al-Quadea leader and others killed

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida

One of al-Qaeda’s most senior leaders who had been implicated in plots to blow up the London Underground and the New York metro has been killed during a raid on his hideout in Pakistan.
Adnan Shukrijumah, the terror group's chief of global operations, died along with two other suspected terrorists in Pakistan’s South Waziristan tribal area early on Saturday, the country’s military said.

Shukrijumah was found hiding in a compound following an army operation to hunt him down. A New York court has accused Shukrijumah, who lived in the US for 15 years, of being the mastermind behind a series of plots against the West, including plans to blow up the London Underground and trains in new York and Norway.

Shukrijumah took on the role in al-Qaeda that was previously held by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on the twin Towers and who was captured in 2003.

Federal prosecutors in the US allege Shukrijumah recruited three men in 2008 to receive training in the lawless tribal region of Pakistan for carrying out attacks on subway systems.

The New York indictment links him to the bomb plots in new York and London, which were never carried out. Pakistan military said it had killed Shukrijumah in Shinwarsak, South Waziristan. The FBI lists Shukrijumah, who is from Saudi Arabia, as a “most wanted” terrorist and had offered up to £3.2 million reward for his capture.

“The al-Qaeda leader, who was killed by the Pakistan army in a successful operation, is the same person who had been indicted in the United Stated,” said a senior Pakistani army officer.
Attorney General Eric Holder had called the plot on the New York subway one of the most dangerous since the terror attacks of 9/11.

After the attacks on the Twin Towers, Shukrijumah was seen as one of al-Qaeda’s best chances to attack inside the US or Europe, according to testimony given to US authorities by Abu Zubaydah, a captured terrorist. Shukrijumah studied at a community college in the Ft. Lauderdale Florida area but when the FBI arrived to arrest him as a material witness to a terrorism case in 2003, he already had left the country.

In 2004, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft called Shukrijumah a “clear and present danger” to the United States.

An earlier article (2003) on him:

MIRAMAR (FL)-- While a worldwide hunt continued Friday for a man thought to be an al-Qaida terrorist, the suspect's father insisted that his long-absent son has no links to violent extremists.

Gulshair El Shukrijumah said his eldest son, Adnan, left the United States about five months before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He went to Trinidad by way of Panama for his import-export business. The younger El Shukrijumah, 27, last phoned his parents five months ago, his father said. He reported he was leading a quiet life in Morocco with a new wife and baby, and teaching English.

"He doesn't tell us where he is but he normally goes between Florida and the Kingdom of (Saudi) Arabia," the elder El Shukrijumah said after emerging from his small stucco house in a working-class neighborhood south of Fort Lauderdale. "He is a nice boy," said the father, an Islamic scholar in a traditional lavender robe and Western jacket. "I trained him to be an Islamic missionary."

Soon after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington, Adnan El Shukrijumah phoned his parents from Trinidad. He cautioned his family about federal scrutiny.
"He told us, do not get panicked and stay cool, and people will come and question you," the elder El Shukrijumah said. Indeed, authorities have been to the family's house at least a half-dozen times, most recently on Thursday.

FBI agents paint a very different portrait of the son, who was born in Saudi Arabia, sometimes worked in a Miramar used car dealership and complained about scantily clad women here.
Federal officials believe Adnan El Shukrijumah is an al-Qaida member trained to carry out deadly attacks on a grand scale, such as the 19 men who hijacked and downed four American planes 18 months ago. They say he may have taken flying lessons in Florida, which his father denies.

His name surfaced in intelligence collected after the March 1 capture of senior al-Qaida organizer Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
Officials believe he is linked to "dirty bomb" plotter Jose Padilla, who was in South Florida at the same time. Padilla is an American being held as an "enemy combatant" for allegedly planning to detonate a bomb that would spew radiological material into the air. (targets mentioned at end,-Ed.)

Law enforcement officials fielded numerous reports of possible sightings from Tallahassee to South Florida of Adnan El Shukrijumah. Officials at Vandenberg Airport east of Tampa turned over a videotape of a man matching his description who flew in and out of there Thursday. No sightings have been confirmed. Adnan El Shukrijumah was one of six children raised and schooled in Saudi Arabia. The family moved to Trinidad so the elder El Shukrijumah could spread the word of Islam. In 1995, the family moved to Miramar, an area of palm trees and strip malls where an Islamic community was establishing small mosques and study groups. He said he wanted his son to get a college education.

Adnan El Shukrijumah enrolled at Broward Community College from 1997 through 1999, studying computer science, but apparently did not receive a degree, said college spokeswoman Jillian Krueger Printz.

He was known to visit the small mosque next door to his house, called Masid Al'Hijrah, which his father helped establish and where he led sermons and taught classical Arabic studies. A converted house with a small, concrete courtyard, the mosque has always been a place of tolerance, said its treasurer, Farzan Mohammed. A hand-written placard on the building Friday said: "The key to paradise is prayer and all God's creation is his family."

But he complained to his father about the United States. "He said he did not like the lifestyle in this country and people walking around half-naked in the street," the elder El Shukrijumah said. "I said, 'Son, you're not in Saudi Arabia.' " Adnan El Shukrijumah holds a green card but skipped out on an interview to become a U.S. citizen, said his father, a naturalized citizen originally from Guyana. The son is still a citizen of Guyana.

FBI agents say he uses a half-dozen aliases and passports from various countries, including Canada, Trinidad and Saudi Arabia.

The FBI is also is investigating Adnan El Shukrijumah's friendship with Imran Mandhai, one of two Florida college students convicted of conspiring to bomb electrical stations, a National Guard armory, Jewish businesses and Mount Rushmore, plots not carried out. The elder El Shukrijumah said the two knew each other but were never close.

"Imran used to come to me for lessons in Arabic and commentaries on the Koran," El Shukrijumah's father said. "I've never seen any negative acts by him."

When they last spoke, El Shukrijumah's father said, he and his wife advised their son to stay out of the United States. Adnan El Shukrijumah told them his import business of robes, women's shawls and books on the Koran would soon take him to Saudi Arabia. He gave no address or phone number, said his father. "Very rarely he contacts us," he said. The suspicion of federal authorities was misguided, he said. He will not stand for violence -- it is not Islam. "I feel sad about the whole thing," he said, adding, "I will not harbor anybody with those beliefs."
(story end)

One of the electrical stations and the National Guard armory they were accused of conspiring to destroy are in Hollywood, FL, and Jose Padilla, also a former resident of Miramar, FL, and who is currently incarcerated as an 'enemy combatant,' was originally accused of planning to do it. Padilla is another home-grown terrorist who traveled multiple times to the Middle East despite having no real vocation or career, and who was caught w/a large sum of money on him attempting to return to the USA.