Is it just me or.......

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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york this just about the dumbest statement you ever heard?
If the roads are 'deceiving' the drivers how in hell will they know whether they're dangerous or not, or if they aren't dangerous but deceiving drivers into thinking they are dangerous.....or vice versa :confused2:

By the time they have all that worked out....they'll be in a wreck! :ummm:

"while emergency planners urged drivers throughout the entire state of Georgia to stay off “deceptively dangerous” roads."
wtf is that from man????
need a coffee first and will ready it again
When in doubt, put the cruise control on and let the car decide. :ummm:

Some woman from the Atlanta area being interviewed on Nat'l news this morning said something to the effect: The ice is very dangerous and couldn't be driven on safely regardless of what those Yankees thought. :bang head:

Flippin' war between the states still going on in some of them ther idiots' minds down ther.

Not feeling like I'm a Yankee, not even a Northerner, nor do I consider myself as a Southerner, hell, I'm just a dumb Missourian, but I can tell her this - That damn ice can be conquered and driven on! First thing you need is to be at least as smart as the ice. Second thing you need do is arm yourself with a brain. Then you go out and acquire the proper equipment and some common sense. It can be done. :biglaugh:

Longest we've been out of power at our house was 9 days, back in 2007. We drove to work and home on it every one of those days. We survived, and not once felt the need to boohoo on national tv.
When in doubt, put the cruise control on and let the car decide. :ummm:

Some woman from the Atlanta area being interviewed on Nat'l news this morning said something to the effect: The ice is very dangerous and couldn't be driven on safely regardless of what those Yankees thought. :bang head:

Flippin' war between the states still going on in some of them ther idiots' minds down ther.

Not feeling like I'm a Yankee, not even a Northerner, nor do I consider myself as a Southerner, hell, I'm just a dumb Missourian, but I can tell her this - That damn ice can be conquered and driven on! First thing you need is to be at least as smart as the ice. Second thing you need do is arm yourself with a brain. Then you go out and acquire the proper equipment and some common sense. It can be done. :biglaugh:

Longest we've been out of power at our house was 9 days, back in 2007. We drove to work and home on it every one of those days. We survived, and not once felt the need to boohoo on national tv.

Ice is the worst. Us yankees have salters and sanders though. It's like bumper cars here to, without those trucks
When in doubt, put the cruise control on and let the car decide. :ummm:

Some woman from the Atlanta area being interviewed on Nat'l news this morning said something to the effect: The ice is very dangerous and couldn't be driven on safely regardless of what those Yankees thought. :bang head:

Flippin' war between the states still going on in some of them ther idiots' minds down ther.

Not feeling like I'm a Yankee, not even a Northerner, nor do I consider myself as a Southerner, hell, I'm just a dumb Missourian, but I can tell her this - That damn ice can be conquered and driven on! First thing you need is to be at least as smart as the ice. Second thing you need do is arm yourself with a brain. Then you go out and acquire the proper equipment and some common sense. It can be done. :biglaugh:

Longest we've been out of power at our house was 9 days, back in 2007. We drove to work and home on it every one of those days. We survived, and not once felt the need to boohoo on national tv.

And THAT says it all right there! :punk:
In Colorado, it's mandatory to take your car to an open lot and learn how to do donuts, reverse donuts (fwd), and general hooliganism on the ice and snow. Lots of fun and experience to be had. People down there rarely get these chances: (
In Colorado, it's mandatory to take your car to an open lot and learn how to do donuts, reverse donuts (fwd), and general hooliganism on the ice and snow. Lots of fun and experience to be had. People down there rarely get these chances: (

Well, according to some news footage I've seen today, thousands down there are taking full advantage of the situation to get themselves some of that practice. In fact, many of them are so eager to get their practice, they aren't waiting until they arrive at the parking lots to begin. :ummm:

Ever wonder why highway departments (probably nation wide) have to install those "slippery when wet" signs everywhere? I mean, come on! If your brain function couldn't have determined that before your very first driving experience, should you have been allowed a license? Then, add some freezing temps, and there are people (with licenses) who still can't compute a potential problem? Please help me - I'm trying to understand.
In Colorado, it's mandatory to take your car to an open lot and learn how to do donuts, reverse donuts (fwd), and general hooliganism on the ice and snow. Lots of fun and experience to be had. People down there rarely get these chances: (

I can't imagine anyone not doing this....not so much as a learning thing as for the sheer enjoyment! As kids growing up in upstate NY we always had 'field cars', could easily handle a 4 wheel controlled slide at 14 yrs old....learned how to brace yourself in a roll-over, etc.

Never could understand folks that go into major panic as soon as the ass end twitches....shit, give it some gas, get a little rush out of it!! :punk:

You ain't livin' on the edge, yer taking up too much room!! :biglaugh:
Well, according to some news footage I've seen today, thousands down there are taking full advantage of the situation to get themselves some of that practice. In fact, many of them are so eager to get their practice, they aren't waiting until they arrive at the parking lots to begin. :ummm:

Ever wonder why highway departments (probably nation wide) have to install those "slippery when wet" signs everywhere? I mean, come on! If your brain function couldn't have determined that before your very first driving experience, should you have been allowed a license? Then, add some freezing temps, and there are people (with licenses) who still can't compute a potential problem? Please help me - I'm trying to understand.

Its because we have to placate to the lowest common denominator. So if one person is a have to ASSUME that everyone is a dumbass, and NO ONE is responsible for their actions.
field car??? whats a field car......
you know......goes around dumping shit so the lettuce can grow.....
come on boy....lets race....

I know danny you know what im saying......
That 1/2" of slush that forms early in a storm, just after they ladle the salt on, is some pretty nasty stuff too....I hate salt!! :bang head:
The sand/ salt mixture I think is worse on vehicles, provides a nice sticky goo to keep the salt plastered up tight against the paint. It is better than just salt on ice though, gives some grit between the tire and ice.
Alright, which one of you hooligans posted this up on FB the other day?
snow in michigan.jpg
If we're talking about driving on ice , up and down hills , with chains or studded tires , fine. However , I doubt there are 500 sets of either on personal vehicles in Atl. Soooooooooo , that's why you see all those vehicles on the 6 o'clock news , sliding down the hilly streets , directly into the previous moron , who attempted same " showing them southerners how to drive in the snow " trick . We just don't / won't have the equipment necessary to fight ice or snow , for that matter , 'cause we just don't have many of these wierd weather situations , so we don't spend the $ necessary to deal with it.
If we're talking about driving on ice , up and down hills , with chains or studded tires , fine. However , I doubt there are 500 sets of either on personal vehicles in Atl. Soooooooooo , that's why you see all those vehicles on the 6 o'clock news , sliding down the hilly streets , directly into the previous moron , who attempted same " showing them southerners how to drive in the snow " trick . We just don't / won't have the equipment necessary to fight ice or snow , for that matter , 'cause we just don't have many of these wierd weather situations , so we don't spend the $ necessary to deal with it.

+1, the street in and around Atlanta were not designed for ice or even snow. The roads are setup to get rid of rain that would pour down buckets so the roads are humped so all the rain runs to the curbs. When the snow hits all the cars are sliding into curbs/ ditches across the lanes which is an absolute mess for even us northerners to drive on.
I was living there (Tucker, GA) when about 4-5 of snow fell and the city just stopped. There were a few (comparatively to normal) cars out trying to move but the roads were pure ice. I took a Astro work van and made a few needed oxygen deliveries but only in the NE area outside of I285 fairly close to the office. I stuck to back streets as best I could to stay in the snow and off ice but I did have to turn around a few times because I either couldn't get up or down a hill without possibly crashing. The snow was gone in 2 days and everything resumed as normal. I saw a city dump truck driving slowly down the middle of Jimmy Carter Blvd loaded with sand with two guys spreading sand with shovels! JCB is pretty big so they may have been doing it for a short section but I felt sorry the job those guys were doing.
If we're talking about driving on ice , up and down hills , with chains or studded tires , fine. However , I doubt there are 500 sets of either on personal vehicles in Atl. Soooooooooo , that's why you see all those vehicles on the 6 o'clock news , sliding down the hilly streets , directly into the previous moron , who attempted same " showing them southerners how to drive in the snow " trick . We just don't / won't have the equipment necessary to fight ice or snow , for that matter , 'cause we just don't have many of these wierd weather situations , so we don't spend the $ necessary to deal with it.


And...the 4 million yankees that have moved here in the last 40 years or so, added to half a million or so people just passing through daily (freight + passengers bound for Hartsfield or Florida) mean we have a traffic flow situation few northern cities and no Canadian cities have to deal with.

Culturally & demographically, Atlanta barely qualifies as a "southern" place.

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