The Beibs....

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Bet you're hoping Amanda Bynes is getting gang taped repeatedly by all the black orderlies while in the psych ward too huh?

That's kind of ****** up dude.....

Kid needs some guidance and mentoring is all......Not an ass raping...

He's got too much money at a young age, and no good influences around him, He WILL be an unredeemable dirtbag if left unchecked.....

But MY GOD I'm glad no one decided my own maturation process was over at 19 and it was time to cull the harvest......and I bet most of you don't either.

Hmmm... that's like putting words in my mouth. Who's Amanda Bynes?
If she's got mental health problems seemingly she needs help.
Hmmm... that's like putting words in my mouth. Who's Amanda Bynes?
If she's got mental health problems seemingly she needs help.

I'm sorry, that wasn't very clear. I was drawing a comparison, poorly.

I meant it's kinda ****** up wishing someone needs ass raping because they're a rich spoiled kid with no guidance or influence to help them.
For the record I was being sarcastic as I often am in some of my smartass posts.
I thought it was obvious- obviously not. Maybe that's my fault by sounding serious and I accept that.
When my morality comes under fire to the point whereby it's deemed I would be an advocate for wanting a female mental health patient to be repeatedly raped by black orderlies it seems I failed miserably with my sarcastic intent. That's pretty low.
Nor to I wish JB to be "ass raped" not then, not now. It's sarcasm plain and simple, anyone not familiar with the term should Google it and understand it.

As for JB I don't know him, never have , never will. My own observation is I think he behaves like a little turd and if I was his Dad I probably would want to give him a clip around the ear before anything else.

Now please excuse me... I'm off to play tennis with Kim Jong-un who just executed a bunch of relatives including children what a guy! (not)
For the record I was being sarcastic as I often am in some of my smartass posts.
Now please excuse me... I'm off to play tennis with Kim Jong-un who just executed a bunch of relatives including children what a guy! (not)

For what it's worth Jedi, I read your earlier post and thought it sarcastic too.

I have the same trouble communicating from the keyboard here too. Unless you know me, my sarcastic posts can also be mistaken. Oh well. Sometimes I'll try ending my paragraphs with "[/sarcasm] in an attempt to replace that all-elusive sarcasm font that no one has yet to invent.
Jedi, I apologize for my response, it was an overreaction on my part I should have thought before posting.

My bad and my apology.
You are hoping someone is a victim of sexual assault and battery? That seems very wrong to me.

I agree with you David. The thought of Beibs be subjected to forcible prison style sodomy over and over while being turned out to service the men in lockup has literally caused me to weep at the injustice.
Of course there is the possibility he would really be into it. In that case I guess it could be a bonus for him.:th_529::spanka::th_love031::10_6_8::th_analprobe::wkwk:

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