Found these in my Daily Searchs......:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:[email protected] &cm_mmca2=CustNum=100885279[email protected] &cm_mmca2=CustNum=100885279
Is the 285/ 85 junction still known as "malfunction junction"? I lived in Marietta and drove to Norcross (Indian Trail exit) everyday and it was backed up from when I got onto 285 @ Powers Ferry, yeah a 50 min to hour drive to work every morning and 15-20 min home! I moved to Tucker as soon as my lease was up in Marietta, man that drive sucked even way back in '86!Can't beat the Glock . Got a Model 22 in 40 cal. + 2 mags , all you need , and they are local for me , Marietta , GA. , about a 40 minute drive.
Also carry a Model 26 w/ extended handle in 9mm for casula clothes carry .unk:
I have went to Magruders a few times, mostly ended up going to American Pie in Sandy Springs or Aunt Charlies in Buckhead. I also used to go to The Derby up in Alpharetta just before I moved to Washington State.Yep , also called " spaghetti junction " , among a few choice other terms. Traffic was the main reason I moved East in '86 . Lived in the Smyrna , Marietta , area from about '78 -'86. Nightmare most of the time. Ever go to Magruders ? Breezies ?