I have sold my bike and the new owner did not want the complete look that the saddle bags give the bike. His loss. But, I had to deduct a chunk from the price of the bike to sell it without the bags. So, I am selling them here. I am asking $1000, but am open to offers. I know many will say they are not worth $1k, but they are not made any longer, people are not selling them, and this is the price they typically go for so it is the market rate. If you don't like the price or whatever, just move on. If you want them, they come as they are shown on the bike and include the 4 bolts and the 4 spacers that mount the bags to the bike. The one side has a small tear in the outer leather. It does not affect the bag, and I will do a small repair of it before sending them off to you if you wish. My plan is to place a small strip of tape on the inside and then complete it with some seam sealer on the outside. It will be visible, but it should be fine. Other than that, they are in great shape. Never been down. Reduced price to $750.
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