My Brother Diabetic Issues

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Brimley in Michigan's U.P.
I have been off work and at the hospital since Tuesday with my brother due to Diabeties and complications. We are headed to another hospital 2.5 hrs away for a heart cath test to check for any blockages. He is scheduled to go in for the procedure sometime this afternoon.
My brother has had dibeties for over 20 years and it has caused this type of heart trouble 7 years ago, when he had to have a stint or two inserted. He typically has problems with low blood sugar but this time he had a blood sugar reading in excess of 900 and a possible heart attack. They were fianlly able to get his blood sugar reading down to 126 yesterday afternoon so the Cardiologist could check him out. His determination was that he probally had a heart attack and that further testing was needed to make sure his heart is working as well as it can. My sister is coming up from Flint this morning to ride over with my nephew and me and to hopefully talk to my brother for the first time in 10 years(another story there!!). Send some prayers for my little bro so he can get back on his FZ-1 and help me terrorize the local streets once again!
I have been off work and at the hospital since Tuesday with my brother due to Diabeties and complications. We are headed to another hospital 2.5 hrs away for a heart cath test to check for any blockages. He is scheduled to go in for the procedure sometime this afternoon.
My brother has had dibeties for over 20 years and it has caused this type of heart trouble 7 years ago, when he had to have a stint or two inserted. He typically has problems with low blood sugar but this time he had a blood sugar reading in excess of 900 and a possible heart attack. They were fianlly able to get his blood sugar reading down to 126 yesterday afternoon so the Cardiologist could check him out. His determination was that he probally had a heart attack and that further testing was needed to make sure his heart is working as well as it can. My sister is coming up from Flint this morning to ride over with my nephew and me and to hopefully talk to my brother for the first time in 10 years(another story there!!). Send some prayers for my little bro so he can get back on his FZ-1 and help me terrorize the local streets once again!

Sorry to hear this Brian. Jodi and I will keep your bro in our prayers! Was great to meet him at the Ice Breaker a couple of years ago and I hope to see him again some time!!!! Please tell him we send out best wishes and hope he has a speedy and complete recovery!!!
I'll put your lil bro in my prayers and your family also. I got the diabeties diagnosis this summer ----- but with both parents having itit was inevatiable, I know the aftermath of a few years of diabetes can be terrible . But you brother will beat it and so will I.
Best wishes,
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you guys will be in my thoughts brian.
Sorry to hear this news Brian, best of luck to your Bro and I'll be sending positive thoughts and prayers his way for sure.

Sorry to hear and best of luck, I'm a nurse and deal with stuff like this every day so pm me if you need anything answered of interrupted
You're in my thoughts for sure. My dad passed this Feb from a heart attack, but he struggled with diabetes related complications for years.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family and brother Brian.....try to hang in there. Rick
Done! I know whats its about Brian,I had a brother that had diabeties (and many other things) for 28 years, my thoughts are with you all!
D.M. Sucks! I was diagnosed in 91 but probably had it a few years prior to that. You did not mention if he is type one or two. After years of poor glucose control and being type II, I finally did something about it. With a HbA1c reading of a 17.3, ( three month glucose average with a 6 being normal), it was time before I started with the problems your brother is having.. Bariatric Gastric sleeve surgery has me off two types of insulin, two diabetes meds, no more Blood pressure medicine, and no " little blue pills". Miracle? No, but my neuropathy is going away and I think it will add years to my life. All for the measley cost of $11,500 bucks. A used Gen II almost! I doubt this will work for type I diabetics but there are great strides in research and pancreas islet cell transplant is being used successfully in other countries and in trials here. Prayers and my support go out to you and your brother. It has gotten me through some really tough times physically and emotionally. Keep us updated.