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Proud Vmax lover
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
I was just looking at a few Vmax videos, on this fine Sunday afternoon, laughing at some of the comments. There was the typical "My ZX, CBR, FLH, blah blah, monosyllabic blah will stomp that bike" and other good ones about myths of uninsureable and the my cousin's friend's dad used to work with a guy who's nephew had one :biglaugh: when I came on this video of Dale walker riding a Gen II and a supercharged max, It had some good music and a song I haven't heard in a while, so I watched it. . After browsing the comments, this one popped up. Other than to show what kind of person you are, what is the reasoning behind this type of post? :confused2:

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Oh, I remember this is the event they should have held in San Francisco and called it the FAGFEST held by the "DR. DRAGQUEEN" himself. Not one of those sadly tuned bikes went better than mid 9's. Jon Cornell without a wheelie bar (you fags must call them sissybars when you use them) went a 9.22. Oh and a 8.87 with a bar . Now thtat is a fast bike. Too bad "MRS. FX doesn't respect Dale Walker enough to ask him to ride a bike for him till AFTER Jay Gleason told him to go to hell . Sorry fella
zxfyl 2 years ago
Name calling, character defamation and probably a long string of mental maladies plague this man. If he would just build on his own acheivments and not label others work as his own he would do much better. He is talented but seems to counter his talent with some odd actions.:confused2:
He uses a similar name on eBay also. The man is ill....
I have always heard bad things about this guy, but never seen it. So its always really been he-said-she-said situation for me.

But this kinda confirms it. :/
I wish someone with the knowledge/ability would find and post a collection of his posts to various venues over the years. Label it "Rants from a Crazy Man". :rofl_200:

It would let newbies know why he is held in such low regard among the old-timers. I think there was some rants on his eBay feedback if it hasn't been removed. If you complain, be ready to be attacked!!!

There are a lot of rants and rude people on the net but he often takes it to another level...

Just my :twocents:.
My stance on people like that is the best thing is to ignore them - they thrive on people getting upset over their BS. I have nothing to say about, wait, what was his name again? ;-)
My stance on people like that is the best thing is to ignore them - they thrive on people getting upset over their BS. I have nothing to say about, wait, what was his name again? ;-)
I agree G, the last time I went to his website is when he put the post up about Sean.
KJ, that was a great video and soundtrack, lotsa fun watching them launch. Thanks for putting it up.
Thanks, I've saved a few others (some are not Vmaxes) I'll post them later after I get done with my homework.

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