There are only 4 factors:
1.Saturated fat from warm-blooded animals (meat, butter, milk). Fish is OK.
2.Sugar and other high glycemic index carbs.(find table from internet)
(1 and 2 combined are perfect suicide weapon)
3.High % of bodyfat.(buy scale, showing %)
4.No Resistance training.
Signs of very high blood pressure:
red face
red eyes
check your blood pressure often or else... ☠
1.Saturated fat from warm-blooded animals (meat, butter, milk). Fish is OK.
2.Sugar and other high glycemic index carbs.(find table from internet)
(1 and 2 combined are perfect suicide weapon)
3.High % of bodyfat.(buy scale, showing %)
4.No Resistance training.
Signs of very high blood pressure:
red face
red eyes
check your blood pressure often or else... ☠