The end justifies the means....
The End: Trump to stay in power at any cost.
The Means:

During a pandemic when mail in voting will be heavily leveraged, constantly claim mail in voting is corrupt without providing any evidence.(Done)

Encourage your supporters to vote in person. (Done)

Appoint a postmaster general to deliberately sabotage the delivery mechanism that is the backbone of mail in voting.(Done)

Claim victory before all votes are counted.(Done)

Claim the election was stolen without providing one shred of evidence. (Done)

File over 60 lawsuits in multiple states claiming election fraud without providing any evidence and lose every lawsuit for lack of evidence. (Done.)

Attempt to use the power of the office of the POTUS to bully states to fabricate votes.(Done.)

Incite your supporters to commit insurrection on the US Capitol to stop the constitutional process of certifying the election you lost. (Done).