Why bother?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
I saw this advertised for sale. A very extreme example of a chopper, but can you imagine trying to ride this thing to a place where they sell/service choppers? They'd probably give you a wedgie or worse, and kick it out of the parking lot.

Kawasaki KZ440 chopper-why bother.jpg

No suspension I see in that front-end, other than the skinny tubes vibrating like a tuning fork, and oscillating up & down as you rode. That front axle mount does appear to be well-reinforced (not!). The purpose of the tank under the seat I assume is a place to keep your man-bun grooming products. It appears to be a belt drive, which I suspect is an unusual build for a chopper. The skull theme is a popular motif, though in this bike, it's over the top.

Here's an example of a KZ440 that is much-more functional than this chopper.

Kawasaki KZ440G1 1982.jpg

I bought this KZ440 Standard not running from someone moving out of state. It had compression, the motor turned-over on the starter, so I bought it for < the price of a cheap tire. I soon had it running, and sold it to a guy in Miami Beach who managed to keep it for a couple of months before he had an accident. Not seriously hurt. More comfortable than a LTD model, chrome steel fenders, belt final drive SOHC parallel-twin, 6 speeds, cast wheels. I've seen the tank used in a couple of custom builds, it has a pleasing shape to it.
The chopper is obviously yard art. Or a creation to kill his rotten stepson
Sorry Mr Medic but you have clearly missed the point of the skull...obviously there to add weight to stop the front end lifting under hard acceleration.
No, no need for thanks, always happy to offer advice. ;)
🤣🤣.. problably not has the problem of the oil level during hard acceleration..😂
I bet he tells his friends how fast it is. 😂😂😂for some reason the average person thinks Harley’s are fast. I have a Yamaha R1,R6,R3 and a 09 vmax and a couple of years ago I picked up a 2011 Fatboy because the deal was too good to pass up. When I brought the bike home a neighbor came out and said I bet that one is faster than the others. Now I admit I didn’t have the vmax yet but the R1 is also close to 200hp and much much lighter. I told him not even close, heck the R6 which is 600cc would run circles around it. I will admit the Harley was fun to ride around on with the super low seat height and super low RPM torque but once on the highway it just seemed underpowered to me.
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