Something to ponder..............

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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
The Cato Institute released an updated 2014 study (original study in 1955) showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia.
Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour in 13 states.
According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It’s now more profitable to sit at home and watch TV than it is to earn an honest day’s pay.
Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing.
Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:
1. Hawaii : $60,590
2. District of Columbia :$50,820
3. Massachusetts : $50,540
4. Connecticut : $44,370
5. New York : $43,700
6. New Jersey : $43,450
7. Rhode Island : $43,330
8. Vermont : $42,350
9. New Hampshire : $39,750
10. Maryland : $38,160
11. California : $37,160
12. Oregon : $34,300
13. Wyoming : $32,620
14. Nevada : $29,820
15. Minnesota : $29,350
16. Delaware : $29,220
17. Washington : $28,840
18. North Dakota : $28,830
19. Pennsylvania : $28,670
20. New Mexico : $27,900
21. Montana : $26,930
22. South Dakota : $26,610
23. Kansas: $26,490
24. Michigan : $26,430
25. Alaska : $26,400
26. Ohio : $26,200
27. North Carolina : $25,760
28. West Virginia : $24,900
29. Alabama : $23,310
30. Indiana : $22,900
31. Missouri : $22,800
32. Oklahoma : $22,480
33. Louisiana : $22,250
34. South Carolina : $21,91

As a point of reference the average Middle Class annual income today is $50,000, down from $54,000 at the beginning of the Great Recession.
Hawaii, DC, and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average working folks earn there.
Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job.
Time for a drastic change... America is virtually bankrupt.

Note that California is $18.50 an hour.
Are we Nuts or what? How do we un-do this type of stupidity … This is crazy!

Salary of retired United States Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate...$174,000 FOR LIFE
This is beyond stupid !!!!!!!

Salary of Speaker of the House ...$223,500 FOR LIFE!
This is really stupid.

Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE!
Ditto last line.

Average Salary of a teacher ... $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN... $38,000.
Think about this!!!!!

Nancy Pelosi will retire as a Congress Person at $174,000 Dollars a year for LIFE.
She has retired as SPEAKER at $223,500 a year. PLUS she will receive an additional $193,400 a year as Minority Leader, the fact that she has become rich while in office notwithstanding.
That's $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical which is not available to us .... the taxpayers.
She is just one of the hundreds of Senators and Congress that float in and out every year!

I think we found where the cuts should be made!
Wake UP America !
Unless you really don't care that your country is bankrupt at the likes of these people!!!
I vote to abolish every last form of government entitlement. If people fall on hard times good people and charities should be their resource, not the government. The system is broken and will likely never be fixed. There are too many people supported by the system, too many people essentially paid to vote in the liberal agenda.

We are all screwed...

Have a great day everyone!
At one time you had charities, and churches providing assistance. just become a ward of the state. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Pauls vote.
Yep been saying that for a long time these lawyer fucks have made a super rich life style off the backs of the hard working people of the united states . And these free loaders think they have it entitled to them attitude that makes me sick .... I really would like to see what trump can do if this ship sinks so be it . It needs to be rebuilt anyway !
I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was that bad. Welfare should be a privatized charity. This is one more thing the gov managed to fuck up, I would sure vote to abolish all forms of public assistance outer than medicare, which could use some reform.

A good takeaway from this is that if we allow gov to control it, it will be fucked up beyond comprehension.
Good quotes:

"The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else."

"What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving."
Another thing that Pisses me the fuck off.. I have to bust my ass every day to get up and earn a living.. Have not received a raise, bonus or cost of living adjustment in over 8 years, yet the Fuckerment is taking higher and higher taxes every year, non stop.. Now the hell do I owe more money to the state, than last year, and made the same for 8 years previous? This is not right!!!
Other than Social Security, SSD, Medicare and some Medicaid, I agree 100%.

All were Earned and now considered Entitlements.:bang head:


I vote to abolish every last form of government entitlement. If people fall on hard times good people and charities should be their resource, not the government. The system is broken and will likely never be fixed. There are too many people supported by the system, too many people essentially paid to vote in the liberal agenda.

We are all screwed...

Have a great day everyone!
Some of these are for the elderly, many of whom have worked their whole lives and paid into it for years and are still being taxed out of their homes. They cant work. We want to cutoff the leeches that wont work, or do work but crap out kids they cant afford anyway but are more than happy to force more responsible tax payers to foot the bill for their blindingly stupid life decisions. Subsidized housing, food and/or a big ol' check just for being fertile idiots, that has to stop. Those that never paid in, or didnt have a spouse paying in should never be able to take out, even in old age.

There is this distinction, Dave, that we all understand regarding the common sense entitlements that are justifiable and those that are absurd. I hope I put it where you can get it because thats about as plainly as I can state it.
It's that time of year for us. Bids are submitted contracts are coming in so I need to start hiring. We pave and maintain county,township and village streets and roads. We only work 5 months a year due to weather and temperature requirements. Because of this we work 10-14 hour days every day weather permits. We pay time and a half over 8 (so you don't loose your overtime if we have a rain day).
Last years pay scale

48.15 roller operator
41.70 loader operator
38.20 tandem dump truck driver
27.43 traffic control (flagger)
42.20 paver operator

So far I've hired 1 person out of 13 applicants. Four of those just weren't qualified (due to drug/alcohol use) The other 8 declined the employment because of the long hours or the seasonal aspect.

Aside from the pavers all of these positions are fill able by anybody with opposable thumbs and a way to work. All of the applicants were unemployed.

We retained 4 people from last year, hired 1 and need 9 total leaving me 4 short. Everyone who didn't stay from last year either went on too college or retired. People just don't want to work. Work 5 months earn 50k+ take 7 months off or get a winter job. Or just stay on whatever program your on and stay home.
It's that time of year for us. Bids are submitted contracts are coming in so I need to start hiring. We pave and maintain county,township and village streets and roads. We only work 5 months a year due to weather and temperature requirements. Because of this we work 10-14 hour days every day weather permits. We pay time and a half over 8 (so you don't loose your overtime if we have a rain day).
Last years pay scale

48.15 roller operator
41.70 loader operator
38.20 tandem dump truck driver
27.43 traffic control (flagger)
42.20 paver operator

So far I've hired 1 person out of 13 applicants. Four of those just weren't qualified (due to drug/alcohol use) The other 8 declined the employment because of the long hours or the seasonal aspect.

Hey tinman. This is what I do. I'm a teamster for a union construction company. I do lowboy, dump tr, flatbed trailers, and set the work zones. Are those pay rates the package, or cash in the paycheck. We have standard rates for each trade. Operators, laborers, truck drivers, etc. I usually work from april 1st to dec 1st.

Aside from the pavers all of these positions are fill able by anybody with opposable thumbs and a way to work. All of the applicants were unemployed.

We retained 4 people from last year, hired 1 and need 9 total leaving me 4 short. Everyone who didn't stay from last year either went on too college or retired. People just don't want to work. Work 5 months earn 50k+ take 7 months off or get a winter job. Or just stay on whatever program your on and stay home.

Hey tinman. This is what I do. I'm a teamster for a union construction company. We do roads and bridges. I do lowboy, dump tr, flatbed trailers,tack truck, stone slinger, and set the work zones. Are those pay rates the package, or cash in the paycheck. We have standard rates for each trade. Operators, laborers, truck drivers, etc. I usually work from april 1st to dec 1st. Your right on the money, about people not wanting to work.
we're not a union shop but because we do government work we have to follow the union pay scale. Typically the employees paycheck as a union shop would be a bit lower but we include all of the fringe pay (healthcare,retirement,vacation,training allowance ect) In the workers weekly pay because we don't have those to pay into. We are a small co. Around ten employees but we do quite a bit of work. Last year we did 83 miles in 4 months. We're already contracted for 71 miles this year and were still waiting to hear from 6 more townships and 1 county. Today we got the go on a city sports park that is 13,000 square yards of pavement as well as 2 miles of county road. I expect/hope to do 100 miles as well as the smaller jobs like the wall mart sized parking lot that we got a call on Wednesday.

Today I had a dumptruck applicant come in and declined the job because the truck I was going to put him in was an automatic. :bang head: we only use automatics in our dump trucks as they are faster in reverse.
we're not a union shop but because we do government work we have to follow the union pay scale. Typically the employees paycheck as a union shop would be a bit lower but we include all of the fringe pay (healthcare,retirement,vacation,training allowance ect) In the workers weekly pay because we don't have those to pay into. We are a small co. Around ten employees but we do quite a bit of work. Last year we did 83 miles in 4 months. We're already contracted for 71 miles this year and were still waiting to hear from 6 more townships and 1 county. Today we got the go on a city sports park that is 13,000 square yards of pavement as well as 2 miles of county road. I expect/hope to do 100 miles as well as the smaller jobs like the wall mart sized parking lot that we got a call on Wednesday.

Today I had a dumptruck applicant come in and declined the job because the truck I was going to put him in was an automatic. :bang head: we only use automatics in our dump trucks as they are faster in reverse.

Sounds like a guy fulfilling his 'job seeking requirements' so his 'benefits' won't be taken away!

Back in the day I would have killed for an automatic! They gave us ancient old 5 main w/4 spd auxilliary ten wheelers and I tell ya....after a few thousand shifts with those old boxes yer back muscles are screaming right up to your earlobes!

Sounds like a nice operation you have tinman, who would have ever guessed that finding people who want to work would be harder than getting the contracts for that work! Unbelievable! :blink000:
Every year it gets harder to hire and margins get tighter. But every year our miles increase and profits are getting better. It couldn't happen without my wife who keeps things going in the right direction and hides all the money.
I did a couple summers paving before going on to nursing school. It is very hard work, good work. I saw people come and go pretty quickly when they figured that out. I was a loader operator but was often on road crew due to the lack of workers showing up each day.

It was already 03, 04 and we were working with a 1945 pug mill batch plant, my loader was a 1964 hough H65 with no glass, upholstery or working instrumentation, almost no brakes either. My ebrake was dropping the bucket to the ground. Our newest truck was a 74 Binder. I recall none of the latent boxes (sp) had working augers so we had to shovel the hot mix across the chute and onto the surface to be paved. No shit guys, I made only $13/hr with this private company but I needed something to do until school started. I would have jumped at a job on Tinmans crew, decent pay and I assume working post war equipment. It would have been a nice upgrade.

The coming generation wont enjoy 15/hr, they will enjoy no jobs at all but those able and willing to really work are always going to be in demand.
True oh so true and sad. Boys no longer turn into men and grow up. I've still got two girls at home 16 and 4. Last night the older one went too the movies with a boy :damn angry: she came home on time:clapping: but only after changing HIS flat tire as he did not know how to change it and was going to call his father. I feel sorry for all of the young women of today. No wonder sexual orientation is such an issue!

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