Spoiled college female blows thru $90G college fund, blames parents

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Chutzpah they call it at the deli. This Atlanta college student blames her parents for not planning things better for her, and she faced a $20K senior year tuition bill, but the money was blown on a European vacation, clothes, partying, and whatever else a vapid, selfish woman chooses to buy, instead of spending time and $$$ on her future.


I bet she's geting a degree in fashion, communications, or literature instead of a STEM diploma. If she was an engineering or pre-med major, she wouldn't have time to screw off, she would have to be in the books to compete for a graduate school spot in those highly-competitive areas.


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Chutzpah they call it at the deli. This Atlanta college student blames her parents for not planning things better for her, and she faced a $20K senior year tuition bill, but the money was blown on a European vacation, clothes, partying, and whatever else a vapid, selfish woman chooses to buy, instead of spending time and $$$ on her future.
And girls, they wanna have fun....oh girls, they wanna have fun.
That's what they really want!:biglaugh::biglaugh:
When your'e working day and night, oh girls they wanna have fun!
What a spoiled entitled little shit! I really want to be shocked but this kind of entitlement is trendy in my generation and even worse in hers. An idiot like her could be more dangerous with a degree than without one.
If she was raised to think she could blow 90K, then YES, I'd say it was her parents fault. They should be spanked too. lol
WTF - her parents just GAVE her $90,000.00 and said "now be good and put yourself through college"?

Yeah, THEY are pretty stupid too. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree as a rule.
That girl is headed for the pole no matter what. It may not be in a seedy strip club but sooner or later her sugar daddy will have her on one. Girls like that are breeders sad but true, she will marry for love (money=love to her) and she will spend the rest of her life bouncing from marriage to marriage until her looks give out. This is the america our fore fathers hoped for? I think not but this is the America we have delivered to our youth via political correctness and entitlement parenting. Not every team is a winner not every child is a success. the girl is my case in point
Dont forget people.....most of us are older....and we are depending on her to pay into social security to take care of us.
That girl is headed for the pole no matter what. It may not be in a seedy strip club but sooner or later her sugar daddy will have her on one. Girls like that are breeders sad but true, she will marry for love (money=love to her) and she will spend the rest of her life bouncing from marriage to marriage until her looks give out. This is the america our fore fathers hoped for? I think not but this is the America we have delivered to our youth via political correctness and entitlement parenting. Not every team is a winner not every child is a success. the girl is my case in point

We need girls like this to do the things that higher caliber women are less likely to do. Someone has to hand your french fries through the window when you pull up, and someone needs to be available on short notice for a gravity defying weekend in a Super 8 a couple counties away with no pretense of a relationship. What can I say, I dont make the rules, I just adapt! :eusa_dance:
If she was raised to think she could blow 90K, then YES, I'd say it was her parents fault. They should be spanked too. lol

Spot on.

There are too many parents who molly coddle their offspring, doing everything for them; making all their decisions and not letting them make mistakes.
Kids need to occasionally take risks and screw-up. It is the parents job to offer words of caution and keep a soft hand on the tiller.
The majority of perceived threats exist in the mind and are not borne out statistically.

Let 'en off the leash and make their mistakes and the majority will learn and ultimately be better human beings for it.

Those that don't may suffer but this only natural selection working! :clapping:
When you are teenager full of hormones out of control, give me that money and I tell you a story.
now for some reason we have parents. and as parents we have to make sure we don't give them only money.
And we have to contribute to help solve the biggest enigma on earth which is: who is going to pay our pension when we are not able to work any more?
Yes I believe we need to let the young 'stumble' of their own accord. After they realize what they are facing, and that Mom & Dad just aren't an open checkbook, perhaps they will do what needs to be done. Unfortunately, perhaps not!

In this case, the college student was faced w/taking out a loan for her senior year. One lender told her, "get a co-signer," and in nearly all cases, that's her parents. The worst-case scenario, she coerces them into signing, she spends no time studying, reverting to her 'party ways,' and flunks out. Now the loan is due, and w/a crappy job, she decides that, "I don't make enough $$ to repay this loan, and still party, so I won't repay it, my parents will!" They have to because they co-signed it.

What did she learn? She learned she can manipulate her parents, that she can selfishly screw them over financially, and they will allow it.
God blessed me with a daughter I could hand 100k to today and she'd do the right thing. My niece inherited $90k and was homeless in one year. A Mazda sports car is all that's left, and my sister had to pay to get that out of hock & back on the road. When she was 5, I could have predicted this future for her. Entitled, spoiled, and coddled are the ways to ruin a young person. My daughter worked hard in restaurants since she was 15. Today she writes Health Care curriculum and teaches in the great state of Texas. A total success story.26 yrs old and on her second Masters program. Dad needs spell check. Mom's brain for sure
God blessed me with a daughter I could hand 100k to today and she'd do the right thing. My niece inherited $90k and was homeless in one year. A Mazda sports car is all that's left, and my sister had to pay to get that out of hock & back on the road. When she was 5, I could have predicted this future for her. Entitled, spoiled, and coddled are the ways to ruin a young person. My daughter worked hard in restaurants since she was 15. Today she writes Health Care curriculum and teaches in the great state of Texas. A total success story.26 yrs old and on her second Masters program. Dad needs spell check. Mom's brain for sure

I'm also blessed in this way, my daughter is still at home at 19 and has managed to avoid the pitfalls that so many young folks fall into, like pregnancy, addiction, idiocy and so many other self-destructive behaviors common in adolescents. She is working two jobs right now and saving to go to school in the Philippines and I'm helping her make it happen, because she is helping herself. So many of her cousins are busy shitting out kids they have no way to afford, getting covered with tats and dressing like little pole dancers. I hope that they never wonder why life was so unfair to them. As a Dad all you can do is show CONSISTENT love and support while never coddling or spoiling. My first priority was to turn my children out to be higher quality adults than I am. I believe I am succeeding and I'm swelling with pride over the young lady she is becoming when I see SO many like the girl in this story. Aside from being an idiot she obviously had some parenting deficits. Under the care of a more adept father she might have become a more balanced young lady but it is unfortunately not hard to fuck up your kids and turn them out as people that absorb taxes rather than pay them.
Who cares. She's hot. She doesn't need to be intelligent too. Her life is set. She'll find a rich guy who doesn't care about anything but her looks, she'll spread her legs and she'll be set for a few years. Get tired of that old fart, divorce him, take half his money and do it again. Rinse and repeat. Hot chicks don't have to do ANYTHING to make in this world. It's the world we live in.
Who cares. She's hot. She doesn't need to be intelligent too. Her life is set. She'll find a rich guy who doesn't care about anything but her looks, she'll spread her legs and she'll be set for a few years. Get tired of that old fart, divorce him, take half his money and do it again. Rinse and repeat. Hot chicks don't have to do ANYTHING to make in this world. It's the world we live in.

I hate it but I know your right. The hard part about this is by the time marriage is discussed you have already enjoyed the dirtiest nastiest monkey circus sex. I've never heard anyone say "wow, I thought the sex was great when we were dating but after marriage it REALLY got awesome!". By the time marriage is brought up it's time to stop calling her back. Any other move is a terrible life-changing mistake.

This is not a girl you marry, this is a girl you bend over the hood of your Torino in a parking lot behind Safeway. The sad reality is we all KNOW some guy will fall into the trap and take over where Daddy left off.