Ideas about a new seat for Gen2

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I can do it, but you dont have much to work with, stay tuned you'll see somthing late fall. Im going to enjoy some Gen II seat time first! besides if you want something like that the body work needs to be done first, and theres alot involved in doing a seat RIGHT.this is just a stock cut down done in a couple hours this morning.


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    My first cut down Gen II.jpg
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All i know about Vmax seats is my wife is not riding on that seat. first thing she said when i brought it home. I told her the other day i have the seat off do you want me to see if i can have someone make it better. She said and go deaf. No thank you.
I can do it, but you dont have much to work with, stay tuned you'll see somthing late fall. Im going to enjoy some Gen II seat time first! besides if you want something like that the body work needs to be done first, and theres alot involved in doing a seat RIGHT.

Excellent!! How can I get in touch with you from some "offline" voice conversation?

follow the maxgasser link and call the number listed,you'll get some info/ feedback too.
Excellent!! How can I get in touch with you from some "offline" voice conversation?


Been A week :confused2: I hav'nt heard a word from Bike shack. I guess he would rather complain about all the shortcommings HE THINKS the gen II has then doing somthing to make it better.
I would also have thought that with SO much vmax experience ,he would have known that Im the ONLY ONE who has designed and produced a truely aftermarket seat for the GEN I, prolly making me a good contact for someone that is serious about a NEW GEN II seat.

But all is good, I LOVE MY GEN II and in the fall I'll start the design of the MAXGASSER II. I would like some feed back from you gen II guys of things you might like to see from a new design , I have some ideas but feedback from you guys is the best way to design A good seat! ( think out side the box)

Ive have also started looking for hardware that Im going to need for the NEW seat, maybe some of you could help. Im looking for some kind of small( 4-6 long by 1 - 1 1/2 wide and 1/2 thick) slide mechinism similiar to that of a headrest adjustment. I will also need to find a supplier for torsion springs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi twistedmax.... visited your site. Nice looking work. I would luv to help. Didnt think you were ready to pull the trigger on the project so soon.

I will contact you shortly at the number provided.


Been A week :confused2: I hav'nt heard a word from Bike shack. I guess he would rather complain about all the shortcommings HE THINKS the gen II has then doing somthing to make it better.
I would also have thought that with SO much vmax experience ,he would have known that Im the ONLY ONE who has designed and produced a truely aftermarket seat for the GEN I, prolly making me a good contact for someone that is serious about a NEW GEN II seat.

But all is good, I LOVE MY GEN II and in the fall I'll start the design of the MAXGASSER II. I would like some feed back from you gen II guys of things you might like to see from a new design , I have some ideas but feedback from you guys is the best way to design A good seat! ( think out side the box)

Ive have also started looking for hardware that Im going to need for the NEW seat, maybe some of you could help. Im looking for some kind of small( 4-6 long by 1 - 1 1/2 wide and 1/2 thick) slide mechinism similiar to that of a headrest adjustment. I will also need to find a supplier for torsion springs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Sean! Nice seats in your web site. I do have the V MAX OEM pillion seat. I am looking for a rider seat that would be carved lower 1.5 to 2" to the ground. I will find out more about the seat after speaking to Twistedmax.


Yamaha offers the seat similar to the sands seat already.

We offer the reshaped seat which I noticed others do too. If a completely new seat will be offered (like his maxgasser for the gen 1) it will be interesting to see what it will look like.

There isn't that much room between the current seat surface and the frame.
Yeah... after writing my last post I went out to my garage to look at possibilities.... that is going to be an interesting puzzle to solve...


There isn't that much room between the current seat surface and the frame.
The gen 2 seat we did felt that much lower but the biggest gains were in the thighs and some in the butt. Until you are ready to hack up the frame you aren't going to get any lower then that without suspension changes.

Just an observation but how low does one need to go? If reaching the ground flat footed is the issue, there's an 883 for you. The insignificantly small pool of very short legged Max riders probably would preclude a special seat design let alone cutting frame members. Easier to get some platform shoes
Patmax,Im average height and it FEELS like the bike is tall ,Im tip toed or on the balls of my feet at best while on the Gen II. Its not really the height thats the issue its the width, but with that being said Sean Is correct theres not alot to be gained(on the low end), MAYBE 3/8 to 1/2 with a new ,low as possible seat pan.

The first seat I do for the Gen II will be targeted for the smaller rider, as low as possible (on a new pan) And maybe a little more forward seating opption, storage under the passenger seat(again on a new pan) for paper work or possibly a cell phone,or cigarette pack.

The next for BIG riders, no taller then stock but with more rearward room and the same storage as the first .

I have some definite Ideas and Im willing to listen to more if you, any of you, have any.

I was going to start this "project " right off when I got the bike but Ive decided to wait untill the fall. That will give me the oppertunity to RIDE and continue making the orignal MAXGASSER, Ive been too busy the past couple years trying to make a dream come true to do any good riding. This will also give me a chance to meet some of the Gen II guys and get feedback from them(if their interested).

Ive made a Album titled "its not easy" Its some of what is envolved in making a true aftermarket seat ,as opposed to a cut down stock seat. theres alot more then meets the eye. theres shrinkage issues,expansion issues, clearance issues, supplier issues, time management issues,ect ,ect.

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