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  1. Kronx

    The End

    What is shocking is you had no problem with the process just 4 years ago. I'm just kidding, it's not shocking at all. It's actually quite predictable. It's only a problem because your guy lost. As we saw while the votes were being counted. Trump supporters in Michigan protesting outside a...
  2. Kronx

    The End

    The end justifies the means.... The End: Trump to stay in power at any cost. The Means: ✅During a pandemic when mail in voting will be heavily leveraged, constantly claim mail in voting is corrupt without providing any evidence.(Done) ✅Encourage your supporters to vote in person. (Done)...
  3. Kronx

    The End

    Fox New's own lawyers quite LITERALLY argued in court the EXACT opposite of what you just said. That he's NOT a journalist. That no reasonable viewer would actually consider him news. And it worked. They won the case...
  4. Kronx

    The End

    Hands up don't shoot was is a myth? Here's a video of a counselor on his back with his hands up pleading for the cops to not shoot him or the autistic boy he is trying to help. You know what happened? He got shot. Even worse? The cop who shot him claimed he was aiming at the autistic boy. But...
  5. Kronx

    The End

    Your point was no one is investigating. The links he posted and Trumps phone call display they HAVE looked into it. Has Bill Barr suddenly become RINO cuck now too and an untrustworthy source? Has the Trump cult exiled him now because he couldn't make something that doesn't exist magically...
  6. Kronx

    The End

    As I have said, I don't disagree about the problem. I just disagree with the solution you're implying. Or at least what I think that you're implying. You're being a bit vague on that point. If you don't like your representative, vote them out. There's a process for that and it's in the...
  7. Kronx

    The End

    I'm sure all those folks in this video feel deep in their hearts they are true patriots. I mean hell, they were chanting USA while dragging a cop down the stairs and beating a cop with an American flag... what's more American than that right?
  8. Kronx

    The End

    The losing team questioning the election happens every election. Dems do it when they lose too. The difference with this election is the losing side decided to execute an armed insurrection on our nationals capitol to overturn its results and create a king. But if we put the sedition aside...
  9. Kronx

    The End

    All of this is just flat out wrong. They HAVE looked into it! Listen to the hour long call Trump had with the SOS of Georgia. Read the links ga_max provided. To use your analogy of a DUI. You swerve in the road in your car. Cop pulls you over. Cop gives you a road sobriety test. You pass. Cop...
  10. Kronx

    The End

    So you want succession? How do you think that should happen? Violence? A second civil war? I won't argue about the corruption in DC. I agree its a cess pool. The problem, as I pointed in my previous posts, that Trump checks every damn box on any of your corrupt politician checklists. The other...
  11. Kronx

    The End

    Man I'm quite familiar with what TDS. It's not like Trump supporters haven't been using that phrase a million times. So tell me man, if you can recall, what was my criticism of Trump that was knee jerk? That was illogical or unreasonable? I'd like to know. Was it when I called him a fraud? And...
  12. Kronx

    The End

    So a resistance avatar in 2016 justifies all of this? How? Because it's in opposition to your political views? Did you forget Mitch McConnell saying in 2009 his #1 priority was to make Obama a one term president? Remember when an entire political arm called the Tea Party was formed to reject any...
  13. Kronx

    RIP Eddie Van Halen

    2020 ******* sucks. Music lost two rock titans in one year. Neil Peart and Eddie Van Halen. Growing up in nowhere Mississippi I didn't have any music stores or radio stations that weren't country. I lived off of cassette tapes that I would make when I got access to new music. Van Halen Fair...
  14. Kronx

    Fun Work

    Great art and creativity! I've always felt everyone has an inner artist that needs to be let out to create on a regular basis. It's good for the mind and soul. There's some really clever concepts you have there. Keep up the brilliant work!
  15. Kronx

    three percent the truth

    I never said America was the problem when it came to climate change. Not sure where you got that. I've been to Sao Paulo a few times. I've been to India. I've been to Thailand. All for work as well. I've seen the pollution. I've seen those rivers your talking about. There's also a patch of...