Disgraceful and Disgusting

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Spacecoast, FL
NJ Soldier's Remains Dumped in Landfill

Stories like that ..................................PISS ME OFF!
Wow, this is really F'd Up.. I realize it may be impossible to put all the parts together again but what was done is F'king WRONG... To hear that it was the Air Force that did this really hits home for me. :sad2:

Cremating the remains and spread them at Arlington or another National Cemetery would have been a respectful way to handle this.
Hi Clint,

I heard about that also. They will loose a few of thier own when they try to take us away with all the armed "citizens" we have in the US. Had the Jews in 1940's Germany put up a fight ----- things would have been different.

About the dumpimg of "body parts" in a garbage dump----

Wow, this is really F'd Up.. I realize it may be impossible to put all the parts together again but what was done is F'king WRONG... To hear that it was the Air Force that did this really hits home for me. :sad2:

Cremating the remains and spread them at Arlington or another National Cemetery would have been a respectful way to handle this.
I agree Dave, they could of handled in a more dignified manner, no U.S. citizen, let alone a military hero should never be treated in such a digraceful manner. I understand they were unidentified human remains but they should have respected the remains by a method such as Dave mentioned.
They werent dumping whole bodys. Just body parts. Partial remains from bomb sites, surgery etc. Sensationalist garbage article. Why? So we dont get too fuckin chatty about this: http://www.opencongress.org/article...the-hands-of-a-secretive-conference-committee

I'm trying to figure out from this post if your trying to say that these actions were ok? Or if maybe i'm just reading your post wrong. If you could please clear that up for me i would appreciate that.

Cause mark my words, if any single person on this forum says that any portion of what happened to any amount of remains of these fallen soldiers is ok or not that big of a deal. I will personally message any and all moderators on this forum that i can demanding their removal from the sight or i myself will gladly separate myself from the forum if they are not removed.

I want NOTHING to do with anyone who thinks that it's ok. Even just "parts" or "portions". There is proper ways to take care of these remains, and the chain of command in this situation failed MISERABLY, and anyone involved with this incident should voluntarily separate themselves from the service if they are not separated by the military.

As a soldier in the Army it upsets me greatly to see things like this happen. I have lots friends and fellow soldiers. This is just disgusting!
Magna, I am right there beside you. I spent a year of my service doing honor guard and I take respectful disposition of remains seriously.
I'm trying to figure out from this post if your trying to say that these actions were ok? Or if maybe i'm just reading your post wrong. If you could please clear that up for me i would appreciate that.

Cause mark my words, if any single person on this forum says that any portion of what happened to any amount of remains of these fallen soldiers is ok or not that big of a deal. I will personally message any and all moderators on this forum that i can demanding their removal from the sight or i myself will gladly separate myself from the forum if they are not removed.

I want NOTHING to do with anyone who thinks that it's ok. Even just "parts" or "portions". There is proper ways to take care of these remains, and the chain of command in this situation failed MISERABLY, and anyone involved with this incident should voluntarily separate themselves from the service if they are not separated by the military.

As a soldier in the Army it upsets me greatly to see things like this happen. I have lots friends and fellow soldiers. This is just disgusting!

I don't think clintard meant any disrespect but will let him clarify. I took it to mean that his new link is also extremely worrisome, and almost as disrespectful to those who have served.
I got nothing....all I have are questions. This is infuriating to me. I come from a very long line of service men in my family, no one deserves this treatment. Hell even the enemy soldiers wouldnt deserve this treatment. I mean dammit they gave Osama Bin Laden a burial at sea so as not to piss anyone off but our own sons and daughters get a Fucking landfill burial??? What the SHIT kind of respect is that?!?!?
I agree with Clint in the sense that the article was very sensationalist. Just take a look at the last line....."and it was an epic fail". Are you shitting me? This isn't fucking facebook where epic is used to describe items such as mcdonalds, new shoes, a cocktail you just paid $9 for, or a minor inconvenience. "Oh, the street was full so I had to park the next block over....epic park fail LOLZ!"

"News" like this pisses me off.

Since it was air force, you'd think they could take all the un-ID ash and dump it out of a jet or something that would have some symbolism, some respect to it.
Tossing it out with the trash.....they might have well flushed it down the toilet.
I agree with Clint in the sense that the article was very sensationalist. Just take a look at the last line....."and it was an epic fail". Are you shitting me? This isn't fucking facebook where epic is used to describe items such as mcdonalds, new shoes, a cocktail you just paid $9 for, or a minor inconvenience. "Oh, the street was full so I had to park the next block over....epic park fail LOLZ!"

"News" like this pisses me off.

Since it was air force, you'd think they could take all the un-ID ash and dump it out of a jet or something that would have some symbolism, some respect to it.
Tossing it out with the trash.....they might have well flushed it down the toilet.

I'm glad you cleared up what Clint was trying to say. That makes a lot more sense. And i can understand that point of view. Definitely could have been written in a more professional manor.
I'm glad you cleared up what Clint was trying to say. That makes a lot more sense. And i can understand that point of view. Definitely could have been written in a more professional manor.

i also appreciate you asking for clarification instead of just assuming what someone meant. very easy for things to be taken differently through a forum.
i also appreciate you asking for clarification instead of just assuming what someone meant. very easy for things to be taken differently through a forum.

Agreed! I do my best to get to the bottom of everything before i go making any kind of accusations.

Well all know what happens when you assume!

Update to this story, i believe there was an article about it in the ArmyTimes this week. Haven't gotten the chance to read it yet, but maybe someone else may know what i'm talking about.
.... you'd think they could take all the un-ID ash and dump it out of a jet or something that would have some symbolism, some respect to it.
Tossing it out with the trash.....they might have well flushed it down the toilet.

I agree with you there. Some may look at it as "body mass" but to the person it was removed from, it means alot.

With all the bullshit gov spending on contractors, building maint. and others, why not just have an honor guard crew take the ashes to a military cemetary or a park and with a nice ceremony, spread the ashes there?

I said military cemetary for a reason. Like it or not, there are people in the states that would pitch a bitch if this was done in a public cemetary. Its sad but true. I think by using the military cemetarys and parks it would eliminate the hassle from the dolts who spit on those who chose to defend our country.
I didnt mean to come off as uncaring in the matter. It just bothers me that we sit by and watch our country crumble, lose our rights, get robbed and there is no outrage... but this story strikes such a serious nerve with people. I just dont get it. If you ask me, they are giving you something to cry about to divert your attention from the DEEP ass ramming they're givng you when your not looking. If i offend you im sorry.

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