Worthless, Disgusting, and Sad!

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well there's 10 minutes of my life that i'll never get back. what a waste of oxygen.
Well There is one metal I like to honor him with and all those like him :th_biggun: I give my full support to the men and women of the armed forces. My grand father fought in WWll and Korea, my father served in Vietnam. I severed during the Regan years. I have three neighbour's that have severed tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. My feelings on the war is different than the feelings for the troops. These people are good people and do as they must.
Without our troops we would be saluting a different flag.:flagwaver:
My feelings on the war is different than the feelings for the troops.
+1 war and the soldiers that fight them are totally unrelated subjects, in a matter of speaking. that dude in the vid needs to stop inhaling the ham hocks and actually let his brain breath for a couple of seconds once in a while. what a dumb ass.
Karma is a bitch he'll get his one day
Yes he will, and when it does he will whine like a {you know what I mean}, but I bet he has done nothing with his life and it has no meaning. He has no life so to justify his life, this what he does.
Chances are this muppet knew this would be posted on forums everywhere, would be seen by thousands, therefore earning him a nice paycheck from youtube...
But the reprocussions from this will most definately not be worth it.
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This guy is a piece ofPOWDER PINK SHIT!!! the facebook page link no longer works I hope that his costume game doesnt either. AND Im going to forward this link to several Club members just to see what they think/say/do
GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I hate shit bags like this:bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head: