Starting around a month ago, I started having problems than when my bike was cold, and i haven't rode it in a while when I would first start the bike up and ride off, the clutch had a ton of play, and it would engage SUPER early, then after riding about 5-10 minutes it would go back to normal. Well, it slowly started getting worse. Yesterday, I was riding it only about ~15 minutes away from home, and had to turn back as the clutch was getting so bad I couldn't stay stopped without the bike pulling forward! I had it in first gear with the clutch lever pinned as hard as i could against the grips, and it kept pulling forward.. It got so bad that I would have to kill the bike at red lights, and when I wanted to move forward I couldn't start the bike with the clutch pulled in as it would die, as if it was still in gear, So I had let the clutch out, walk it, and LAY on the starter to lunge the bike forward and it would fire and take off. I just replaced the clutch plates around January. I've never had a problem with it slipping and still don't. I even hit it WOT 2nd-3rd on the way home yesterday and it held fine. I feel like this is a fluid or master cylinder problem? Maybe air in the lines?