Now it was my turn...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Port St Lucie, FL.
I had trailered my Max up to Asheville NC for a planned 7 days of riding in on the mountain roads.
Being from FL I was in awe when I was on my first twisty road. I quickly became comfortable with being on these type of roads and my Max felt like it was at home. The torque of the engine seemed to be a real plus for the acceleration and for engine breaking. I was in my glory!!
By day two I had rode over 400 miles of these glorious back roads and was ready to go "tame the Tail of the Dragon" (Deals Gap). Once again my Max was perfect. The Dragon was behind me and now tamed.
Day three, rain again. I was riding with a man that was staying at my motel also. We planned a route of a 150 mile loop that included riding through the Great Smokey Mountain National Forest. Very nice scenery, almost boring though. The road was too straight compared to what we were use to riding on. We were off of the mountain and riding on Little river road. Much more like what we were looking for. About 5 mile from leaving the park, with my new friend leading about 100 yards ahead of me, we were carving up the road at about 50 MPH. Much to my surprise, here comes a bear up out of the ditch in between us. The bear was now in my path. He realized that I was there and we played the zig-zag game for a second and then I hit him broadside. I am guessing that I was able to slow to 45 MPH at impact. Next thing I realize I am down on the road. I was able to stand up. Very disorientated and amazed, I looked down at my legs, looked at my arms, and everything appeared to be intact. Bear was gone! Bike is facing wrong way in the on coming lane. A couple of cars stopped and asked if I was okay. Nobody helped lift max with me. Not that I needed it, but I was on the right side of the bike, on a hill and couldn't get the kick stand down. I did manage it though. Rain suit is tore up on knees and elbows, glove torn, boots scuffed, but helmet was not scratched. Left knee and right wrist was feeling sore but not broken. After the Ranger made his report, he called for a tow, An hour later truck was there. At this point I am still VERY amazed that I hit a bear and went down at 45 MPH and I was feeling fine. Max was looking bad. Front wheel almost at the radiator. and bear puke or shit down the entire right side of the bike.
Now my only choice back was to ride bitch on my new friends bike. With my tail bag now made into a backpack, we set off on our 70 mile mountain road journey, which includes the "Dragon" in the rain, with darkness closing in. We made it back to the hotel safely. Now it was Miller Time!! The next day I woke up sore, but doing great. I once again was riding bitch for a 150 mile ride back to where my truck and trailer were. Thanks to Dave for he kindness and help.
So I was able to tame the "Dragon" but when it come to the National Parks, Yogi kicked my ass and gave my bike a bo-bo.
Im back in FL now and awaiting for State Farm to come and look at my bike. Last night I was on the Mondak Motorsports web pricing parts. $4500. I am hoping that State Farm doesn't want to total it. Bike is not very bad. Case guards really saved the bike. I also think that the bear was a cushion between the bike and the road.
That's WILD Kevin - so glad you were able to walk away from it without any real injury. Good luck dealing with your insurance
HOLY (bear)SHIT!!!!!!!!

Glad you are OK......

Get Max fixed.......get a bearskin rug.......tell that story lots:biglaugh:
Wow, that's one to write home about! Glad you are ok and your Max can be fixed!!
Wow, what a story! Glad you're OK.

With $4,500 in parts, I bet your bike is unfortunately toast.

If they do total it, you might drop Firewrench a PM...he was looking for a motor sometime this summer. You two might be able to strike a deal.
Ouch man, thats sucks!
Im glad that you ok and post this thread to tell us about.
Heal quick and get well.

I went down about month ago too by some car fucker who didnt see me.
Its posted on this forum.

My bike was badly damaged and those insurance arseholes want a total damage and they want to pay me about 3400$.
My bike is worth about 7000$ here, in PL.
They estaminate my bike value at 6k anf they wanna give me 6k minus
value of wrecked parts so about 2600$.

Ha they wish!
Yes i will take those 3400 and i will repair my bike but i will go to the court!

In my country you can repair vehicle up to 110% of total vehicle value.

Wish you luck with them :thumbs up:
wow bud. glad u were able to write this up..

now not to play mod monkey or anything, but ya know, that $4500 could probably go towards some nicer aftermarket stuff?

but anyways, keep us updated, hope ur doing well.

and please please if u start to get very sleepy all of a sudden (onset of a concussion later on) goto the hospital.
Yes I do feel very lucky to walk away from this crash without injury.

Mike, you are so correct. You know that I will be in church praising God for looking after me.

Garrett, I have already had those thoughts. I'm hearing a walker exhaust system coming.... I will not let them total this bike. It is not too bad. My Max will be be back to it's perfect condition soon.
Glad you walked away but at the least you've suffered a concussion..have it checked out (Liam Niesins wife had a ski accident where she hit her head..seemed fine afterwards then died a few days later)
Ain't it a bitch. Glad you're ok. I am sure they will total it. Make them pay you good then buy one of mine - lol!!! OR buy it back and fix it better then new.

Sounds un BEARable , but you walked away. If the frame is straight the insurance funds might put it together with upgrades better than before.
Wow Kevin, glad you are OK! I've heard of a lot of animals being hit but that is the first bear I've heard being hit. Hope things work out with your insurance and you are riding soon.
Damn Kevin, what a story - very happy that you are pretty well ok after that encounter. I hope everything works out with the insurance and the bike - hopefully you can get it back and make it better than it was before the accident.

Good Luck

"""Last night I was on the Mondak Motorsports web pricing parts. $4500. I am hoping that State Farm doesn't want to total it. Bike is not very bad. Case guards really saved the bike. I also think that the bear was a cushion between the bike and the road.[/QUOTE]""""

Sorry, but if you priced new parts for that amount, then State Farm will total it. Simply because that doesn't include shop labor and dealer part markup. I just went through a similar claim last June. State Farm paid me very well! I rebuilt my bike better than new and bought my daughter a car with the remaining money. Here is a strange thing though, they told me it would be titled as a salvage vehicle now, but my new title says original and has nothing stating salvage on it:ummm:

If you want to save some time on receiving your check, get it to a local Yamaha dealer for an estimate asap. State Farm will re-imburse you the fee. Good Luck!
Wow Kevin that is crazy! Glad you're ok though, that's the main thing. Hopefully you will work out your Max with a good insurance payout.

When did all this happen? I just came back from the Dragon's Tail today and we also saw a lot of rain, but luckily no bears..
NG, this happened on wednesday the 16th. I had remembered that you and Robert were planning a trip for the weekend. I was hoping to still be around when you were there.
So now that you rode the Dragon, whats your opinion of riding 2 up at dusk in the rain? That was how I got back to my motel in Robbinsville.
Glad you're OK Kevin! I've ridden out there and you DO have to be careful. Sounds like there was nothing you could do though.

Good luck!
