obama care?This can't be right!Can it.

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So in conclusion, 9/11 was an inside job, people actually care about what Michael Moore has to say, and Obama was/is a pothead. Does that about cover the problems with Obamacare.... ?

The companies that were forking over for insurance will continue to do so. More and more every year. Nothing in the law changes that.

The law changes a company's options for providing healthcare. If they are of a ceIe they must do so or be fined. The fines are less than the cost of premiums so it's still more cost effective to eat the fines, but there's more incentive to provide employee benefits and get a return on investment instead of just pay a fine with no ROI. Companies are trying to get around that by only hiring part time or reducing their workforce outright. That's short term though, because you need employees to provide your companies goods/services, and if you reduce those you reduce your output and thus make less money anyway. There are temp agencies, contractors, and other forms of outsourcing to work around this as well. Loopholes that will likely be closed as the law evolves, or loopholes that will end up unused because nobody wants to work for those shitty companies and they end up getting smoked by competitors with happy hard working employees.

It should boil out to granting the middle class more employers with incentives to provide insurance. In the meantime, the individual mandate falls to them and the exchanges will make it easier to find an appropriate plan. For those that can't afford it outright there are subsidies available, and for the lower class in states that didn't refuse medicaid expansion there are even more options.

Failing any of those options there's an individual fine of 1% of annual income. Which is simply wasted money for the individual.

It stings for many at first. That's very true, but the alternative is letting the out of control costs continue out of control, and that will end up doing a lot worse than sting.
If you truly believe the "fine" will remain low you need to seek help. The deeper the socialists penetrate the healthcare industry the worse it gets. Your solution? More socialism. Brilliant, except it has never worked anywhere.
Harry Reed said in his out-loud voice before Fox News cameras that the present system is temporary and untenable and that the only REAL solution is to ELIMINATE THE PRIVATE INSURANCE INDUSTRY AND GO TO A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT.

This is the REAL obamacare and it's coming just as the EU is getting rid of that kind of thing.

the cold hard fact is that those who pay the taxes cannot afford to allow everyone unfettered access to healthcare AND feed their own children at the same time. Some people are going to have to be cut off and many of those people will die because they need care the most.

This is evolution in action and the real problem all along has been that the entire healthcare industry has as it's goal to fight evolution at every turn by helping people survive who should not survive.

In tribal days, the elders inspected each new child and if it had significant flaws, it was left to the wolves because the elders knew how hard everyone had to work just to keep the healthy and strong fed.

We need to learn how to accept the fact of death here in America and stop trying to save people's lives at all costs.
This is evolution in action and the real problem all along has been that the entire healthcare industry has as it's goal to fight evolution at every turn by helping people survive who should not survive.

In tribal days, the elders inspected each new child and if it had significant flaws, it was left to the wolves because the elders knew how hard everyone had to work just to keep the healthy and strong fed.

We need to learn how to accept the fact of death here in America and stop trying to save people's lives at all costs.

From a scientific standpoint, I agree, but when it's your family member affected, all that goes out the window.
Please note that you may be sued if you use the term "Obamacare" My dentist informed me that he got a letter from his malpractice insurance company instructing him to instruct his staff not to use that term because someone might be offended and sue him and they had determined that, according to their contract, they would be liable.

its "The Affordable Care Act"

please watch your language. Even though the owner is in Canada, the hosting company is in the US and he can be sued.

Yes, I am aware that president Obama has said in his out-loud voice before Fox News cameras that he likes the term and is proud of it.
i don't think anyone here has to worry about using the word obamacare on this forum, and being sued. We are not a health care provider, or even forum. If they wanted to make a stink about it, there are bigger fish to fry.
i don't think anyone here has to worry about using the word obamacare on this forum, and being sued. We are not a health care provider, or even forum. If they wanted to make a stink about it, there are bigger fish to fry.

Too Funny! Before a Lawyer will sue there has to be a payday. Otherwise you are stuck getting an injunction against the offending party.
You are mistaken. In point of fact, the owner of this website IS providing healthcare.

All you people have a tragic addiction and this forum is a support group.
You are mistaken. In point of fact, the owner of this website IS providing healthcare.

All you people have a tragic addiction and this forum is a support group.

LOL..."You people"?? Your just as bad as the rest of us...lol
Here is an article off of natural news with a scanned letter attached.

(NaturalNews) It is crucial for the White House that the Healthcare.gov website continue to fail, because once the site actually starts functioning, Americans are going to be hit with such devastating rate shock that the Obama administration may never recover.

Obamacare is named the "Affordable Care Act," after all, and the President promised the rates would be "as low as a phone bill." But I just received a confirmed letter from a friend in Texas showing a 539% rate increase on an existing policy that's been in good standing for years.

As the letter reveals (see below), the cost for this couple's policy under Humana is increasing from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month. This is for a couple in good health whose combined income is less than $70K -- a middle-class family, in other words.

That's a 539% rate increase!

$1,356.60 per month is not "affordable" health care. It's monopolistic price gouging mandated by the Obama administration and enforced essentially at gunpoint. This isn't health care; it's highway robbery.

To clarify: this increased rate policy is not "under" Healthcare.gov, but the 539% rate increase is being caused because of Obamacare's new rules and requirements. If Obamacare hadn't become law, this couple could have continued spending $212 per month. Instead, they're now going to have to spend $1,356 per month or sign up for Obamacare and hope to get a better rate there (if the website even functions long enough to enroll).

Millions are losing health care coverage thanks to Obamacare

All across America, people are getting hit with letters like these. Some letters inform you that you'll have to pay double, triple or quadruple the current rates; other letters tell you your coverage is being dropped completely. According to one health policy expert, 16 million Americans will lose their health insurance due to Obamacare.

This mass wipeout of health insurance coverage is already under way. So far 1.5 million Americans have already lost their health insurance thanks to Obamacare. That number is a large multiple of how many people have actually enrolled in Obamacare. (Far more people are losing health insurance than gaining it.)

Also, according to NBC News, Obama knew well in advance that millions of Americans would lose their insurance. This didn't stop him from lying to the public, however, and claiming, "You can keep your current insurance" if you like it.

Everything about Obamacare has been a blatant lie, it seems: the Affordable Care Act is not affordable; you can't necessarily keep your doctor; and you can't even shop for policies because the Healthcare.gov website continues to crash worse than a low-budget carnival ride.

It's so bad that even Saturday Night Live, which practically functions as the comedy mouthpiece for the Democratic party, tore into the fiasco with a blistering comedy skit that paints HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius as a delusional, out-of-touch Obamacare apologist. Watch it at:




In the parody video, Sebelius says:

"If our site keeps freezing, we've also provided helpful links to other websites such as Kayak.com, where you can purchase airline tickets to Canada, where you can buy cheaper prescription drugs."

Obamacare has five critical, show-stopper problems, each of which could independently bring down the whole system

Problem #1) The disastrous Healthcare.gov website which still doesn't work.

Problem #2) RATE SHOCK as Americans realize they are going to have to pay up to 539% more just to keep their current health insurance plans.

Problem #3) The massive, widespread cancellation of existing health insurance policies because of Obamacare. Millions of Americans are losing their health care coverage right now...

Problem #4) Critical failures communicating insurance status to doctors, hospitals and health service providers (this hasn't even been tested, and once it is initiated, it will crash hard).

Problem #5) Massive hacker theft of personal data thanks to disastrous security engineered into Healthcare.gov. Expect to see widespread theft of personal data (social security numbers, bank account information and more) if the Healthcare.gov website ever starts to function. The only reason personal data hasn't yet been stolen from the site is because the servers crash too quickly for hackers to get through.

Bottom line: Obamacare is an economic apocalypse for America

Beyond the lies and campaign promises, the real ramifications of Obamacare are:

• Widespread job losses as employers cut hours and fire workers they can no longer afford to keep on the payroll thanks to Obamacare.

• Millions of Americans losing their existing health insurance coverage.

• Insane rate increases under a monopoly system that forces Americans to pay exorbitant fees to a cabal of insurance companies and drug companies.

• The widespread medical bankruptcy of American workers, families and employers.

This is all by design, and it was all made possible by the people who got suckered into voting for a President who deliberately seeks to utterly destroy America


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Nothing to see here Comrades. Move along towards the train cars in an orderly fashion.
Heard a guy on the radio saying that health care is a right, not a privilege. I don't recall that in the constitution.
Heard a guy on the radio saying that health care is a right, not a privilege. I don't recall that in the constitution.

That would depend entirely upon which version of the Constitution you are reading.......the original version, or the new, revamped and revised BHO Mesiah version.

I want to know exactly when HEALTH INSURANCE became synonymous with HEALTH CARE. If we are going to be forced to pay, wouldn't it be far cheaper for hard working US taxpayers to fund a pool of money to pay directly for the indigents' HEALTH CARE if & when it's needed directly -vs- paying for their HEALTH INSURANCE all along when a lot of them may never need any actual care? Cut out the middle man/insurance carriers altogether and save a bundle?

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