Turbo bike on the road .... first real ride review.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
Romeo, Michigan
I got the oil line on and rode it about 100 miles today.

First things.....Its fast..... very fast. I know there is faster stuff out there. But I ve never ridden something like this.

I spun the back tire really hard at 140 mph today. It wasn't as scary as the first time it happend at 110 mph. I figured out that when the turbo starts to spool up you have about a tenth to two tenths of a second before you feel the freight train pound you in the back and rocket you forward, once you feel that, you have about another tenth to two tenths before the tire spins. When the tire spins the bike really starts to move as the rpm's climb way to fast to do anything other than look at whats a head of you. I believe I touched 150 mph on it today, because I let off and saw 140 when it started spinning the tire.

This is a true time machine!

It has a couple of quirks to figure out. There is a fueling issue or something at 5xxx rpm roughly around 80-90 mph range. It all of a sudden drops off. I am not sure, its inconsistent. At low rpm sometimes it surges. The bad thing is that if you ever so slightly touch the throttle it jerks. Maybe I just need more seat time. But its touchy.

New Corvette, Camaro, CBR1000RR, if I had mirrors ( there are none on the bike ) I would know what the front ends look like. Holy **** is this thing fast. Guys honestly I am not stranger to fast stuff. But this is the fastest thing I ve ever legally ridden on the street. I raced the Corvette twice. The second time because I thought he didnt get a good start. I shifted around 8500-9000 rpm , short shift. I will be shifting around 11,200-11,400 area with air shifter. Manually I will shift around 10,500. None of the runs were full throttle. I kid you not, I am nervous. The back tire spins too easy. I am just unsure of how it will react and I need more seat time.

First gear through third gear. You basically spend your whole time there. Fourth through sixth gear, I am not sure why there is a 5th and 6th gear. You can hit close to or over 155-165 mph in 4th gear from what I see. And I believe it because I hit 140 that I saw with my eyes and I think I was a little above that and had plenty of throttle left or so it seemed. First gear I want to say I shifted into at 50 mph very fast and into second and third was a blip of the throttle. When the tire spun, I shifted fast. Turbo would lag down and stop spinning. Atleast that is what it felt like.

I rode my Max earlier for about 100 miles today ( getting plates etc ). I can say that blip blip blip blip and your doing 90 mph on the max. Its a fun controllable blip. The Busa on the other hand is a giant F U blip. In the time it took me to blip the throttle on the Vmax to probably 50 mph, I was at 110 mph on the Busa. Scary insane acceleration.

Ok so I said its fast. I ll say it again. Vmax Mike has seen me run my Max. He knows I am not a stranger atleast on that bike, he has witnessed it. I can only give you my word that I have ridden faster bikes. But this is nothing like anything I have ridden... been in.... car bike anything.... not even a plane. Just different feeling all together.

I know people say fast this fast that and those that really have ridden or driven the upper 2% of the true fast vehicles know what its like. A Vmax is fast for what it is. There are plenty of faster bikes, heck 600's will smoke a Vmax. My CR500's were bad ass dirt bikes. It was fast for a dirt bike. It was fun. It invoked fear into you if you messed up or felt like you were about to mess up. The Vmax invokes fear when you feel like your going to mess up. Maybe too tight into a turn or hit the brakes too hard in a corner etc. I ve never had fear of going too fast, like I twisted the throttle too much. It just doesn't accelerate that hard to me.

This bike ( Busa ) invokes fear in a different sense to me. Fear isn't a bad thing in the way I am talking. But its just holy crap I just looked down and I am in second gear doing 100 mph. I twist the throttle expecting Vmax acceleration. At this early point with this bike I can't look at the speedo too much or the tach for that reason. Hence the short shifting. Its just too quick.

So lets put some perspective to it. I haven't run this bike (hopefully tomorrow) so I am using theoretical numbers for this. I maybe be a whole second off. Who knows....

Using the power to weight on Wallace race calculators, I see a [email protected] mph 1/8 mile stat.

My 1/8 stat for the Turbo is 7 mph faster than the Vmax 1/4 mile speed , at 5.55 seconds quicker to reach 7 mph faster than the Vmax which takes it a whole another 1/8 mile to achieve.

So numbers this numbers that etc. I ride my Vmax hard, very hard. This (Busa) makes my Vmax feel like its a Honda Spree missing the back tire on blocks.

I am going to be careful with this bike. Its not a hard bike to ride, but its a hard bike to not ride somewhat fast. And fast happens quick.

Anytime you can think something that will go 0-15x mph in 8 seconds.... thats damn fast and quick!

And you guys wanting to do rolling burnouts..... go get yourself a turbo....:biglaugh:

I ll post some pictures later.

Maybe tonight I ll get video and come back and say horse **** on all this I was only doing 40 mph LOL. Whatever the case, I am happy so far. Once I get the bugs worked out, I ll be happier.

They are a lot of fun. I have been 207 mph in the mile on low boost on my gf's old turbo setup (she has been faster). To really get the most out of them, a multi-stage boost controller is best. Her bike went 8.80's at 165 mph on stock wheelbase, in the 1/4, with a pretty good jockey. Did I mention they are a lot of fun? :D
Cool! you'll get used to the speed. the first time I had my Gen II peged and hit 147 it seemed fast , now I hit 145-147(thats all its got right now) every ride to work and I'm looking for more.
your right all you need is seat time!

Enjoy man!! Sounds like your just catching your breath now!! Just be careful!! Sounds like youve got alot of experience at speed.. Just watch yourself a bit anyhow!
Looking forward to hearing more, take your time..!!

VMOA 5652
Todd you would of had alot of fun today. I evan talked about you on the short video i took in hell just to show you this guys busa. Its nice bike i like the paint. I told him my bike will take a toll on his nerves before the ride is over and he said no way, half way into the ride he was pointing at my exhaust and shooting it. LOL....................Mike

Todd you would of had alot of fun today. I evan talked about you on the short video i took in hell just to show you this guys busa. Its nice bike i like the paint. I told him my bike will take a toll on his nerves before the ride is over and he said no way, half way into the ride he was pointing at my exhaust and shooting it. LOL....................Mike


Makes me lonely knowing I'll be without my UFO "brother" soon.. Can't wait to see/hear what your up too Mike!! :ummm:
Ok I didn't get much more ride time in. Wife said fix fence today.

I did get a spin on it today. Made a quick blast.... hit 180 mph on the speedo in the upper end of 5th gear. Still had a little left in 5th gear and all of 6th gear to go.

I hit it hard from a 50 mph roll in 2nd gear coming off the on ramp. I have a good view of the front and rear on this turn. I shifted when the tire hit and kept on it.

Then I rode the vmax home after I dropped the busa of at the shop. LOL yeah the vmax won't get me in trouble.

(Quote); This bike ( Busa ) invokes fear in a different sense to me.

Anytime you can think something that will go 0-15x mph in 8 seconds.... thats damn fast and quick!

And you guys wanting to do rolling burnouts..... go get yourself a turbo....:biglaugh:

I ll post some pictures later.

Maybe tonight I ll get video and come back and say horse **** on all this I was only doing 40 mph LOL. Whatever the case, I am happy so far. Once I get the bugs worked out, I ll be happier.


With a bike like this always keep the fear Todd, I can't imagine spinning the tire @ 140MPH. I don't think I could have run this bike even in my wild and youger fearless days. Ride safe my VMAX Brotha........Joe
Thank you for the thought. And your right. I like this bike, but honestly wonder if such a machine like this is a good idea for someone like me. Maybe I should start looking at airplanes.......

I'll be the first to admit I'd sell my max for that in a heart beat lol or maybe possibly trade for one ....... cough cough lol
That bike sounds like a blast. Spinning the tire at 140mph sounds pretty insane and awesome to me have fun.
I like the report Todd, it sounds like a monster lives under the 'Busa's bodywork! To me fear is a healthy thing to have, it is a form of respect I'd say.
Fly low, keep to the left of slower objects and have fun!:rocket bike:
If you wait up for me I will stay with you to 140mph just to see the tire spin.LOL.........mike

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