I am sorry -closed thread!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
mt.vernon, ohio,usa
To all that i offened, yes i can be a ass, once i get pissed it goes nuts, yes i have told alot of lies, just to be noticed, once again i am sorry, i will be straight up from now on, i admit i am a goofy peice of shit, as my wife would tell you, i am not content unless i am creating friction, once again i am sorry, please except my, i am a asshole, and i am sorry, please forgive me. Dave
Re: I am sorry

Hey Dave, No offense but it's really hard to take you seriously now.

Running through my mind is "is he serious or his he just doing this for more show?"

Name calling is NOT cool.

I got called a lot of names in school and I believe it hurts more than being beat up.

Good luck in the future,
Re: I am sorry

unfortunately your credibility is completely gone. Why buster has not kicked you off yet is beyond me. anyways, everyone knows your lies are full of shit, so ur not fooling anyone just pissing them off...

if you want to be noticed, learn more and start helping people out when you can and comment constructively on peoples issues. don't bitch when people are trying to teach you something (the scoops are not plastic)...

there's a lot of people here that like to bust balls which is fine, but they compliment it by helping with all sorts of useful knowledge. Stop opening 30 posts a day about random shit. no one minds the occasional off-topic (in this case motorcycles or vmax) stuff, but the thing that brings us together is the Vmax so opening a thread bout how many free throws u can sink is not going to gather the attention that other info would...

share your experiences, document them... you could have documented the belly pan install or something with pics, its just useful to have that around here....

so take what i have to say or don't... i don't care honestly, but its only going to help you.
Re: I am sorry

I don't usually read these kind of posts. Just so you know.
Some of us don't have time to read every post. I used to, but no longer have that kind of free time.
So if your post title is not descriptive about what the post is about I will pass right on by it and never read it.
And more often than not, even if it is an informative title, If it's something I have no interest in, then I won't read it.
You need to keep that in mind before you go all half cocked and calling people names.

And I'll throw this in also, you might want to have your meds checked. Because I think you're a lil too needy for a web forum environment.
But that's just my opinion.
Re: I am sorry

................I already know you are sorry.

Nope not this time.

Hey Buster is there an ignore button around here?

I have never wanted to use it until now.
Re: I am sorry

i think ill have to use it as well. Hey vmax rider, i wanna see you sig pic full size :D
Re: I am sorry

guys, i am being serious for once, i realise i was i being a jerk, if i were you guys i would feel the same way, i swear to you guys on my doggys life that i regret what i have done and said, if i would have got mad every time somebody called me a name, there is no way i would still be on here (mr. magoo, toadface) i laughed along but it hurt, again i am sorry, i know i have lost your respect, but please give me a chance to earn it back. NO MORE BULLSHIT I SWEARE. dave
Re: I am sorry

Hey Dave, You take what people say here TO seriously.

You also bring it on yourself sometimes albeit unknowingly.

There are a couple of MAJOR smart asses on here and both have your number and keep dialing it.

Re: I am sorry

i know, i should let it go, i got way out of line, and wish i could take it all back, but the damage is done, from now on you guys have my total respect. dave
Re: I am sorry


Thanks 4gasem, that was like finally digging out an old ingrown toe nail.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
Re: I am sorry

I believe your dumb fucking ass should be booted from the site. You dont offer nothing here but your no sense jokes, your sense of humor is challenging to understand. Your as stable as 3 legged stool.
Your sexual comments are to happy for me. I realize you need help so I attached a photo..
I have to admit your blocked from me Magoo...

guys, i am being serious for once, i realise i was i being a jerk, if i were you guys i would feel the same way, i swear to you guys on my doggys life that i regret what i have done and said, if i would have got mad every time somebody called me a name, there is no way i would still be on here (mr. magoo, toadface) i laughed along but it hurt, again i am sorry, i know i have lost your respect, but please give me a chance to earn it back. NO MORE BULLSHIT I SWEARE. dave


  • Issues.jpg
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Re: I am sorry


Now that thar is some funny shit! I don't care who you are.

Re: I am sorry

all this unseated firefly outta the #1 spot...lol
And it pushed "t-shirt Tom" to #3!:rofl_200:
Yes, I recently found the ignore button too. Although, i have to admit, I did turn it on, then off, then on again....and maybe off again...LOL I lost track!:confused2:
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