Worst headache of my life...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
Findlay Illinois
I am absolutely, downright disgusted with my "former" bank.

I wont mention the name. Ive been a member for 10 years now. Since my first paper route when i was 14.

4 years ago i had just bought a car. The door lock keys were the wrong ones, so the dealership had to order some new ones. My dumb ass left the headlights on, and ran the battery dead. With only the wireless keyfob to open the doors, i was locked out with a dead battery. Called the towing service, he had to jimmy the door and jump me. Cost me 80$ because he was so far away and the only one i could get to come where i was. Guy got me going and i didnt have enough cash on me so i asked him to follow me down to an atm machine so i could pay him. Got to the atm machine and couldnt get any money out. My account had 0$ in it. completely drained. Guy impounded my car and left me literally hitch hiking. Turns out my bank had put all my money and my paycheck into some old ladys savings account. took 2 weeks to get resolved, flat busted broke. Should have been smart and switched banks then....

Fast forward. I travel for work and sometimes im gone for 3 months at a time.

Visa was breached and a ton of peoples information was exposed. 6 or so weeks ago My bank sent a letter out explaining they were canceling my old debit card and sending me a new one. I was never home to get the letter in the mail, so had no clue what was going on. My card got shut off and i couldnt use it. Called the bank and after talking to literally 5 different people moving up the latter i finally convinced someone to turn my old card back on but i could only use it at atm machines with my pin. That was fine and worked fine for a while and the plan was to do that until i got a chance to get home and get the new card out of the mail and activate it etc.

Tuesday i went to get money out of an atm machine and it kept declining me. I couldnt figure out why, so i called the bank again hoping to get it working so i could eat, etc. I was told i had a daily limit and was over the limit because my house payment went through. The lady told me she would raise the limit and id be ok to use it when i got off work.

Well im travling down the railroad tracks, i cant just stop what im doing to go to the atm anytime i want, i dont get typical breaks etc. I literally work from sun up to sun down a lot of days. I trusted that the problem was fixed and went ahead and worked untill 8pm that night.

Finally got off work, STARVING, havnt eaten anything all day, was running late didnt get breakfast, got stuck out on the tracks and had some problems with m truck, just a horrible day. Go to the atm machine to get some cash so i could eat, and its the saaaaaaaame damn problem. Cant get a dime. Bank dosnt have any kind of 24 hour assistance or emergency number to call. Left some nasty messages, boiling lava hot ready to FLIP OUT.

Went without a meal that day and was desperate enough to chow down on crusty stale bread and stale cereal for breakfast from the hotel. Ended up borrowing 50$ from a guy i work with.

When i got a chance i called the bank again, madder than a hornet asking what the deal was. I was told my card was permanently shut off and they absolutely could not turn it back on, contrary to what someone else had told me the first time this happened.

So, this time they tell me that i need to get the new card and activate it and my problems would be resolved. Had my elderly grandparents drive to my town, had to call the post office and beg them to let my folks get my mail. Had them overnight the new card to my hotel. Cost them 30$ plus time and gas.

Next day i get the card, but again im working an extremely long day and didnt get back to the hotel until after 7pm. Got the card, go to the atm, and now it tells me invalid pin. Cant use the new card...

Today, i call the bank again, extreeeeeemely upset, and ask to be transfered to the highest ranking person i could speak with. Ended up taking to the vice president.

Now they tell me, i should have recieved a pin number seperately that was needed to activate the new card. I had the grandparents dig through the mail again and the bank didnt send it. Lady looked it up and couldnt find record it was sent. OOOPSIE WERE SORRY.

Then they inform me, even if i had the pin, i couldnt use it to activate the card anywhere but there actual atm machines. Im out of state so that aint gonna work.

After 3 hours of phone tag, trying to get some help with my situation, they told me they would turn the card on but i would only be able to use it as a credit card. I need cash money to pay tolls and other work expenses. I cant go without cash. The vice president herself tells me that i can go to any walmart and use the card to pay for something, then opt for cash back at the register.

I didnt trust a word she said. I took off a half day early from work, went on a wild goose chase in a truck that gets 5mpg using company fuel to find a walmart in Milwaukee....

Get to walmart, get some stuff i desperately needed, get to the register and tell the girl im sorry but i might have problems, swipe the card, which is being ran as credit, go to sign and the girl says its asking for another form of payment... DECLINED OF COURSE.... and quite embarrassing!

This time, my top blew off with more energy than every sun in the universe. Im ******* PISSSED.

Good thing i took off work early, had a hunch id have more problems! Go to call these bastards, and my tone aint peachy. They realize the ****** up again, and keep sending me to peoples voicemails and wont let me talk to a ******* human. I kept calling back, asking to speak with someone. this place is going to close in a few hours. They keep sending me to voice mails, and then as my temper got hotter and hotter, started hanging up on me.

FINALLY i got to talk to the vice president again. She realizes they screwed up, never activated the card like they said they would. Tells me to go back in and try to use it again. Tells me they no longer want me as a customer and would like it if i closed out my account when i get home. I go back in and used it, worked fine.

Im disgusted with them by now. Making ME out to be the bad guy. Im a complete fool because i dont have a backup credit card. I dont believe in credit cards. they are evil. i want no part of that. This lady is reaming me, calling me a liar saying i should have had a chance to go home and do all this. I cant take off work. Would cost me 400$ or more from lost time, not to mention the fuel it would cost my company to drive this huge ass truck back down there, and then the lost money on the contract were working on being down for a few days....

I call this lady back when i get back to my hotel. I ask to be reimbursed for all the money this has cost me. 30$ to have the new card overnight mailed. half days lost wages taking off work to deal with it. Gas money it cost the grandparents to help me out. She absolutely refused, and got nasty with me...

Grandparents took out almost 80,000 and transfered it to a credit union because of this and the way theyve treated me and handled the whole thing. I explain to this bitch im sending letter to the editor of every paper with that bank in there town, and thinking about getting a petition going to boycott these fuckers. Still pissed as a hornet, not getting anywhere with her. I drop it. Go on with my evening.

This place closes at 630pm. Apparently they didnt like what i said. I still have no way to get cash, but at least i could eat for the weekend before asking for cash advance from work monday.

they knew i was low on cash. The dirty rotten fuckers waited until 5 minutes before they closed. Called me and left a message saying my account has been closed. Card shut off. Check with my balance mailed to my address as well as a paper stating im not allowed on the property of ANY of there banks in the country, and they were calling the cops to inform them that i am perceived as a threat. I never once threatened anyone with more than a boycott. I did however cuss my head off and scream like a banshee, progressively worse and worse as problems compounded and i got the run around. Anyone in my shoes would have.

Get a call from the cops saying hey we got a call from this bank, your not allowed on there property, youve been informed. Guy was cool, sided with me. couldnt believe the story.

So now, im stuck with 12$ to eat on until monday. Looks like the dollar menu at mcd's it is!
That sucks. All banks suck, but thats ridiculous. You need to post the name so we can all avoid these scumbags.
Don't protect the name of this bank, they are a bunch of ********! It's ******** what you had to go through to get YOUR money. Where are you located now? Maybe a local forum member can front you some cash.
Yuck, that sucks. A friggin' horror story. I do have a few suggestions for you which, of course, you're free to ignore.

1. Don't scream at them. The people you're dealing with don't care. They don't own the bank. It's just a job. Yelling at them doesn't do anything positive for your plight, though I'm sure it does make you feel better. If you want to hit them where it hurts, sue them. If their mistakes costs you money and they won't make it right, get home and file an action with them in small claims. Drag their ass into court and tell your story. Bring documentation, if you can. I doubt that it ever makes it to court, though. They'll probably fix it rather than deal with the negative publicity and time/trouble. (Be sure you get the names of the people you deal with on any phone calls, too.)

2. Get a credit card. Even a secured credit card. Secured credit cards are nothing more than a debit card. You can't get into trouble with it. You deposit money, it goes into an account and the amount of money you deposit is your credit limit. At least you won't be depending on your debit card alone, you'll have a backup.

3. Carry some cash. Yeah, you're taking a chance, but not a big one. A few hundies stuffed into a back crevice in your billfold will get you home when all else fails. Plus, you never know when you might need to pay for a lap dance. :biglaugh::biglaugh:
Banks do not exist for YOUR convenience.....

Service means nothing to them.....

They want people who put money in and never touch it again.....

You created WORK for them.......they do not like you anymore.....
hey clint... that ******* sucks. u are in no way in the wrong and it infuriates me to hear that....

if you were going to be somewhere for say a week (in one hotel) i'd have no problems sending a few bucks cash to help out. hell if u had a few guys on here just send $5 or something it'd probably be more than enough to get u food until u can get home...

also, just so you can eat a bit healthier n whatnot, try using the $12 to goto like the grociery store and get ramen or something. i think $12 of ramen would feed ya longer than mcd if ya can do it.... just my $02.

best of luck brothe rand let me know if i can help out at all....
But they are all lined up for Bailouts and handouts, I say fuckem, fuckem hard. Drag them into small claims it you think you have a chance. Sounds like they screwed you hard, no kiss first, just crunchy peanut butter as a lube. .
I would be willing to send ya a donation brother, If ya get a lap dance with it, Take pictures
Yea I think you really want to go public with this one.. Just call a few newspapers / TV stations in your state, then tell the whole story. No-one can touch you for telling the truth. Just try and keep your cool, it's bloody hard in those situations..
I would also call a couple of lawyers and tell the story, there are people who will take on just about anything on a no win no fee basis. I believe you're owed damages for undue stress as a result of gross misconduct a total lack of help/understanding from your financial institution.
Thanks for the replies guys. I talked with my boss and on monday they can send me a "comp check" for 500$ i can get at any truck stop. Im having the folks stop by walmart this afternoon and sending me money that way. Think to send 100$ cost 115$ for them, not sure if it will cost me at my end or not. That will get me by for the weekend, then monday i can get the comp check from work and ill be set untill i get home in a few weeks.

The name of the bank is First Mid Illinois Bank and Trust.

I appreciate your offers to help me out but at this time i think im taken care of. I will definitely be speaking with a lawyer. I was too pissed off and rushed for time to get names of everyone i talked to. I left some rather NASTY messages on there machine as well but i didnt say anything that could be legally considered threatening.
can you get close enough to throw a brick through there front window from off property? Banks suck
Thanks for the replies guys. I talked with my boss and on monday they can send me a "comp check" for 500$ i can get at any truck stop. Im having the folks stop by walmart this afternoon and sending me money that way. Think to send 100$ cost 115$ for them, not sure if it will cost me at my end or not. That will get me by for the weekend, then monday i can get the comp check from work and ill be set untill i get home in a few weeks.

The name of the bank is First Mid Illinois Bank and Trust.

I appreciate your offers to help me out but at this time i think im taken care of. I will definitely be speaking with a lawyer. I was too pissed off and rushed for time to get names of everyone i talked to. I left some rather NASTY messages on there machine as well but i didnt say anything that could be legally considered threatening.

if you need some cash e-mail that 190 guy, i here he is a dick but will help you out, whatever you need, and i mean it, [email protected]. you can't see it on here but there is a underscore_ between shackle and dave. magoo