Reverend Fred Phelps..

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
Fred Phelps, the leader of the congregation of douchbags otherwise known as the "Westboro Baptist Church" has died.

Too soon, as far as I am concerned. I hope his death was excrucitaingly painful, and slow. Cancer is too good for this piece of ****.

WBC, as you may remember, are the ******** that picket soldiers funerals with crowds of protesters sporting signs with such gems as "Thank God For Dead Soldiers", "Thank God For 9/11", and the ever-popular "God Hates America", and "God Hates ****".

Patriot Guard Riders were founded as a direct answer to these needledicks picketing soldiers funerals. Block the sight of the scum from the family members.

"God Hates Phelps". He's probably being boned by a horny male pig, somewhere in Hell, even as I write this, at least I hope so...
As a PGR it always concerned me that there would be a confrontation at one of the graveside services but that never occurred as far as I know.

I can't get going on those ******' WBC douches, I just hope without Phelps....himself a perverted sicko....the rest of that useless bunch of ***** just goes away before some good men get in trouble for exterminating the bastards!

RIH Phelps!! :double angry bird::double angry bird::double angry bird:
As a member of the Patriot Guard, I received this email from Robbie Smart, President of the Patriot Guard. He's apparently a much more forgiving guy than I am.

Patriot Guard, Let’s first remember our Nation’s true Heroes. Those brave men and women of our military and first responders who gave their life so that we may enjoy the freedom to express our differences.
While it is hard to find anything good to say about his views or actions, we do give our condolences to his family during what must be a painful time for them. We take no joy in the sickness and death of any man. We do not celebrate the death of Fred Phelps. Patriot Guard Riders hope that Mr. Phelps somehow found the peace that seemed to elude him in life.
It is true that the PGR grew out of a response to protests at funerals. That's a fair statement.
However, that was 2005 and the PGR quickly learned that there was something powerful in a gathering of Americans who would simply stand and hold flags and let a family know that they were not alone. That powerful thing became our mission.
We are neither a protest nor a counter protest group. We honor fallen Heroes and those who have honorably served this free America. The presence or absence of a protest does not alter that mission.
If it not for this man and his family we might not have heeded the call to regularly honor the sacrifices of our nation’s true heroes and their families. Nor would we have come to know the brother/sisterhood that has become the Patriot Guard Riders.

Robbie Smart
Patriot Guard Riders
Unlike the PGR's I am glad the man is gone. I am glad the Patriot Guard was formed and exist. The 'reverend' caused a lot of pain to families who already had too much pain. If the WBC goes away, we will know it only existed because of the fear his members had and loyal stupidity. How there was not a confrontation I do not know, everytime I saw their protest I felt like putting a stop to them myself. I know family and friends really did. Ironically they were not even doing what God would want, Phelps must have been sick and the other congregation members (mostly family) were takin in by this fool. There should be protest at his funeral, screw the rest of the family too.
Also, who the hell is working for a living in this bunch. The way they travel around...are they on the taxpayers dime? Don't get me started; oh never mind I already am!
Robbie Smart said it well. I dont like to see or hear about the death of any man, woman, or child. Except Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, any other terrorist, anybody on death row.......ah what the hell, the world is a better place without this ******* too!! Hahaha

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Also, who the hell is working for a living in this bunch. The way they travel around...are they on the taxpayers dime? Don't get me started; oh never mind I already am!

They make their money by suing those that start confrontations with them.

Not long ago a group of those *********s was picketing outside of the church that my family and I attend. Our priest was very explicit in his warning to all of us in the parish. Apparently the warning came down from the senior church bishops and cardinals, as they had dealt with them before.

The WBC slimeballs will bring suit against anybody who gets in their face, or confronts them. Apparently they have become very adept at baiting a reaction from people, getting it on video, then bringing charges and a lawsuit. That is how they sustain their unholy church.
They make their money by suing those that start confrontations with them.

Not long ago a group of those *********s was picketing outside of the church that my family and I attend. Our priest was very explicit in his warning to all of us in the parish. Apparently the warning came down from the senior church bishops and cardinals, as they had dealt with them before.

The WBC slimeballs will bring suit against anybody who gets in their face, or confronts them. Apparently they have become very adept at baiting a reaction from people, getting it on video, then bringing charges and a lawsuit. That is how they sustain their unholy church.

The United States Constitution is a wonderful thing that protects all of us from a lot of **** the government would probably get away with if it wasnt for it. However....The Freedom of Speech and the Bill Of Rights was not intended to protect scumbag f**kers like them from doing the stupid ass **** that they do! They discrace America and its no wonder other countries view us as getting weak and fragile. We allow idiots to make money off of us honoring dead soldiers. Damn it, this has pissed me off this morning.

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I like the PGR presidents stance. Way to take the high road, with any luck this will be the end of that "church."

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