of driving and 3 days of charging, a hydrogen electricity cell that emits pure water as "exhaust".

But it's far too promising that the oil companies feel threatened by it and such it's limited to localized test markets with no plans for a hydrogen infrastructure or mass production. Sure....people with beloved gas burners will still have demand, but probably 95% of drivers would ditch their old ride in an instant, the oil market would collapse. Demand would exponentially fall instead of rise.
From what's been written , we ( USA ) are sitting on some of the largest oil fields in the world . Alaska alone is larger than the Saudi Arabian field . Is it possible the ' powers that be ' in this country are determined to let the rest of the world run dry THEN we will drill and be the source ? Sounds like a good movie plot for Hollywood...with Arnold playing the part of the President...:worthy:
All the oil we are pulling out of our own soil is being sold to CHINA.....for prices cheaper than what we are paying Saudi Arabia for the oil we use. Make any effin sense to anyone? Not to me, either!