Shipping Nightmare Coming True

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
OK men...I gotta vent.

Been wanting to chrome my scoops and sidecovers since last summer. Didn't want to take away from any ride time so I decided to wait for the snow to work on the Max. In the meantime, I did my homework, talked to a few guys on this site, and decided Sean is the way to go for any chroming.

So I finally shipped the scoops and sidecovers on Jan.28th down to Fresno Ca. Looking at the tracking report, the items went out that day and hit the border on the 29th, which is where they continue to sit...It's Feb18th!
I called Canada Post to put a trace on the goods to find out what the heck is holding up the process. They started the trace but said it would take up to 5 business days to get an answer. Tomorrow will be day 5, and of course haven't heard anything yet. :bang head:

Thought I'd create this thread, not only to vent how completely pissed I am over this whole thing, but also to see if any other Canucks have had to deal with shipping issues to the States. Anyone ever experience a lost package and trying to recover the insurance money in a timely manner?

To make matters worse, the sun has been out for a week straight, and bikes are coming out of hibernation all over the place. I'm getting a bad feeling over this one.
Sean, I'm doing what I can here to get these scoops to you man. Bear with me. Hopefully it won't be much longer...

Anywho, thanks for a listening ear gents...

Patience.... Last time I checked my bike ran without the scoops and side covers

True...but she isn't quite as purdy once you get those scoops off is she?
To illustrate, if Redbone started posting pics of honey's with missing teeth, I think we'd soon hear something about it. :whistlin:

As for the patience thing, I'm trying, but I only live 20 min. from the border and could have easily taken them across the line and started shipping from there. So it's taken 3 weeks to get 10 miles down the road.
Yes, waiting at times can get stressful (IF YOU LET IT) just be glad its not lost.. then ya really would be fumigating..
I wish we lived in a perfect world where people did there job, but in all honesty doesnt always work out that way..

Just make ya some cardboard scoops and use duct tape for the time being. If you want to get fancy spray paint em silver.. heck ya can ever write
V BOOST SCOOPS on the side in a black craylon:clapping:

Hope ya laughed anyways.. hang in there.
As for the patience thing, I'm trying, but I only live 20 min. from the border and could have easily taken them across the line and started shipping from there. So it's taken 3 weeks to get 10 miles down the road.

ouch man... sorry to hear it...

hopefully you'll hear news tomorrow.. a lot of candians are on this forum so hopefully they can chime in...
Unfortunately your story is one of many I have heard and even have had problems receiving items too myself. Canada Post is so wicked inefficient I am surprised that they can justify their pay. I have even taken to meeting one of the vendors on the Canadian side of the border just to keep from having him ship me items. Thank goodness he likes to come up and visit.
Hey Jim. Canada post got the package to the border, in a day. I'm wondering if the customs guys have issue with it. I just have to wait if CP can get the process moving again.
Customs has a weird system for processing packages for sure. They tend to hold up certain packages for no reason while others pass right through.
Hopefully by putting a trace on, will give a kick that they need to get it moving again. Sometimes packages seem to get left aside for no apparent reason.

Yea, I actually haven't had too many problems with canada shipping or recieving. So hopefully yours is the only one.

I've shipped many items via Canada Post. Their tracking system sucks. Just about every time, the package is delivered & it took up to 3 to 5 days before their tracking system was updated. Check with Sean, maybe he already has them? I can't say that they have ever lost a package though.
Did you complete the necessary custom documents correctly? That is a guaranteed delay at the border. FedEx once lost a shipment due to improper documentation. It actually wasn't FedEx it was Canada Customs that misplaced it.
I concur.
I bought an exhaust system from a guy in Canada, and the tracking system completely blows. It had been like 2 or 3 weeks and I hadn't received anything. I emailed the guy about it, and the suddenly the next day it showed up at my door. I try not to ship to/from Canada as much as possible.

Kinda hard though if you LIVE sympathies are with ya man.
Don't feel so bad the United Postal service is not any better. Recently I bought an item off Ebay and received it in good time only to receive an email saying that it was lost and in a unknown destination??? Well I guess in my hands is unknown. I also just received 2 cards from my parents for my kids b-days and that was sent in November 08. So it seems that the Postal Service runs just like any other Government run service, slow or not at all.
Just my 2 cents.
After way too many issues in shipping to and from Canada, I no longer buy or sell with Canadians. This has been an issue for me going back more than ten years. The worse part is when you are the seller and the buyer thinks YOU are the idiot or crook because of the long delays. My advice is Americans keep it Amercan and Canucks keep it Canadian. I had one buy of V Max parts and the seller said he would bring them into the States and ship through a buddy. He did and I had no problems. :worthy:
canada can't be that bad, my frame braces from exactrep in england took a month and a $120 shipping charge. dave

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