Idiot points gun at bikers...

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I saw several mistakes made by more than one guy in this video but pulling a gun without a clear need to use it, then pointing it at someone, with finger on the trigger, across your passenger, with several witnesses, on camera.. One stands out above the rest. His mistakes would probably be fatal around here.
The first word in the title says it all,idiot! The most useful gun in a bad situation is usually a gun no one else knows you have. Most wise people carrying would blow off an insult or gesture and just drive away. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'd prefer surprise over provocation in a confrontation.
In this case, everybody should have kept rolling.
Concealed carry is just THAT . Those kind of people don't deserve the right to carry , they ruin it for the rest of us . A good gun owner is the one nobody knows carries a gun . You only show the gun when danger is present and there's no other choice...DUH !
If I have pulled I am going to use it, once it's out someone is going to get a trio of trendy piercings. Before you pull a piece you better be sure that your choice to use lethal force would make sense to a judge and jury, and that there was absolutly no other way possible to protect your life.

I was not clear on whether or not this dildo faced legal repercussions for this stunt, anyone know?
I was always taught by my dad at a young age not to point a gun at anyone unless you intend to shoot them. Well, the next day, the neighborhood bully got shot in the ass with a Sheridan pellet gun.
It was a good shot too, from fairly far away. I still like peep sights.Well after my pellet rifle got confiscated by my father and I apologized, under duress, to the bully (he never fucked with me again) I got a good talking to.
I didn't see my little rifle again for a couple of years and learned a good lesson. We laughed about it 20 years later. But once real guns were in the house I got reminded from time to time not to take things out of context.
Here's one thing I dont understand. Didnt the idiot in the truck see the go-pro and realize that this is all filmed? Well that goes back to the headline of this post....."Idiot points gun....."
Here's one thing I dont understand. Didnt the idiot in the truck see the go-pro and realize that this is all filmed? Well that goes back to the headline of this post....."Idiot points gun....."

+1, he's lucky he didn't have that gun taken and turned on himself. Dumb ass trying to intimidate people. Might not have even been loaded.
Bubba should have the oppertunity to help him embrace the less popular points of male bonding. There were a couple times in my life where that fear was the only reason I didnt do what needed to be done.

The gun looked very real to me, especially when he pointed it. We need idiot control more than more gun regs, he is exhibit A.
They make those non firing replicas that look very real. Many of them will even let you rack the slide and conform closely to 1911 specs. Used in film making and display, they are quite useless for anything else. Not even good for hammering. I could see a fool brandishing one. They have been used in a few robberies according to the press.
When i as younger !!! long time ago
whyle car driven; I did have two issues of road-rage (road different of opinion !!) with civil-police :bang head::bang head:

Wath a FCK`N shit

So, now, i don`t clear up any different with other drivers, i simply fade away,
Like another Member says ``Maybe i`m getting older !! `` :clapping:
Kathy and I were heading to Dayton Ohio on the Max about 18 years ago. We were riding between Cleveland and Columbus on the interstate, when this elderly African American gentlemen in one of those really blinged out Caddys starts tailgating me - REALLY close. I accelerated away from him, but he caught up to me a few miles later, and got even closer. I slowed a bit, and the asshole went off the road onto the shoulder and passed me on the left. Time to hit the boost... He caught up to me yet again, and got even closer - blowing the horn at me, and grinning.

I have a friend who carried a pool ball in his bag, to show tailgaters what is about to come crashing through the windshield of their car if they don't back off. This usually worked.

Not carrying a pool ball, I waited till he was very close to me again, and threw a handful of change directly onto his windshield. He stopped like he hit a brick wall, and we never saw him again.

I carry a couple 3/4" nuts with me now - just in case..
I carry a couple 3/4" nuts with me now - just in case..

Not to brag, or anything Bill, but mine are at least 1 1/4"......... and I'd never ever consider throwing them at a tailgater. WTF? :rofl_200: