Rain rain go away

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Proud Vmax lover
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
You have to love it when a warm front comes to the arctic and you get full on freezing rain. First time in many years that they have shut down the busses, schools, non essential personel, and a slew of other things.

Time to get rid of the normally sure footed Dodge and get a zamboni.
I know how to drive in this shit, the first part is go slow and avoid hills. The maintenence vehicles were even sliding down the hills they were trying to go up.

This crap is supposed to keep on going for a couple more days. I'm glad my house is all stocked and I no longer have to go anywhere. cep't to get my haircut this afternoon.

Here are a few pictures.


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Seems as though you guys would be expecting weather like that by now...:ummm:...but at least you have Sarah Palin for entertainment...:rofl_200:
Damn! Good luck with that, I know ours is on the way. I think I would reschedule the haircut. :biglaugh:

I'm not sure he didn't mean HAIR SUIT... Hmmm... I'd kinda like to hear more about that... :biglaugh:

Ice is NO fun... It's not just shit to drive on, it also takes down power lines and tree limbs.

4x4 or not... You still have to stop.

I've been amazed and impressed with my Blizzaks on my G8. On ice, it'll surprise the shit out of 4x4's all day long. They beat AS tires and my stock summer tires FOR SURE.

Be safe man!

K J , I know its ice ,and its slipperrry but this car ,with studded tires was pretty impressive!:biglaugh: Very fun car winter or summer:biglaugh:


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ok, back from the store and getting my hair cut. over 300 ppl went into the diches yesterday. today, people are still dropping in.

up to 40deg in some areas of town, 37 on my back porch. wierd wierd weather. Its supposed to be back to a more normal -10 by the weekend.

Them WRX's are impressive cars. I got to look at one this morning about 15 yards off the roadway on its side. :confused2: some people just can't slow down. At least with the warmer temps, the heavy equipment isn't sliding down the hills they were trying to climb yesterday and are able to get more of a handle on the roads.

They cancelled the rest of the classes at the university and the other schools. Thats a good indicator of how messed up it is. it can be 1' visibility in ice fog and -60 and they wont shut the schools down.

Time for me to make a nice nogg and enjoy the rest of the week :punk:
Ah, driving on ice, through drifting snow, especially early in the season always seems to catch people out. Blizzaks are great and is what most police around here run, pretty impressive on a AWD cruiser for acceleration but like others have said having 4wd is good but you still have to stop. I like to say that all 4wd gets you is deeper into the ditch. I have posi on my truck and with ice/ crowed roadway it likes to get squirrley at times. One trick I use if I have to brake fast is to pop the transmission into neutral so it's not working against the anti-lock brakes.
You have to love it when a warm front comes to the arctic and you get full on freezing rain. First time in many years that they have shut down the busses, schools, non essential personel, and a slew of other things.

Time to get rid of the normally sure footed Dodge and get a zamboni.
I know how to drive in this shit, the first part is go slow and avoid hills. The maintenence vehicles were even sliding down the hills they were trying to go up.

This crap is supposed to keep on going for a couple more days. I'm glad my house is all stocked and I no longer have to go anywhere. cep't to get my haircut this afternoon.

Here are a few pictures.
Where do you live ? Is your city not prepared for this.......salt and gravel trucks, graders ect ?This is every day winter roads and conditions for us:confused2:.
Nothing closes,..buses keep going, nothing much changes. Northern saskatchewan canada.
Damn, I could have called my Son at home if I would have read this yesterday. So, the University was closed? He would have been off work....:biglaugh: Be safe up there.
Where do you live ? Is your city not prepared for this.......salt and gravel trucks, graders ect ?This is every day winter roads and conditions for us:confused2:.
Nothing closes,..buses keep going, nothing much changes. Northern saskatchewan canada.

I think its supposed to get up to 60 here in Tennesee today its probably gonna be my only day of good riding because of rain. I am out to ride the foothills & maybe the dragon that or I am gonna take the back way into Gattlinburg.
here in indiana it was 75 degrees the other day i went out and rode in a t shirt and shorts.

today we have rain, sleet, little ice balls, ice cicles forming on everything, literally, its like 37 degrees now and as far as i know the roads arent freezing yet except under bridges.

if it drops down to 30 or 32 itll get real bad real quick

when its real bad i usually go out and "crack" my car open with a hammer to get the ice broken up around the doors. what really sucks is if any rain water gets inside the handle and freezes... my car i can break the handle open.... but even if i pull it all the way out the door still wont open cuz the opening mechanism is frozen solid. same with locking your door and ice gets in : /

last year we had a day where it would rain for a little bit then stop.. and freeze... rain some more.. stop and freeze... all day long!! the ice was an inch thick on EVERYTHING. you couldnt get your front door open. we couldnt even ride the ATVs anywhere cuz they just wouldnt go.

im sorry but theres no way you can get on the road like that. ecspecially once the tree limbs start breaking down and falling over the roads. on the road i live on if you try to walk when its icey youll slide a good quarter mile and prolly hit 40 miles per hour pretty easy sliding on your butt.

one day i was following a car toward home and our house is at the very top of a long steep hill... well i realized as we came up to it that he wasnt going fast enough and he wasnt gonna make it so i came to a complete stop and put it in reverse so i could get a better run up. well sure enough he started to spin and his car slid sideways off the road.. lol... i got a better run up with a little more speed and went right past him.

my brothers one day were on their way to work on a machine but they found a 19 yr old girl off the road in a dodge neon, well they drove her allll the way back home and got a truck and went all the way back to her car and got her out and took her allll the way back and got her some coffee and fixed her car up lol then they followed her back to town to make sure she was gonna be ok..

if you didnt know the roads out here youd be a goner for sure. we have a road close by me that is straight for a long ways and then goes uphill... so people get comfortable cuz its straight and they speed up... well on the other side of the hill... it goes straight down hill.... and Ts off... with a stop sign... whats on the other side of the road?? nothing.... nothing but a guard rail and a huge ravine..

i remember one day when i was like 8 years old i was getting on the bus and slipped, i started to slide right underneath the bus... downhill... and hit the tire with my foot and got back up lol.. i shook it off like nothing happened


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I am where it says Moline. Phew... I think I JUST missed this one...

My summer tires are VERY happy now...


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Where do you live ? Is your city not prepared for this.......salt and gravel trucks, graders ect ?This is every day winter roads and conditions for us:confused2:.
Nothing closes,..buses keep going, nothing much changes. Northern saskatchewan canada.

I live in the middle of Alaska, we are well prepared for pretty much anything. but to have rain in this time of the year is practically unheard of. Coupled with the temps, it created a perfect icing of the state. we dont use salt cause its basically worthless here. How fast it happened not even the graders, gravel trucks, or any heavy equipment chained or not could navagate the roads. it was the wierdest thing. IMO they didn't need to shit down anything for more than the first day. I was out driving around during the day yesterday and was doing just fine.

The weather people are saying this front is moving east, but on the plus side it's weakening.

The have a good grip on things now. and by this weekend it will be -20 so thats even better. It was a wierd weather pattern thats for sure, I've been up here for over 40 years and haven't seen nothing like it.


At least you can get some hockey practice in, LOL

Here is a picture of the state from tuesday, as you can see the state is almost fully covered. I think this is payback for Sarah Palin. lol, Barbara Bush is wrong, Palin dosn't need to stay here. that halfterm lame duck needs to leave asap!


Definately a big 'ol storm, for a size comparison here is a scale pic of Alaska and the rest of the US.

sorry man im sure alaska is nice but i just couldnt take that lol
I lived in the Adirondack Mtns. of northern NY when the big ice storm of '98 went through....it doesn't make a pinch of coon's shit difference how well you're prepared, or what equipment is available, when one of those 100 year storms comes along!!

You're gonna see stuff that few, if any, people alive have ever seen before!

We were used to big snow/ice storms, no big deal, but when that thing steamed on thru it left us crippled for 2 weeks....!! You can not prepare for them!