Well-Known Member
I had a little incident yesterday, I was riding through an intersection when some middle aged rich bitch started turning left just as I was coming thru right in front of me. Thank god I was going slow but still had to lock up the brakes and I guess she saw me at the last second because she stopped right be fore I would have hit her head on. Well the way I slid I wound up right beside her open window and she of course was on the phone( guess that's why she didn't see me) so there we sat for a second literally 2 feet apart and she had a look on her face like a dog that just shit on the rug. I was sooo pissed I just snatched her phone from her hand and smashed it in a hundred pieces then I screamed in her face WHAT KINDA FUCKING ASSHOLE ARE YOU!! She just put her window up and drove away. Well at least she won't kill anyone at least till she gets a new phone. It's a whole new world now with all the technology toys people use while driving. It's not hard people just buy a frikkin Bluetooth. Ed