Throttle Doctor Photo Album

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Spacecoast, FL
Perhaps this is a knee-jerk reaction and am at risk of being a jerk as well. I apologize if it is, especially to our newest "member" Throttle Doctor, if my prejudice is unfounded.
You guys prolly noticed a post (which has been closed since) made by a 2008 owner peddling his gadget earlier this morning. It's one thing for an actual VMax rider to sell mod kits and to a certain extent to offer up the pieces and parts resulting from their hobby or the spares pulled off to make room for upgrades. It is also another thing for a vendor that caters to VMaxes to peddle his/her items on the forum. Both of which do not bother me and are ethically well-founded IMO. However, I do have slight issues with the solicitations by someone who shows no signs of legitimately owning a Max, or even catering to Maxes for that matter. BUT, and I am in no way criticizing the product itself, unscrupulously defacing our Gallery with advertisement pics for a generic motorcycle accessory absolutely takes the cake.
I hate Spammers and he has all the earmarks of a Spammer. :(
Hopefully his Gallery will get deleted by the powers that be.
i'm not convinced hes a spammer yet, i've been discussing with him via pms.....
So here you are, beboppin' down the road with your hand securely fastened to the throttle, when you get a massive bugsplat in the eye. First reaction is gonna be to reach up and get your eye cleared, or kill the bug that is stinging you. And you're right - handed.... This isn't going to end well, in my opinion. Even in a bug free world, where you don't ever have to release the handlebars, what use is this device???
So here you are, beboppin' down the road with your hand securely fastened to the throttle, when you get a massive bugsplat in the eye. First reaction is gonna be to reach up and get your eye cleared, or kill the bug that is stinging you. And you're right - handed.... This isn't going to end well, in my opinion. Even in a bug free world, where you don't ever have to release the handlebars, what use is this device???

Apparently it doubles as a fishing pole holder. If he made the ring adjustable or stretchy you might be able to get a beer in there? :ummm: :confused2:
^ Thanks.
He made 1 Post and it's to sell something, he's supposedly an owner of the ever elusive 2008 VMax and made an Album advertising his, IMO useless, product.
I'd call that a Definitive Spammer, LOL.
Guess you could call him canned spam!


  • spam.jpg
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My Kury ISO grips have a little palm piece that bolts to the end of the grip, so you can considerably relax your grip when cruising on the highway. It's also unobtrusive when in hooligan mode, something I didn't like about the cramp-buster paddle thing the previous owner had on the bike.
So after settling down, I got to thinking. thank goodness right now buster does not need to resort to advertising like I have seen on other forums where there is an ad on every post for miscellaneous assessories like for gloves, fuel additives, insurance, etc. I can only imagine what the costs are, but know it cant be free. I'd hate to see ads on every post and side window, or worse, the site disappear because of the burden of operating expenses. Hint hint.

Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android