I actually looked at this bike to buy last week and was very disappointed in what I saw. The pictures look better than the bike in person. The frame looked to be Powdercoated white and was chipped in a few spots, the chrome is pitted and needs attention all over. The motor was built to run on race gas "100 octane or higher" from what the owner told me. The front left rotor was covered in oil from what appeared to be a fork seal leaking. The bike did start right up and seemed to run good for the minute he had it running. I passed on buying it as the bike seemed to be a mid/early 90's race build that needs some updating. I was looking for more a daily usable type of bike and felt this bike was more a weekend toy. That's just my thoughts. I wouldn't ride the bike with the front brakes the way they are so I hope your bringing a trailer.
Thank you for the info it's always nice to have someone who's seen it first hand.