They were investigated and nothing substantial was found...I think it would have helped if there was at least one court case to examine the evidence to see if there was voter fraud. There was an investigation for the previous election saying the Russians were tampering with the election results. It seems most of the anger is that not one court will consider an investigation.
CNN (William Barr)
NY Times
(please don't respond with Fox, Newsmax or OAAN links)
...and I'm afraid that even if an investigation was undertaken and no fraud was found many would not believe it. Here in GA all the fraud claims made by the President's attornies were investigated by the SoS and nothing was found BBC (GA FRAUD fact check).
I agree that we all need to stop yelling at each other and start listening to each other but before we can do that we need to at least agree on the facts. I wish ALL my VMAX brothers well and keep safe.