Attempted theft results in death of accused thief

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Here's what can happen when people have the ability to protect themselves and their property:

A thief who tried to steal a WaveRunner from a lawyer?s backyard was killed Saturday afternoon, Miami-Dade police said.

At 2:31 p.m., police received a call about a shooting at a Miami Shores home at the 9200 block of North Bayshore Drive.

The property belongs to attorney Jeffrey Davis and his wife Yasmin, according to Miami-Dade property records.

According to Detective Roy Rutland, a Miami-Dade police spokesman, an unidentified man entered the Davis? patio and made his way to the backyard, where he tried to lower a wave runner from its boatlift into the water.

Two people in the house, a woman and a teenage boy confronted the man. It appears he threatened them, Rutland said.

Either the woman or the teenager shot the intruder; police were not sure Saturday. Detectives are questioning both people, he said.

The case remains under investigation.

I am not advocating death for Wave Runner thieves, but if the thief had a weapon and threatened the residents when they confronted him, he learned the hard way there are consequences for your actions.
You have all the fun in Miami... I have a compound that's locked up. I catch people in there trying to steal stuff all the time. Have several cameras and monitor in the house. Best I've done so far is take a tazer away from one intruder... The rest have been able to beat a hasty retreat when they see the red laser moving around in the dark...:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
In Mo, we have similar laws like Tx. If one is caught in the back yard stealing, they can legally get popped. Same goes if one walks in your house or hops in your car uninvited. No need to show forced entry. If I were to shoot someone under these circumstances, I would be arrested, would have to buy a lawyer, the prosecutor could not file charges under the law, and I would be released.
This happened in Tx a few years ago. A neighbor seen someone carting off property next door. While he was on the phone talking to the 911 operator, he popped both the perps and got off, by law.
Say, the relation of someone I shot as like in the above wanted to take all my money and property through the courts, won't happen. The law prevents this, too. The lawyer that they would go to would tell them that if they sued, they would loose and have to pay, not only the court costs and his fees, but my legal fees, also.
It isn't California here, baby. :biglaugh:
In Mo, we have similar laws like Tx. If one is caught in the back yard stealing, they can legally get popped. Same goes if one walks in your house or hops in your car uninvited. No need to show forced entry. If I were to shoot someone under these circumstances, I would be arrested, would have to buy a lawyer, the prosecutor could not file charges under the law, and I would be released.
This happened in Tx a few years ago. A neighbor seen someone carting off property next door. While he was on the phone talking to the 911 operator, he popped both the perps and got off, by law.
Say, the relation of someone I shot as like in the above wanted to take all my money and property through the courts, won't happen. The law prevents this, too. The lawyer that they would go to would tell them that if they sued, they would loose and have to pay, not only the court costs and his fees, but my legal fees, also.
It isn't California here, baby. :biglaugh:

Good deal , we just rent 'em in GA. :rofl_200:
While I would have to feel genuinely threatened to actually pull the trigger, I am glad the state I live in has a Castle Doctrine law to back my ass up if I ever do.
While I would have to feel genuinely threatened to actually pull the trigger, I am glad the state I live in has a Castle Doctrine law to back my ass up if I ever do.

In Texas you don't even have to feel threatened to use deadly force to defend property from felony theft or arson as long as you reasonably believe that the act can be stopped in no other way and the property cannot be protected or recovered in any other way.....

Even criminal mischief at night is considered a shootable crime since no one should have to figure out whether they are "threatened" by someone on thier property after dark,........ it's assumed........

Criminal mischief in day light hours is not a shootable crime, but "feeling threatened" still or night.....if your "reasonably" feeling threatened you can still shoot 'em for criminal mischief day or night as the "assumed to be threatened" provision is the ruling provision rather than the "criminal mischief"..

I consider some one shooting a thief as doing society at large a great favor, these people will never stop until someone stops them, or until they feel there is a good chance they WILL be shot....eventually they will hurt someone in the process.........I have the pleasure of living in a state where the DA's still feel that way too, although there are a few jurisdictions where some DA's are becoming more sympathetic to the criminal...

One of my favorite qoutes came from Harris county district attorney Johny Holmes several years ago, concerning a case where a home owner shot a tow truck driver to death who was repossesing a vehicle (Texas law dictates that a repossesion can't be carried out "hit and run" style....the repossesee has to be legally served with the authorizing papers during the act of repossesing, and a sheriff involved if he doesn't cooperate....)

Holmes refused to prosecute saying " Act like thief and you'll be treated like a thief"

Another notable case was an Irishman in Houston on Business who drunkenly left a bar and got lost and began beating on house doors, in people's back yards no less, until one of the homeowners shot him THROUGH the door, killing him.......Resulting in no prosection and an out cry by the Irish Gov't on what terrible gun laws we have here.......

These laws work for the most part, I live in a nieghborhood with maybe 800 homes in a town of 80,000 adjacent to the Houston metro area with a population of close to 4 million...My neighborhood has had ONE burglary and 2 vehicle break ins in 9 years............Less "advantaged" areas suffer more or course as these thugs generally tend to prey on their own.......
Some Counties in the Panhandle of Florida will accept someone walking into your yard threatening enough for Deadly Force. There aren't to many Door to Door Salespeople around those counties...:rofl_200:
Hi. My first post, so greetings one and all.

You Americans are so lucky. Over here in the UK, criminals have more rights than the victims. So any form of self defence is seen as an infringment of the criminals civil liberties. God, I hate Britain :(
Getting shot to death SHOULD be considered a normal occupational hazard of being a criminal.

More states really need to adopt the castle doctrine. I certainly wish PA would.
In Texas you don't even have to feel threatened to use deadly force to defend property from felony theft or arson as long as you reasonably believe that the act can be stopped in no other way and the property cannot be protected or recovered in any other way.....
I didn't mean legally. I meant it in the sense of I would have to be sure it was a "me or them" situation. In that case I wouldn't hesitate a split second.
I see no problem ending somebody's life for committing a felony.
Hey, don't get me wrong, if they are in my house uninvited the racking of the 12ga is their warning. After that, it is up to the individual if they want to play "What type of load is he chambering?" with me.
In NY if you shoot an intruder, you better make sure you have a good lawyer to defend yourself for the aftermath. Heard a story on the news a while ago about a burglar who got popped. The perp's parents sued the homeowner for "loss of a family provider", or some similar bullshit cause. Apparently the parents lived off their son stealing and then fencing shit to pay for their trailer and Marb Reds, and now they're pissed that someone offed their shithead kid. They didn't win outright(even NY saw a bit of irony there), but did end up getting a tidy sum of money from the guy.
Geesh Warrior, sounds like Chicago or California. Looks like, if ya pop an invader, best have a meat saw and some hefty bags handy. Wonder if this is how Jeffery Dahmer got started. :ummm: Is odd that some states are for the victim while some are for the criminal. In Ca, I read where a guy sued, and WON, cause he burglarized a house, then got trapped in the garage for 8 days, till the owners got back off vacation. He had to live on dog food and bottles of water. Poor Poo Poo. Prob chit like a dog all over the place. This sounded like a good time for one of those meat saw/ hefty bag moments. Maybe an ax. :icon_axe:

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