whats up with everybody shootin everybody

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
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AUSTIN, Ind. (AP) - Investigators say a southern Indiana woman shot her three children and the family dog before setting fire to her home and fatally shooting herself.
State police believe 30-year-old Amanda Bennett carried out the triple murder-suicide at the family's home in the Scott County town of Austin, shooting her three children and herself in the head.
Her body and those of 14-year-old Jasmine Abbott, 9-year-old Katelynn Bennett and 4-year-old Ryan Bennett were found Friday in the partially burned home after worried relatives asked police to check on the family.
2 Police Officers died from gunshot wounds here in St. Petersburg. They had responded at a stand off yesterday. Our best Trauma Surgeon went to the scene but neither Officer was saved.
Darwins theory in action or in simple terms 'culling the herd'...just something you have no control over . :bang head:
It is hard enough to comprehend shooting anyone without provocation, but killing children??? That is something I will never understand!!!
Maybe she was a doper. Never know. Why not leave the kids with someone if she wanted to do herself in? At least there won't be a bleeding heart, psycho trial. If we could get the pacifism out of our society and just do the convicted murderer, supposedly nuts or not, some people may get the hint to pay attention to their actions and tempers. I hear caning is a good cure for all crime. I say cane the murderers and molesters, then hang 'em.

What gets me is they have stricter penalties for like doing in a judge, lawman, congressman, postal worker... What ever happened to a life is a life? Is the postal clerk any better than the janitor at Wally World, a bank teller, Pizza Hut ass't manager, V Max owner?
Have you guy heard about people snorting bath salts?:ummm: Wouldn't surprise me if she was.
Bikers in general are at the bottom of the important list. Had a Great Bro killed by the ER Dr... The **** drained both lungs at the same time and suffocated him..

Bath Salts, new one...
snorting bath salts? pffft. thats ridiculous....




lol jk. apparenty they make u extremely suicidal. that might not be a bad thing. will prolly get rid of a lot of mooches all over the country
Then there's that shopping mall shooter from AZ, pulled the trigger point blank range, everyone saw him yet they allow a NOT GUILTY plea???????.........Where's the justice in that?
snorting bath salts?
lol jk. apparenty they make u extremely suicidal. that might not be a bad thing. will prolly get rid of a lot of mooches all over the country

Yea but how many innocent folks will they kill before pulling the trigger.

I think overpopulation has allot to do with our situation.
For those folks interested in the subject of gun violence within the U.S. , the documentary "Bowling for Columbine" is a must-see. Although the film itself is the subjective opinion of the producer, Michael Moore, some statistics are included that are irrefutable. Moore's primary topic is the reason(s) why there are so many people injured or killed by firearms within the U.S., compared - on a percentage by population basis - to other countries (Canada in particular). He concludes that media-fueled mass paranoia is one of the principle reasons. Interesting film. Cheers, Miles
Have you guy heard about people snorting bath salts?:ummm: Wouldn't surprise me if she was.

WTF!! What the hell is wrong with people.....bath salts, the propellant in cool whip, rye bread mold in the purple stage....licking ******' toads!!!!

Jeebus, doesn't anybody just do a little weed anymore?? :ummm::smoke000:
WTF!! What the hell is wrong with people.....bath salts, the propellant in cool whip, rye bread mold in the purple stage....licking ******' toads!!!!

Jeebus, doesn't anybody just do a little weed anymore?? :ummm::smoke000:
It's because it's illegal to have weed in your possession! If they would just legalize weed they could tax the hell out of it like booze and cigarettes and there would be a whole lot less of this type crap!
...and probably Dolly Madison's snack food company sales would grow 100 fold!!:biglaugh:
For those folks interested in the subject of gun violence within the U.S. , the documentary "Bowling for Columbine" is a must-see. Although the film itself is the subjective opinion of the producer, Michael Moore, some statistics are included that are irrefutable. Moore's primary topic is the reason(s) why there are so many people injured or killed by firearms within the U.S., compared - on a percentage by population basis - to other countries (Canada in particular). He concludes that media-fueled mass paranoia is one of the principle reasons. Interesting film. Cheers, Miles

Michael Moore is such an ass clown you can't believe anything his says or does. As far as violent crime goes, per capita, the US doesn't even rank in the top 10. England is number 1.
Michael Moore is such an ass clown you can't believe anything his says or does. As far as violent crime goes, per capita, the US doesn't even rank in the top 10. England is number 1.

Statistics is the science of liars, and Moore is the Einstein.
It's because it's illegal to have weed in your possession! If they would just legalize weed they could tax the hell out of it like booze and cigarettes and there would be a whole lot less of this type crap!
...and probably Dolly Madison's snack food company sales would grow 100 fold!!:biglaugh:

So true! And friggin hilarious:rofl_200:
It's because it's illegal to have weed in your possession! If they would just legalize weed they could tax the hell out of it like booze and cigarettes and there would be a whole lot less of this type crap!
...and probably Dolly Madison's snack food company sales would grow 100 fold!!:biglaugh:

Imagine all the free space in the prisons legalization would provide for the real criminals.
I think the economy has many people stressed way past normal limits, "I feel lucky not having to worry about losing my families home". Don't get me wrong people are still fuc*ed up, but it may be a factor. All the more reason to carry concealed! The CWP is the good guy's best defense.
