Improper tag display ticket FL

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
I saw this recently on a local forum & thought the person who says he is a LEO has an interesting tag line.

Here is the original post followed by the LEO's response. Please note this is not anything to do w/me!-"fire-medic"

The original post:
"I posted this a while back in the Kawi forums and this morning had my court date. Here is the first and last post from that thread.

Got pulled over in February and ticketed for improper license plate location. Didn't think much of it. I have had it there for the 5 years that I have been riding. I thought I will move the license plate and then pay a small fine. I go in today and the lady behind the counter tells me $1,158 fine. WHAT!!!

I elected the court date. Hoping the judge will have mercy on me. This is ridiculous. It's not like I am trying to conceal my license plate. Just had it near the battery cover for looks. You can see it just fine.


Just got back from court today. $1,158 ticket DISMISSED!!! I should have have been a lawyer. So I went into court armed with pictures of before and after I moved the plate, with past tickets, with stories about how the fender was broken after an accident and I had to replace it, how I have been riding like this for 5 years now and no one said anything.

Before, how it was for 5 years now.

After, and yes I got awesome integrated turn signals and installed them this weekend.

When I walked into the courtroom the first thing I did was find the cop that pulled me over. I walk up to him dressed in my power suit and my lucky green tie. Politely said hello, how are you.

I said Officer is there any way we can work this out before the hearing without having to take up the judges time. Let me show you the pictures. As soon as I got the ticket I remounted the plate. Showed him the pictures above. He was really cool. He said "You where really polite when I pulled you over, didn't give me any BS. You are a young guy and I know the fine is a lot of money. When you get up there just tell the judge that you would like the fine reduce show her the pictures and I will vouch for you." Super cool guy, the day he gave me the ticket he was all jacked up on adrenaline. Today he was chill and very nice.

I go in front of the judge. Say hello your honor, and before I could plea or say anything the cop starts talking. He said something about dismissing the case and how I was very polite when he pulled me over. The judge looked at my pictures, said looks like you where using zip ties before. I start saying something about a past accident, she cut me off and said considering the officers request and the pictures you provide I am going to dismiss the case. She said that she hates to see these fines on motorcycle but it is up to the legislature to decide these things and since the cop spoke in my favor she dismissed it. BOOM no fine no points. AWESOME!!!! I think it was the lucky green tie."

Here is the LEO's response:
"Re: WOW $1,158 Fine For a License Plate?!?!?
There is an advanced Police academy which teaches Wizardry, after graduation we get magical powers.

Unfortunately with a lot of cops, the badge makes them 10 feet tall and they loose touch with reality. They dont realize that 90% of the people are good and just make small mistakes. It only takes a little adjustment (warring, talking to) to get them back on track. There is a post here where a dude rides a go-cart on the street, most cops would get all pissed off, (I would be checking it out) But why? So what, I would just have him take it home. The things that piss me off are the num-nuts who drive around with no insurance, P.O.S. vehicles, People who commit crimes.(Theft, Burglary, shoplifting etc) Things that can hurt others. My grandfather was a cop for 40 years, my dad was for 30 and I for 25years so far, and all 3 of us have had listed phone numbers. Its the way you treat people. I am not on any high horse or want a pat on the back, but there are some cops that do the job the correct way, the way it was intended. On the other hand a lot of cops dont, and knowing that I dont trust them in certain situations either.
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CUPCAKE-BISH, D-wire, slowrthnu and 6 others like this.
Conduct every traffic stop extending the olive branch of peace, while having a tactical plan to kill everyone in the vehicle."

Too-bad you have to deal w/a job where that is something you need to consider daily! (the tag line)
The amount of that fine is an outrage and I believe is cruel and unusual punishment and thus violates the Constitution.

When are we all gonna stand up against this abuse?

What a fine. That's as rediculous as the Wheelie Fine here in Florida. Glad to hear he got off, free and clear....
Wow these ridiculous fines are such a money making racket for the state/county/city etc etc .
Here in Texas (Not sure about other states) But the is a COC&I (Coalition of Clubs and Independants) Its a motorcycle rides both MC and just regular rider enthusiasts. A sub party of this Coalition and called the US Defenders and its a national organization that acually has attorneys and lobyists and when something hits that Legislative agenda either in the state OR national that would affect the freedoms and abilities of the motorcycle culture a Call to Arms is put out with emails and links to the actual law proposal. Then a petition is filled out by everyone that gets this in the state to file against or for the proposed law. Im not sure how effective it is but it is a start and when the Legislature gets the petition from a series of Lawyers or Lobyists instead of a bunch of "dirty bikers" they have to take notice and figure if X amount of thousand people are for OR against whatever it is. They do take notice. One thing that Lawmakers do worry about is public opinion...

This is the link, and we can always use more members. If you are a rider no matter where TAKE A LOOK IT APPLIES TO YOU TOO
Wonder if I had actually gone to court something similar would have happened. The guy that pulled me over at 1am on a deserted 55mph road doing 72mph, must have been fresh from the academy since if I was to guess his age I would have said about 18.

All full of piss and vinegar. I think he was majorly disappointed I wasn't drunk, but he checked lights, the inspection sticker, and even inspected the rear tire. He was just looking for something else to nab me on. There was a more senior officer who was leaning against the car the whole time, looking bored and didn't say a word the entire time. Generally had that "high horse" arrogant attitude of someone who sees the badge as legalized bullying.
Wonder if I had actually gone to court something similar would have happened. The guy that pulled me over at 1am on a deserted 55mph road doing 72mph, must have been fresh from the academy since if I was to guess his age I would have said about 18.

All full of piss and vinegar. I think he was majorly disappointed I wasn't drunk, but he checked lights, the inspection sticker, and even inspected the rear tire. He was just looking for something else to nab me on. There was a more senior officer who was leaning against the car the whole time, looking bored and didn't say a word the entire time. Generally had that "high horse" arrogant attitude of someone who sees the badge as legalized bullying.

Good thing you weren't riding "on the dark side!" "Improper equipment!" violation.
The kid was a fresh out of the academy rookie being schooled by the FTO.