Was tempted ...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Gladstone Wairarapa , New Zealand
With the missus in australia at bathurst this weekend , i came across a great deal on a 90 model non vboost model that was going cheap ...

Hmmm how to explain that 1 ..
Hey Matt, I knew you couldn't stay away for very long! :punk:

Congrats on your purchase. :clapping:

EDIT: Oh....'TEMPTED,' not 'PURCHASED'! Ah, don't fight it any longer man, once you've walked on the dark side you will never be 'normal' again!! :rofl_200:

Buy the bike, the wife will understand......won't she? :biglaugh:
" Hello honey, While you were gone I was walking down the street and had seen this Vmax that was for sale. So naturally I stopped to look at it because honey you now I am a Vmax freak. I ended up talking to the owner and was a nice guy. Then all of a sudden my money fell out of my pocket. The next thing I know the guy is stuffing the title in my hand and he swiped the money that fell out of my pocket. I didn't know what to do, I was at a loss. So I rode the bike home, hope you don't mind dear....."

That is what I would tell my wife LOL
hey man tell her its for your mental health stability and you need it for therapy ahahahh

Buy the bike, the wife will understand......won't she? :biglaugh:[/QUOTE]

I would be pissed if you didn't buy it. She should be very understanding. It's a VMax for crying out loud.
Tell her like it was. You pulled money out of the bank to surprise her with a new outfit complete with a few sets of Louboutin shoes when you were mugged. While reporting the incident at the local police station, some nice man gave you his son's VMax. His son got hurt real bad on his other bike you see, so you were doing him a favor. You then look for the police report and realize it must have flown away on the bike ride home. :confused2:
"Buy it!! Buy It!! BUY IT!!" Hear the voices yet?? Explain to her that the good angel that usually sits on your left shoulder was the one shouting the loudest!! Geez even the angels want you to buy it....
If all else fails buy it and tell her you needed it to...um...well..hmmmm:hmmm: get the mail to the house quicker:th_party33: you'll be a hero!!!
It was for the Wind Theropy,,,a stress releeeeeeever and not to mention good for for her skin ,,,women love that stuff !!!:biglaugh:
was very tempted especially when i told the guy i would open it up to full power and how little that cost to do , so sadly now that guys bike is no longer for sale .
But with 3 vehicles outside and yet to build a garage ....
But more importantly no place to hide it if i had bought it .

The best idea i came up with was knowing she wouldnt ride it was .. SURPRISE ..

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