Unleaded fuel on a v-max

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Jul 13, 2008
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Ok we all now that you can use unleaded fuel on all model's vmax from 1985 to ......

Here in greece unleaded fuel is cheaper than leaded fuel.

You gain money.ok

does the engine loses power??? Or does something bad to the engine that you will see it after long period of time?
you are running leaded???? if its cheaper for unleaded and the bike is made for unleaded why use anything else???
The v-max is made for running leaded fuel !!!!!!!!! Not unleaded. I have an 1986 model and i know it is made for leaded fuel. Many use unleaded inculding me.

But i want to be sure that wont hurt my engine after long time
i also wanted to know if the engine loses power running different fuel from what the manufactors tells you to use.
In the US leaded fuel was mostly gone by the time the V-Max hit the states (1985). The timetable for conversion from leaded to unleaded was probably different in each country. However, you should be fine with unleaded as I doubt Yamaha made different versions of the Max for leaded and unleaded gas. If you have the original owners manual, what does it say about gas? :ummm:
i swear i remember seeing somewhere saying leaded gas was recommended but if only unleaded was available that is fine (in an owners manual)
Gee, I'd like to try some leaded. I went to the U.K. in 1985 and you could smell the lead in the air anywhere around a roadway. Damn, do you have real unleaded gas, without Ethinol that we're almost totally stuck with here in the states? Cool. It'll run fine on unleaded. It might run like crap if you ever get stuck with 10% or more Ethinol.:biglaugh:
Lead lubricates the valve seats on older cars, among other things. cars made for unleaded have hardened seats so they don't need the lead. Wonder what the Max has?
All of us running unleaded fuel in the states have had no problems. I find it hard to believe there will be any issues. As far as I know all the engines were made in the same place with the same parts with the exception of v-boost not being available in some countries.
No need for leaded fuel. The max has hardened seats and valves and doesn't need it. Leaded fuel typically has higher octane rating too.
The v-max is made for running leaded fuel !!!!!!!!! Not unleaded. I have an 1986 model and i know it is made for leaded fuel. Many use unleaded inculding me.

But i want to be sure that wont hurt my engine after long time
i also wanted to know if the engine loses power running different fuel from what the manufactors tells you to use.

ya forgot about in different regions you can still get leaded. Ive run mine on avgas a bunch of times as i got lots kicking around and when the fuel lights on in the driveway, easier to fill up with the 100LL .runs about the same not worth the extra coin but sure does smell sweet :punk:
wow..... i didnt know that it was difficult to find leaded gas in the U.S. Here there is in every gas station.

i guess we are 20 years behind here in greece. now that i am thinking it again it is not a guess but it's a fact.
and yes we TRUST Sean Morley.
wow. All vehicles sold in the US since 1973 are unleaded - friendly.

And in the UK, the last 'leaded replacement' pumps disappeared at least 5 years ago, with the real leaded fuel having been discontinued in 2000. Now people with older performance cars that demand lead to lubricate valvetrain have to put additives in their unleaded fuel.

I had no idea it was still available in Greece!
A couple of other points to consider - leaded fuel normally has a higher octane rating which has a slower burn therefore you will produce less power.
What this equates to in the real world I have no idea.

There is also the possibility that over time continuous use of leaded fuel could contaminate the spark plugs.
wow..... i didnt know that it was difficult to find leaded gas in the U.S. Here there is in every gas station.

i guess we are 20 years behind here in greece. now that i am thinking it again it is not a guess but it's a fact.
and yes we TRUST Sean Morley.

No leaded gas from about 10 years here :confused2:
Mostly im filling my tank with Shell 99 octane gasoline.
wow. All vehicles sold in the US since 1973 are unleaded - friendly.

And in the UK, the last 'leaded replacement' pumps disappeared at least 5 years ago, with the real leaded fuel having been discontinued in 2000. Now people with older performance cars that demand lead to lubricate valvetrain have to put additives in their unleaded fuel.

I had no idea it was still available in Greece!
I use to have oldtime bikes, a few.

They all supouse to run od leaded gas. Never aded any adittive and they always runs strong.
The old cars can be converted to run the unleaded fuels by changing out the valve seats and installing hardened seats (Stellite). The old cars had higher compression and iron heads so they needed the higher octane that the leaded fuels provided. Today's engines can run higher compression by reverse flow cooling (cooling the heads off before the rest of the block), aluminum cylinder heads (and blocks), as well as increases in combustion efficiency.

The old cars can be converted to run the unleaded fuels by changing out the valve seats and installing hardened seats (Stellite). The old cars had higher compression and iron heads so they needed the higher octane that the leaded fuels provided. Today's engines can run higher compression by reverse flow cooling (cooling the heads off before the rest of the block), aluminum cylinder heads (and blocks), as well as increases in combustion efficiency.


Yep,so thats why I've replaced the guides and seats on mine ural 650cc engine.
Russians were using cast iron for those, deep shit soft cast iron.
I can't believe they still sell leaded fuel! Australia fazed it out years ago. Had to rebuild my 351 V8 heads with hardened valve seats to suit.
I run my Max on BP ultimate (as it is called over here. Every biker i know that wants to look after their bike engine runs this. It is 98 oct)