Hmm, are these oem?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2014
Reaction score
College Park, MD
Tried to take off the old foam grips as I found them a bit bulky, I have only removed the left grip so far but I'm not sure if what was under it was supposed to be there?

Slid off the foam and am left with this:

Can't get the metal piece or rubber sleeve thing off the bar.

Also, while I'm here, I replaced my front blinker that didn't work with an LED one... there is so little resistance that it blinks at a high enough frequency to not turn off lol. On top of that, when I turn the other side's blinkers on, it turns on while the other one blinks and the regular one blinks fairly fast haha.

Any solution to that? How do I add in resistors and is there a good location that would effect all 4 bulbs magically?
You can either put a diode under the fake tank dash to stop the double blink, or add that and a resistor in the flasher relay that should fix your fast flash problem.

Those don't look like any of the stock grips I've seen. I'd cut the little rubber end cap part off and see if you can get some compressed air up under there. Hopefully they're not glued on. That's more of a pain.
You can either put a diode under the fake tank dash to stop the double blink, or add that and a resistor in the flasher relay that should fix your fast flash problem.

Those don't look like any of the stock grips I've seen. I'd cut the little rubber end cap part off and see if you can get some compressed air up under there. Hopefully they're not glued on. That's more of a pain.

Is there a specific wire I can put a resistor on to effect all 4 blinkers? Or at least 2 at a time? Right now I show a yellow and a black wire going to the blinker I replaced.

And as for the grips, it does look like those sub grip things are hot glued on, I just wanted to make sure that it's not supposed to be there before I cut into it and take it off.

So if the right side has a throttle tube on top of the bar, when I buy grips will the left side be thicker?

The inner diameter of the right grip should be slightly larger when you buy grips for 7/8" bars. The diode would go in the indicator light in the dash. That's why both sides blink. There's not enough resistance in the circuit, and the whole thing passes current through that dash indicator light. I don't remember what side gets the diode, but you could search for fast flash.
The inner diameter of the right grip should be slightly larger when you buy grips for 7/8" bars. The diode would go in the indicator light in the dash. That's why both sides blink. There's not enough resistance in the circuit, and the whole thing passes current through that dash indicator light. I don't remember what side gets the diode, but you could search for fast flash.

But the left grip is supposed to go directly onto the bar? Like no sleeve is supposed to be under it to match the throttle tube?

And sweet thanks, exactly what I was looking for. I'll see what I can find.
Yes. the left one goes directly on, and the right one fits over the tube.

Awesome! Thanks man, I'll just cut or rip the old one off then.

I'm pretty excited to get stock carbs on it, next weekend you and Jamie are welcome to come over for the major maintenence if you are both still free!

I wanted to ship the stuff out to sean but I couldn't get out of the house with the carbs before the snow came.

In other news, I got a sweet job at Cycle Gear!!!
Congrats on the job...............

....and on your bike.....Looks like you've made some good progress over the last several weeks!!........and you've found some excellent help to back you up.............Spring is coming fast. Looks like you'll be ready.
any discounts at cycle gear ? next weekend may work for me and vmax looks really nice and warm !!

Haha I hope so!!! And awh yea, it's an excellent living room ornament.

I'm going to fit the carbs and make sure everything checks out early this week so I can send Sean mine but there is still plenty left for the weekend!

Would Saturday or Sunday work better for you guys? I think it's supposed to rain Saturday and be really nice Sunday if that matters
Congrats on the job...............

....and on your bike.....Looks like you've made some good progress over the last several weeks!!........and you've found some excellent help to back you up.............Spring is coming fast. Looks like you'll be ready.

Thank you! And yea she's gone from being dangerous to better than new pretty quickly, I'm glad to see my late nights of work are paying off