To buy or not to buy, that is the question

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Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Valley Forge
I haven't ridden in several years and have recently began a search for my ideal bike. Out of everything I've found so far the VMAX, especially the pre 2010 design appeals to me. These bikes are simply great looking rides. There are several for sale in my area with a range of mileage and price. The latest one I found is a 1995 which was posted a "great shape, ready to ride" , 10K miles for 3600 firm. This caught my interest because the in the pic it looked super clean and was $400 less than what other similar ads had the price set at. When I called, I found out it needed tires. I hung up with the agreement that I would need to find out what tires would cost. I then got a call back stating the price was now $3300, I hung up again with the agreement that I needed to find out that tire price. The next day I emailed through the listing stating that I found out the tire replacement would be $420 and asked "are you absolutely sure the bike needs nothing else such as fork seals, brakes, etc?". The person who posted the ad (his girlfriend) emailed me back stating that yes it did need fork seals and they were replaced just a week ago and I would be better off calling the guy directly. I did not reply or call back yet, instead I'm posting here for some advice. Is this all a huge red flag? Why would the price drop$300 right away and none of these problems listed in the ad? Should I just avoid this and go with someone else at a higher price? What is a fair price on something like that? And finally, other than a loose shifter and rubber caked up under the rear fender, is there anything in particular I should be paying attention to when going to see a potential buy? thanks!
Be patient and continue your search. Caked rubber out back? I'm gonna pass. Look for a 1996 or newer model. Has all the factory improvements. A more knowledgeable and forthright seller is out there so keep looking at as many Vmaxes as your time and gas tank will allow. There are tons of Vmax in your neck of the woods. Welcome to the best internet site in Norh America. Will will find a wealth of info and advice here. Don't jump into anything hastily.
Patience will pay off. I jumped on an 89 for $2100. Turned out OK because it's a super runner but at the cost of 1500 hours and twice that money to tweak and restore lots of weird things. Actually it's the fastest bike I've ever owned.. The engine has many secrets done by PO's.:ummm:

:confused2: BTW: I've owned close to 40 bikes... Some were pretty fast too...

Good Luck.....

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