Want to quit smoking? Vap-on

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I haven't had a cigarette for almost one month! Its the longest Iv made it since I started smoking back in 1984. But I haven't quit nicotine..

If your interested, google ego-t ecig or my favorite so far.. Reo Mini ecig.

There's a bit of resistance. But the FDA has recently backed down.
I haven't had a cigarette for almost one month! Its the longest Iv made it since I started smoking back in 1984. But I haven't quit nicotine..

If your interested, google ego-t ecig or my favorite so far.. Reo Mini ecig.

There's a bit of resistance. But the FDA has recently backed down.

Was at this point twice. First was 2 year brake and started again.
Now its 6 months and I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!

Never used any additive.
Wish I could say I've quit.I've gone from 5 packs a day to 1. I do breathing treatments with Ipratroprium Bromide and Xopenex 3-4 times a day. It Sucks...
I almost admitted myself into the psych ward when I quit before.. This is smooth as silk. Then I can slowly ween my self of nicotine by buying lowering concentrations. Only problem.. Is that it looks like Im smoking a detonator device. :biglaugh:

I feel great! Im gonna start jogging.:eusa_dance:
My army bud smokes a couple pks a day. Pall Mall straights. Don't know how he does it. When I usest to give him one of my filters when he was out, he would tear off the filter. A filterless Marlboro... nasty.
I've been hit n miss with the smokes. Wk on, wk off. I just get sick of smoking from time to time. Been around 3 wks since me last. Went a yr n a half before, and 6 and 8 months. Once in a while, after quiting, I just get bored n go back.
I think the main reluctance to quitting... the gov't. I hate having the gov't telling us what to do, and spending billions of our money to do it. Many times, when I was thinking of quitting, I'd see a stupid taxpayer commercial on quitting smoking and I'd keep smoking just to buck the system.
These people, whoever they are (we don't know), even go after Ronald McDonald over his hamburgers. Now, I don't like the poor b@st@rd cause he's given to anti gun lobbies and the fag movement (which they backed out of when sales went down over this), but just cause their burger may make you a chub if you don't exercise... Pizz off. Same with belts and helmets. The gov't can't control our borders, the dope coming in, murderers, terrorists,... But it's easy to get money cause someone isn't wearing a seatbelt. It's like placing a band-aid over a cut on your arm while an infection is eating away at your heart. Makes sense to someone.
Hey Rebar,
Hang in there---- you can keep off the smokes!!!!!!! You really can!!!!
It took me a number of tries over the years but it's been almost 16 years and I have no desire to smoke at all. I feel much better and am more physically active.

You can QUIT!!
Hey Rebar,
Hang in there---- you can keep off the smokes!!!!!!! You really can!!!!
It took me a number of tries over the years but it's been almost 16 years and I have no desire to smoke at all. I feel much better and am more physically active.

You can QUIT!!

Thanks Lew! I don't plan on starting again.
Again.. These e-cigs are the only method that has worked for me.

2011-04-25 -- FDA announce they will comply with the law and regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products.

Im guessing this will mean the state will be able to tax the shit out of the nicotine e-juice. And I bet big tobacco will patent some vaping device to get there hands back into the money.
Wish I could say I've quit.I've gone from 5 packs a day to 1. I do breathing treatments with Ipratroprium Bromide and Xopenex 3-4 times a day. It Sucks...

how do you smoke 100 cigarettes a day?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Easy....smoke a cigarette every 20 minutes, all day and night. If you're awake for 16 hours a day, you have to smoke one every ~13 minutes.

Someone at my work has one of those e-cigs. Kind of goofy....it looks like smoking an executive's pen. There's even a little orange LED at the end behind a screen than looks like ash, and it gets brighter when you pull on it. He blows big clouds of smoke but it doesn't smell like anything.
I used to smoke, albeit for only 10 years but I quit. It took the second time saying I was going to quit but finally was determined to quit and did it 1.5 years ago. You can do it, you just need to find a way to occupy your mind until the craving goes away. I wish success in your endeavor!
Kind of goofy....it looks like smoking an executive's pen. There's even a little orange LED at the end behind a screen than looks like ash, and it gets brighter when you pull on it. He blows big clouds of smoke but it doesn't smell like anything.

This is what I have. Total of 4.5" long. Reo Mini

They call it a bottom feeder since it has a e-juice tank which lasts all day. Lithium battery.

I tried some tobacco flavors but there terrible. Smoking a real cig tastes even worse.

I just ordered a bunch of sample flavors from here.

It's allot cheaper than paying $6 a pack.

Thanks for the support everyone!


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Go for it rebar... I'm behind you 1000%. Maybe I can do the same before it kills me. BTW, I'm doin a breathing treatment right now...:sad2:

EvilD: I'm normally awake 18 hours a day... I was lighting cigarettes off cigarettes, sometimes smoking 2 at the same time and not realizing...
Extremely High Stress, thought I would die soon anyway...
I was two-packs of Kools per day for 15 years. Some friends from work and I decided to quit at the same time. We all went to the doc's and got a perscription for Zyban. stopped smoking in 2 weeks and by day 30 haven't touched a smoke since.

Only side effects from it were some wierd assed dreams.
It has been 13 years this past Mother's Day for me. I tried to quit when my daughter was born (17 years ago) and failed. When my son was born I quit for good. Not an easy thing to do, but I sure am glad I've stuck with it.

Good luck!
I was two-packs of Kools per day for 15 years. Some friends from work and I decided to quit at the same time. We all went to the doc's and got a perscription for Zyban. stopped smoking in 2 weeks and by day 30 haven't touched a smoke since.

Only side effects from it were some wierd assed dreams.
+1, you have our support and I'm sure you have your own "team" of support at home and work. Together we can help you stop smoking.
Go for it rebar... I'm behind you 1000%. Maybe I can do the same before it kills me. BTW, I'm doin a breathing treatment right now...:sad2:

People with mental issues like adhd etc have a harder time quitting because nicotine affects the brain like a anti-depressant.

If I can do this.. Anyone can SpecOps13. The ego-t is a good starter kit. But you will probably end up looking like me. smoking something which looks like a pipe bomb.:biglaugh:

These guys are some good people..

Or a even bigger community..
Good luck to you man, you can get over the addiction. I quit last time for over 8 years myself. Doc wanted to put me on some stress pills after my wife's 5th surgery. Told him "no thanks" and started smoking again :( been almost a year now...
I think drooling over your avatars would be a good way to occupy my mind, if I smoked.

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