seized wheel cylinders

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, TX
So I've got some brake issues on my '93 Suzuki quad, namely that they don't work. At all. It's got a somewhat unique system of three drums. Since the rear axle is locked full time, there's only one drum on the rear right wheel, which just has a linkage to the foot pedal. That one just needs new shoes, got those on the way.

The front is hydraulic drums. The handle had pressure and fluid was in the sight glass(nasty old brownish color), so off came the wheels and drums. One side had absolutely zero friction material left on the shoes, they were bare metal. The other side had decent shoes, but wasn't working either. Turns out both wheel cylinders are shot. One piston moves, two are seized out, and one is seized in. Tried a few whacks with a hammer to no avail. Tightening a C-clamp didn't break the seized ones loose either, even after PB soaking.

I'm thinking I'll have to replace them, since they're bad enough I bet a rebuild kit would be a waste of time. Problem is, the local Zooki dealer wants $72/each for new wheel cylinders! WTF! I put new wheel cylinders in my old truck for like $15 each. Any miracle suggestions? I'd like to convert it to disc brakes, but I can't find any documentation on doing this and the back plate of the drum is integrated into the hub/drive assembly.

Also, are master cylinders pretty standard? Some ass-hat who owned the quad before me took a die grinder to one of the reservoir cover screws, so there's no way in hell I'll ever get it off and save the cylinder. Ebay's got a plethora of these, most are around $30 or so and they all really look about the same, whether it's for street bike, dirt bike, or quad. Guess the only question is if the banjo bolts/hoop connectors vary brand to brand?