John McCain. A TRUE Hero.

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
No matter what bullshit comments Trumpf has babbled about John McCain over the last couple years, to doubt that he was a hero is to not understand the definition of the word.

Rest in Peace, sir.
No matter what bullshit comments Trumpf has babbled about John McCain over the last couple years, to doubt that he was a hero is to not understand the definition of the word.

Rest in Peace, sir.

Gotta agree with that 100%.

With five deferments from the military for "bone spurs", how anyone who has served this country past or present can support Trump is beyond me.

McCain was a hero and Trump is a coward.
While I disagreed with some of his positions he was a man of integrity. That is something that is missing in our current crop of politicians. You will be missing. RIP
I am with the rest of you!!! John McCain is a PERFECT example of what an American IS!!!!! Imagine if every single person born in this country shared John's values and moral compass. I remember when I was serving and during Basic Non-Commissioned Officer training we were introduced to the John McCain story. During one of our breaks I remember the conversation with the other NCO's and how PROUD we were hearing John's story.
Gotta agree with that 100%.

With five deferments from the military for "bone spurs", how anyone who has served this country past or present can support Trump is beyond me.

McCain was a hero and Trump is a coward.

It's quite easy to explain how someone can support Trump...look at what our alternative was. Bernie? Hillary? Nobody is perfect but we dodged several bullets putting him into office. Before calling the man out for his military deferments, tell me about Obama's service...or Hillary's. The stories about that woman's treatment of military & government personnel are numerous & horrible. I'm retired air force btw. Regarding McCain, the man had some pretty glaring faults so trying give him the highest praise while giving Trump the lowest of low's is a bit too much to swallow.
Yeah John McCain had plenty of faults just like all of us. But he owned up to every one of them based on all that knew and worked with him.

Unlike the lyiing clown that is out on the golf course all this and every other weekend.

Trump's not fit to shine John McCain's shoe's.

It's quite easy to explain how someone can support Trump...look at what our alternative was. Bernie? Hillary? Nobody is perfect but we dodged several bullets putting him into office. Before calling the man out for his military deferments, tell me about Obama's service...or Hillary's. The stories about that woman's treatment of military & government personnel are numerous & horrible. I'm retired air force btw. Regarding McCain, the man had some pretty glaring faults so trying give him the highest praise while giving Trump the lowest of low's is a bit too much to swallow.
Most people, including myself vote along party lines, and Trump is probably the last person I would have wanted to vote for. He is petty, immature, and behaves like he is still running a business, rather than operating within a political system. That said, being a republican, he is still better than any possible democrat.

I find it more than a little hypocritical that those that attack Trump would have voted for the only person on the planet that the voting public deemed worse.
History is going to treat that Orange Asshole harshly, I predict. He made America a laughingstock around the world. Sad.
And it's true. He couldn't shine McCain's shoes...
:punk: Perfect !
Most people, including myself vote along party lines, and Trump is probably the last person I would have wanted to vote for. He is petty, immature, and behaves like he is still running a business, rather than operating within a political system. That said, being a republican, he is still better than any possible democrat.

I find it more than a little hypocritical that those that attack Trump would have voted for the only person on the planet that the voting public deemed worse.
+1 Dan-o. Hate and division are hurting us. Too many sheep and not enough independent thinkers. The media leads too many Americans around by the nose.

Independent thinkers are at a low tide in the USA, while the media is so divisive nowadays. Like the old saying goes, "if you have nothing nice to say say nothing".