I like the looks of it, at least it's not a "formula" bike as far as factory production models go.
The flow of it fits the classic cafe bike styling fairly well.......and it times it can look awkward, especially with the flat seat....
Look for a lot more cafe styling from everyone in the future I think, it's going to be the next big thing, I know it's already "been done" by independent builders for a while but I think the majors are going to jump on this band wagon as well.....
Everyone is pretty sick and bored with the formula cruiser and chopper bikes, a $30-50,000 dollar custom chopper doesn't even turn my head anymore since I think they are such a useless bike, at least with a cafe bike they are "built to ride"..not look at.....
OCC hasn't helped the case any either......
Oh, I just got it,.....The picture,.....It's a cafe bike inside of a Cafe..... lol....