Trying to help a Vmax brother

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville , Tennesee
Hi Everyone, One of the Canadian Vmax guys (Scott Hedge) was in a bad accident on his Vmax & I am trying my best to help him out. I am not sure if he is on this page or not. He is on My FB page & has came to a couple of my rally's & stops thru to visit me once in a while when he is passing thru ( He is a truck driver ) A car turned in front of him & he hit pretty hard they picked up about 3/4 of his Femur off the road, his right hand is broken & he has no feeling in his arm from about the elbow down. He has already had 2 surgeries on the leg one was just to stabilize it enough at the first hospital so they could life flight him to the next hospital. He had surgery again yesterday try and see if they could save the leg which may or may not work. My understanding is they put the pieces of the bone back in & used a special cement & rods to see if they can get the bone to grow again. In 6 weeks they will go in again to clean it out & check on it & if no infection will wait 6 months to see if any growth happens . If not he will lose the leg.

He is in Canada so most all the medical is covered but they said he will be in the Hospital a minimum of 6 months & may not ever be able to drive a Truck again so I am sure they will run thru savings quick . I am trying to stay away from Go fund me since they take 10 % off the top. If anyone feels it in there heart to help I am taking donations thru my PayPal & Venmo for them . My PayPal is [email protected] & I can be found on Venmo using my cell number 813-270-0000 . If anyone is on the Canada side & would like to mail something directly to them please PM me & I will give you there mailing address . Nancy his wife does not have Pay Pal or anything & is way overwhelmed right now & asked if I would help her keep people updated & help out if I could. I have been talking with her everyday the last few days. The people on my Vmax page & a few other friends have been very gracious so far but I am doing all I can since I know he has a long road ahead of him. Thanks in Advance !
I talked with Nancy (Scott's wife ) again this morning & they are moving Scott to a Hospital closer to home for now. He will have to go back to the other one in 5 weeks when they do the next surgery. He is feeling some tingling in his right arm and hand which is a good thing & he is moving his foot some . She said he is in pretty good spirits for considering but not sleeping much at night kind of keeps remembering the accident.