Steven May
Well-Known Member
So, I went for a short ride into a neighboring town to get tobacco, and totally enjoyed the ride. The bike is running strong, sounds good, and turns heads everywhere I go...I don't bother getting fuel this trip, I didn't think I needed any. I was almost home when it started trying to die, so I flipped the reserve switch and it just continued to die. The fuel light didn't come on either. So I'm thinking maybe it's the fuel filter, or somethings going on with the I call for a trailer and a can of gas, even though I only have 75 miles on it since I filled it up...I forget that I go start it regularly just to keep fresh gas in the carbs. Gas shows up and she starts right up. So, I guess the switch isn't doing anything and I'm wondering where to start as far as fixing this...the fuel mileage on this bike is bad but I bought it because its a freaking vmax! Some heads up that the gas is about gone would be nice, though. 
Gonna look through my manual, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Gonna look through my manual, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.