Craigslist Scam/Question

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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OK, Background:
I run 5 QSR's (fast food chain, Burger Kings specifically)
a telephone scam was reported last year going through the company with a caller claiming to be from corporate and offering free shirts to managers if they would use a confirmation code.
Sounds like a common telephone scam that would charge long distance calls to the store phone number and that's that. Well, this happened at one of my stores 2 days ago, and my brain challenged manager said he would accept the free shirts (although I had repeatedly told them they do not have the authority to accept anything, it has to go through my office). Well, the caller told him that he would be getting a phone call with a confirmation number. The manager received this call with the confirmation number FROM CRAIGSLIST. Then the original caller called back to get the confirmation number. At that point my manager refused to give it to him, contacted his manager, who contacted me.
My question, how is money made in this scam?? :ummm:I have 0 ideas... any help would be appreciated. Mainly because it is driving me nuts!!:confused2:
I can't help you on this but am real interested in the answer! There's scams out there that, for the life of me, I can't see how anybody can make any money from them. Are they collecting phone numbers, e mail addy's??? :confused2:

Where is there any $'s in that?? :ummm:
I can't help you on this but am real interested in the answer! There's scams out there that, for the life of me, I can't see how anybody can make any money from them. Are they collecting phone numbers, e mail addy's??? :confused2:

Where is there any $'s in that?? :ummm:
Salespeople will buy information lists so they have leads to hit well trying to pawn off their crap. Maybe this scam is all about trying to get contact info to place on a list for this reason?
There is phone numbers you can get from the Telcos that cost you money to call it. The owner of the number can charge whatever they want per minute. It may have been one of those scams.
I had heard about those custom toll lines, but I thought when you tried to call one, a computer voice informed you it was a toll line and the price and something like "press 1 to accept" to actually connect and make their phone ring. I can't imagine the telco could start raping you(for the other person) without informing you of the charge.
Found this on, which the original email from corporate referenced
Tried to copy and past the one relevant part that explained how the money trail went but couldn't. so I'll just type it
"The scammers foriegn phone company then bills the victim via his local phone company, splitting the monies collected with the scammers and leaving the victim little or no recourse since the company is operated outside US jurisdiction etc etc...."
So basically someone in Belize or wherever sets up a phone company, charges whatever rates he wants per minute ($25-$200 or more), gets you to call them and stay on the line, your phone company pays them then they charge you.... wow.
I don't think this was the scam that's what happened to us, but good info for the future.
My guess would be that your manager was ordering something online (not aware though) and when they wanted the confirmation code they were gonna re route that package to themselves? Id be checking for a charge of some sort?
Dunno, contacted Craigslist but no response as of yet. Really just curious at this point....that is until the phone bill comes in
hopefully it's ok.
I'm trying to sell a oak bed frame on C/L. I got this email and i'm very suspicious of some sort of a scam. what do you guys think?

it is me Laura thanks for getting back to me i want to buy this but the only way i can pay you is via a Bank Certified Check that i would mail to you using the FedEx overnight delivery,

To make sure that everything goes smoothly i would wait for the check to clear before the pickup is done, I would be responsible for the pickup and it would be done by the movers and their payment would be included in the check i mail to you and this is all due to my disability (am deaf) and it makes it hard for me deal with this and it makes the transaction better and quicker.

I know you were not expecting this and I would have loved to come for the viewing but i cant I really want it and am offering an extra $50 for you to delete the posting to show i want it as i am just settling into my new house i want good deals to furnish the apartment i stay in.

if you are okay with this please send me extra pictures and get back to me with the following

Your Full name
Your Physical address (as FedEx does not deliver to P.oboxes)

I await your response . thank you and stay blessed

Laura McCray
I'm trying to sell a oak bed frame on C/L. I got this email and i'm very suspicious of some sort of a scam. what do you guys think?

it is me Laura thanks for getting back to me i want to buy this but the only way i can pay you is via a Bank Certified Check that i would mail to you using the FedEx overnight delivery,

To make sure that everything goes smoothly i would wait for the check to clear before the pickup is done, I would be responsible for the pickup and it would be done by the movers and their payment would be included in the check i mail to you and this is all due to my disability (am deaf) and it makes it hard for me deal with this and it makes the transaction better and quicker.

I know you were not expecting this and I would have loved to come for the viewing but i cant I really want it and am offering an extra $50 for you to delete the posting to show i want it as i am just settling into my new house i want good deals to furnish the apartment i stay in.

if you are okay with this please send me extra pictures and get back to me with the following

Your Full name
Your Physical address (as FedEx does not deliver to P.oboxes)

I await your response . thank you and stay blessed

Laura McCray

Run away away FAST!! C/L is infested with scammers!

Too much verbal diahrea there, way too much useless info....and extra $'s???

And not one mention of the actual, the bed!! Nah, it's a form letter!

Not a chance!! :punk:

Did you send an e mail to that add'y yet?
Tell them it will take up to 12 weeks for the check to clear (which will actually give it plenty of time), so that it will avoid scammers who send forged money orders. Then tell them to send a $50 bill in cash to hold it. Don't expect to hear a response.

Yes, a scam. Stay away! Send them nothing & ask for nothing. If they use the mail it's gonna involve the Feds-mail fraud. You might try contacting your local consumer protection agency so it's on-record.
CL is a dangerous place to sell. We got a certified check, for a deposit on a rental, that looked as real as any. It was a phoney.We took it straight to the bank for inspection. I also discourage the wife from selling things on CL where strangers need to come in the house to look at an item. It didn't use to be this way!
it is me Laura thanks for getting back to me i want to buy this but the only way i can pay you is via a Bank Certified Check that i would mail to you using the FedEx overnight delivery,

This part is true. The problem is that the Bank will be an international bank. Because it is a certified bank note, Your bank may give you access to those funds before fully clearing it with the foreign bank. This is a service to you as the clearing of a foreign check can take some time. Possibly weeks. In comes the potential problem. Some person chosen by the comes to collect the item and delivery fee. Things appear to go smoothly till the bank yanks that cash from your account because it ends up not clearing the "certified check". Now you are out an item, and the delivery fee.

I believe there are services to help disabled people purchase things in a more legitimate manner. I could be wrong about this part though. If you want to try, demand the certified check be domestic and have your bank call and verify funds and be sure that it clears before doing anything. I personally wouldn't try this at all. Cashing checks are legal contracts. My mom cashed a check that was a loan check. It cleared and she got her money and she started getting billed as she was supposed to. She paid off the loan as she just needed a short term cash fix. If its legal to offer services like this, then I can only imagine how these laws can be perverted by scammers.
Craigslist is a cash only hand to hand delivery selling platform. Anything else leaves too much to chance. I sell on there then have them meet me at the McDonalds. I always bring a friend who ALSO carries a pistol, as well as me. Its a crazy world out there.
CL is a dangerous place to sell. We got a certified check, for a deposit on a rental, that looked as real as any. It was a phoney.We took it straight to the bank for inspection. I also discourage the wife from selling things on CL where strangers need to come in the house to look at an item. It didn't use to be this way!

i agree, esp with steph and I and the baby just at the house now. the few times i've sold lately i have people meet me at the local gas station.