The next Democratic ticket?

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Oct 20, 2009
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Elma NY
Cuomo and Bernie.There starting the give away's early. Free college at SUNY (New York state college) for students with families that make under $125 thousand, in New York. I wonder who's gonna pay for it. I believe they're calling us "the general fund" now. How about a plan that lowers the cost of college for all, not free for a few. Simple as a tax break if you have a kid in college. If it cost 8 grand for college, the state gives you an 8 grand tax break.. Done... Free college, without making everybody else pay. Then you get to go to any college you want. It helps everybody. And Cuomos a hero. Coumo said that student loan debt is like starting a race with an anchor tied to your leg. Yep, and so are crushing taxes:damn angry: I get to pay for my kids college, and every other kids college in NY, for the rest of my life. By the way. I have a kid in college, and paid more than 3 years worth of SUNY college, in taxes this year. On the philosophical level. What do you take better care of or take more serious. Something for free, or something you work for. The kids will have nothing to lose, but a good time. No skin in the game.
Its the same sort of freebee mentality we narrowly missed in Nov, and cannot afford. Im not sure how it got so popular to reward underachievement by forcing higher earners to soften the blow. These are your choices.

1. Get and pay for an education/master a marketable craft or trade. Work and pay taxes.
2. Hang out in moms basement doing bongrips and playing vid games until age 40, then become enraged that you cant survive working part time at McDonalds. Do more bongrips at some college parties. Back to moms basement.

Life aint fair, but we can make it totally fair by being really unfair to those that work the hardest. See, it makes perfect sense.:clapping:
Many Democrats just want everyone to be equally as miserable as the next person. Just like health care our government focuses on how to buy into the game, but they never look into why the ******* game is so expensive in the first place. Maybe college tuitions are so high because of the simple things like college football coaches are ******* millionaires? Out of state folks have to pay 41k a year to go to Alabama so that Alabama can pay Nick Saban's 7million a year salary. Out of state costs for a Michigan student are 59k a year... maybe to help pay that 9million a year salary for Harbaugh? Isn't in interesting that Jim Harbaugh is making more money coaching for Michigan than Bill Bellicheck is making coaching the Patriots? I'm not a very smart man, but it seems to me it would be pretty easy to figure out how to bring college costs down.

When I was contracting I saw first hand the huge divide in Obamacare. My girlfriend, who was only making $11/hour was able to get medical insurance for like $15 a month. But that very same plan she had would have costed $700 a month for me. So what did I do? I went without health insurance and paid fine for not having it. But the plans for Obamacare were really counting on people like me to pay that $700 a month. Since they aint getting it, it's failing. Unfortunately the Republicans plans aren't much better. Their plan is gonna put the burden on the states. So that might work well for states doing well. But for states like Mississippi and Louisiana... it's gonna suck hard. If/when Obamacare is repealed by the Republicans, I'm sure the changes wont kick in until AFTER those mid-term elections.

As far as a future Democratic ticket -- with the election results the Democrats are in a tailspin. There's a big divide and they're all finger pointing as to who is to blame for the Trump win. No telling what the next Democratic ticket will be right now. Glad to see Reid stepping down. Was really disappointed that Pelosi beat Tim Ryan for House Democratic Leader.

I suspect you'll see these names being tossed around after the mid-terms: Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand. Might even see Tammy Duckworth or Tulsi Gabbard as well. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Biden again either. Those are all the choices I can think of by my rational side of brain.

My irrational side of the brain fears there will never be another presidential election in America again. I just don't see Trump giving up the power of the oval office, so I'll be keeping my eye on any attempts at the 22nd Amendment. My irrational side of the brain also fears a "burn the Reichstag" type of move. I don't think that's completely irrational since that's how the Bush Administration got the Patriot Act through.
I did my masters' thesis on financial issues of large-capacity sports venues. We're all familiar with the billionaire who says, "I want a new stadium or I'm leaving and going to _____!" It happens every year, from pro football, to basketball, to baseball, to hockey, to soccer. The notorious "multiplier effect," where outlandish claims are made about the $$$$ going through the local economy because of the sports teams' spending, and the fans' spending, are usually exaggerated beyond reasonable belief. Sports teams offer employment to a handful of people at decent wages, and I'm NOT referring to the athletes. Most of the other jobs servicing the events are part-time, lowly-paying jobs, no benefits, and no job security.

At college level, the successful programs in the major sports of football, basketball, and baseball are where the coaches get big salaries. The only sport that consistently pays its own way is football, with basketball a far-second. Baseball is behind that. Football's income generated is used to support the Title IX agenda, because there has to be 'equity in gender of sports.' What this means is, females with little experience in Division 1 sports get offered scholarships because they have to offer females financial support like they do to their football, basketball, and baseball players on scholarships. Who cares if the women's rowing team lost their 27th meet? That it generates zero income, because who's gonna pay to watch it? Go stand on the river bank for free.

The big programs in college sports pull in big financial support from alumni and boosters. That's the #1 justification for paying seven figures to a college coach.
The problem I have with approach Sanders and others want about helping folks with tuition is that the colleges are still making the money. From a Sanders/Cuomo approach there's zero incentive for colleges to bring down tuition or reduce spending.
On the philosophical level. What do you take better care of or take more serious. Something for free, or something you work for. The kids will have nothing to lose, but a good time. No skin in the game.

I have the same argument with LOTS of free stuff thats given away. Ive used the same argument for immigration. I dont mind people coming here, just come here legally. Yes its a hassle (should it be reformed....yes but still shouldnt allow people to walk across our borders), but if its a hassle, and it takes effort, then you will appreciate it when you accomplish that goal.
If we want too help reduce healthcare costs than we need to go ahead and watch the repeal of the ACA finish up. Putting gov in the game was a terrible mistake and undoing it is going to sting a bit for some folks but it has to be done.

Its very expensive to become a physician, and loaded with liability. Less so for a nurse but still an undertaking. Rather tha paying for free college, we could offer more loan forgiveness to people that graduate with decent marks and work in healthcare. One way to eventually reduce the he cost of healthcare could be to reduce the cost of becoming a healthcare worker. We already have loan forgiveness options for nurses and maybe others but I think we could do more to help make it an attractive option for those considering a major in HC. Aside from subsidizing cost (only after degree earned) we could do more to recruit. Its not a full solution but it could be a way to start easing costs.

Also perhaps subsidizing some of the more expensive healthcare supplies and meds with an audit program to make sure that the full amount subsidized is forwarded as savings to patients and insurance companies. It would be a tax but it could help us recover from ACA and be cheaper for consumers than the obscene and ever rising premiums, absurd deductibles and lofty copays.

I often get asked how to survive with Obamacare and the best answer I have is to hope like hell for its speedy repeal. I run into folks that are forced to have it to avoid a hefty fine, but after paying the premiums cant afford the deductible, the premiums alone put a real squeeze it lots of folks making it essentially useless and cost prohibitive. We tried the progressive approach and it was a dismal failure, so hopefuly we can toss around some options that might actually help.
If we want too help reduce healthcare costs than we need to go ahead and watch the repeal of the ACA finish up. Putting gov in the game was a terrible mistake and undoing it is going to sting a bit for some folks but it has to be done.

Its very expensive to become a physician, and loaded with liability. Less so for a nurse but still an undertaking. Rather tha paying for free college, we could offer more loan forgiveness to people that graduate with decent marks and work in healthcare. One way to eventually reduce the he cost of healthcare could be to reduce the cost of becoming a healthcare worker. We already have loan forgiveness options for nurses and maybe others but I think we could do more to help make it an attractive option for those considering a major in HC. Aside from subsidizing cost (only after degree earned) we could do more to recruit. Its not a full solution but it could be a way to start easing costs.

Also perhaps subsidizing some of the more expensive healthcare supplies and meds with an audit program to make sure that the full amount subsidized is forwarded as savings to patients and insurance companies. It would be a tax but it could help us recover from ACA and be cheaper for consumers than the obscene and ever rising premiums, absurd deductibles and lofty copays.

I often get asked how to survive with Obamacare and the best answer I have is to hope like hell for its speedy repeal. I run into folks that are forced to have it to avoid a hefty fine, but after paying the premiums cant afford the deductible, the premiums alone put a real squeeze it lots of folks making it essentially useless and cost prohibitive. We tried the progressive approach and it was a dismal failure, so hopefully we can toss around some options that might actually help.

I would personally hate to see any of my tax dollars go to subsidize degrees in the healthcare field. I am one of those that made the poor life choice to not mortgage my education and chose to go into a trade where i was paid to learn. There are plenty of careers available for people to pursue without the burden of loans that do not need repayment. Taking a loan out for education is a choice that is made there are a lot of other employment options out there.

I am one of the people that utilize Obamacare as do most of my coworkers. Not only can we pay the premiums but we can afford the deductibles as well and it has worked very well. If you really want affordable healthcare the government should regulate salaries in the healthcare field, keep lawyers out of healthcare as well as regulate drug prices.
I would personally hate to see any of my tax dollars go to subsidize degrees in the healthcare field. I am one of those that made the poor life choice to not mortgage my education and chose to go into a trade where i was paid to learn. There are plenty of careers available for people to pursue without the burden of loans that do not need repayment. Taking a loan out for education is a choice that is made there are a lot of other employment options out there.

I am one of the people that utilize Obamacare as do most of my coworkers. Not only can we pay the premiums but we can afford the deductibles as well and it has worked very well. If you really want affordable healthcare the government should regulate salaries in the healthcare field, keep lawyers out of healthcare as well as regulate drug prices.

I definately respect your decision and agree that paid internships make good sense for most with tuitions rising everywhere. My libertarian brain finds tax used for this very unpalatable, but I'm not seeing this fixed w/o tax $. Im brainstorming for ideas, one of the problems is lack of healthcare workers. Our regional hospital has several sections and an entire floor closed for lack of employees. One way or another we need more folks going into nursing and physician positions, capping pay would only exacerbate that problem. I can say that healthcare workers are not as overpaid as many think. If I had my way we would back gov completely out of all insurance, allow free enterprise to shape things up with as little gov oversight as possible. Far from perfect but probably better, gov never makes things cheaper or better, its a long painful road to correct that grave mistake.

I am sincerely glad the ACA fits your budget but a decent number of folks are not that fortunate. I know more folks that pay the penalty and pay for doctor visits out of pocket and are much further ahead, barring major illness/injury. If I were an ACA victim my rates would be just over double if deductible is considered, with less coverage.

Its a complex problem with no easy answer, but we absolutely must graduate more nurses or doctors regardless of the cost. Im anxious to see what the right comes up with but of it leaves gov involved with insurance were just changing seats on the Titanic.
I agree it is a complex problem with difficult answers. Howevr I disagree that part of the fix is more healthcare workers. One of the main contributing factors to there being a shortage of healthcare workers is that we as a society are very unhealthy. This country is one of the laziest and most obese in the world. We have convinced ourselves that if you do not got to school and get a degree you are a lower class of people and the result is that nobody really wants to do the hard physical work or take steps to keep themselves healthy. If you look around at all of the obese children there are in this country it will give you a very good view of why we spend so much on healthcare. Children are learning to be lazy and get fat at a very early age setting themselves up for a lifetime of health problems .It is my opinion that if we were a healthier society we would not be so dependent upon the healthcare system. And if consider the prescription pill epidemic in this country it looks like the healthcare system is creating a lot of its own needs. Not only do they prescribe and sell the pills ,they also treat the "disease".

In order to make America great again we as Americans must be willing to put the work in to be great. We just witnessed a terrible battle trying to figure out who should lead us to be great. We as a country can elect whomever and it will make no difference if we as a people do not put out an effort to be great. I mean if you think about the illegal immigration problem,most illegals come here and do farm work or construction or some other manual labor. The need for them exist because you cannot find enough Americans to do this menial work. If there was not a need for them they would not be here. If there wasn't someone willing to employ them they wouldn't be here. The vast majority of illegals are here to work, not to rape and pillage. My point is if you want to fix a problem sometimes you have to look at the cause and that applies to healthcare,illegals and most of the other woes in this country.

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