stage 1 jet help

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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des moines
I've jeted my max left the stock apj in it 170 put the dj 165 when it hits. 6000_ 7000 it stumbles then gos on needle is 3rd from top would that be a needle issue. It was running leans. Why I.jetted it has supertrapps 6 disc open end cap
ya you can try shimming the needle a bit with a washer from radio shack or think a few guys on the forum here have some.
might also try jetting down a little also.
reality is the stock set up will do you fine vs the stg 1, even better get a stg 7 or sean morleys kit.
My advice would be to remove the Stage 1 kit, throw it in the garbage, put 150 Mikuni main jets back in, and enjoy riding it! No need for a jet kit with slip-ons and the Stage 1 kit is a pain in the arse and not worth the effort IMHO. Have tried one myself and ripped it out within a week. No need to worry if you drilled the slides as that will only have a minimal effect on diaphram response.

Just my $.02 worth.
Sorry mattmullins but what Jim said is true.... Almost Stock set up is better than DJ Stage 1.
What he said:biglaugh: Long ago I tried a set of Cobra slash cuts with their version of a Dynajet stage 1 (same thing) Always ran like crap. The loss of rideability was not worth the added asthetic appeal of the pipes. I too tossed the stage 1 in the can. I went back to stock jetting with a shimmed needle and it ran ALOT better. I eventually yanked the pipes and I am back, finally, to a good running bike with drilled stockers.
Everything I have read here always eludes readers to the fact that the stage 1's don't belong in our bikes.

Save the stage one parts for when you get my kit and i'll take out my needles and let you use your own to save a few bucks. Other then that don't bother with the kit.

That shouldn't be a problem....since the stage 1's are adjustable you can easily tune them in. Start at the 4th clip(from pointy end). If it hesitates or stumbles, you're probably too lean, lift them a clip. Bogs down? Too rich, drop them.

Checking the plugs will also tell you how you're running. A light tan/gray "toasted marshmallow" color is the sweet spot.

I also agree that the stage 1 kit is junk. My bike came with it installed and I've been chasing a mid-range hesitation since I got it. Going to get stock PAJ2s and mains, and just put it back to stock. I even called Dynojet, and surprisingly, got one of their lead "carb engineers" on the phone within a minute or two. We chatted a bit, and in so many words admitted they'd had "some issues" with the Vmax stage 1 kit. He was helpful enough and almost kind of embarrassed about the kit....I could tell he agreed it was junk but couldn't actually say it.