you're welcome? *awkward chuckle*.
you talkin bout the one that goes by the airport? if so, blame Tex85. it was his gps that guided us through that neck of the woods. lol
otherwise, i cant think of any other road than the beachline, but we split up at that intersection
I did say there would be a toll so have your epasses out before we left lol... Do you have an epass spyder? If so, contact them with your account number and they will throw out the ticket and just assess the $1-2 toll.
I hope it works out, didn't mean to get anyone in trouble!
I guess in theory two bikes could go through next to each other and appear to be a car to the sensors. Although I think they snap photos of every vehicle that goes through, transponder or otherwise. It all comes down to if the computer reviews the photo electronically to pull out a tag number to check for all other sorts of nefarious activity.
If you do have an epass in your car you can probably get out of it easily. I should have been more clear on the route we were taking. If I run into you at some point in the future, first round is on me!